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Dr. Rachel Spacey and Rebecca Sanderson research the impact of the Access Covenant in a post-92 university, focusing on rural, coastal, and dispersed communities in Lincolnshire. Mixed methods include staff interviews, student surveys, and longitudinal student interviews. Challenges include data issues, GDPR compliance, informed consent, and stigmatization, with solutions proposed. References academic research and government reports on widening participation and data privacy in education.
All about the numbers? Dr Rachel Spacey Research Fellow rspacey@lincoln.ac.uk Rebecca Sanderson Research Assistant rsanderson@lincoln.ac.uk Evaluating the Access Covenant at a post-92 university
Access Covenant “…a particular emphasis on students from rural, coastal and dispersed communities in South Lincolnshire”
Evaluation of the Access Covenant • Mixed methods • Interviews with staff • Survey of all students • Interviews with students (hopefully longitudinal)
They don't see the full story I don't have the data to answer that Anonymity and all that "It's the ones that don't walk in through the door that I worry about..."
GDPR problems It's difficult to ask Informed consent Stigmatising Assumptions • It's for their own good • Data informed is the future • There's no other way
Solutions? Practical Problems
Askinadze, A. and Conrad, S. (2018) Respecting Data Privacy in Educational Data Mining: An Approach to the Transparent Handling of Student Data and Dealing with the Resulting Missing Value Problem. In: 2018 IEEE 27th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), Paris. Available from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8495927 [accessed 20 February 2019]. Department for Education (2017) Greater Lincolnshire Area Review. Final Report. Available from: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/634571/Greater_Lincolnshire_Area_Review_Report_FINAL.pdf [accessed 20 February 2019]. Harrison, N. and Hatt, S. (2010) “Disadvantaged learners”: Who are we targeting? Understanding the targeting of widening participation activity in the United Kingdom using geo-demographic data from Southwest England. Higher Education Quarterly, 64(1), 65-88. Holland, N., Houghton, A-M., Armstrong, J. and Mashiter, C. (2017) Accessing and assessing appropriate widening participation data: an exploration of how data are used and by whom. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(2), 214-233. Lincolnshire Research Observatory/ Lincolnshire County Council (2008) Lincolnshire: A Changing and Challenging Landscape. Lincoln: Economic Regeneration Department. Morgan, M. (2019) We need more big data now [WONKHE]. Available from: https://wonkhe.com/blogs/we-need-more-big-data-now/ [accessed 20 February 2019]. Open Data Institute (2018) ODI survey reveals British consumer attitudes to sharing personal data. Available from: https://theodi.org/article/odi-survey-reveals-british-consumer-attitudes-to-sharing-personal-data/ [accessed 20 February 2019]. Sela K. (2018) GDPR and ethical challenges to evaluating widening participation activities: A case study. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20(3), 14-26. Stevenson, J., O' Mahony, J., Khan, O., Ghaffar, F. and Stiell, B. (2019) Understanding and overcoming the challenges of targeting students from under-represented and disadvantaged ethnic backgrounds. Report to the Office for Students. Available from: https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/media/d21cb263-526d-401c-bc74-299c748e9ecd/ethnicity-targeting-research-report.pdf[accessed 20 February 2019]. University of Lincoln (2016) University of Lincoln Access Agreement Academic Year 2017/18. Available from: https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20180511113017/https://www.offa.org.uk/agreements/University%20of%20Lincoln%201718.pdf [accessed 20 February 2019]. References