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Learning About Shepherds

Learn about shepherds as elders to understand leadership in the church. Discover the key roles, the strength of relationships, and the duties of shepherds in guiding and protecting the flock. Explore biblical references and insights on the significance of elders as shepherds.

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Learning About Shepherds

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  1. Learning About Shepherds Ukufunda ngabelusi

  2. Acts 20:28 “take heed to yourselves and to all the flock…to shepherd the church of God…” 1 Peter 5:2-3 “Shepherd the flock of God…but being examples to the flock;” Izenzo 20:28 “Ziqapheleni nina nomhlambi wonke…bokwalusa ibandla likaNkulunkulurselves …” 1 Petr 5:2-3 “Yalusani umhlambi kaNkulunkulu…nibe yizibonelo zomhlambi;”

  3. The life and work of a shepherd would have been familiar to those living in Bible times, but we must learn about shepherds in order to understand about elders. Impilo nomsebenzi kamelusi wawaziwa ujwayelekile kulabobantu ababephila ngesikhathiseBhayibheli, kepha thina kumele sifunde ngabelusi ukuze sikwazi ukuqonda ngamalunga.

  4. Strength of Relationship • A shepherd lives with the sheep • A shepherd feeds, waters, guides, protects and cares for his sheep • The night-time ritual: • The shepherd comes to know his sheep well. • He often names some or all of his sheep. Amandla obudlelwano • Umalusi uhlala nezimvu • Umalusi uyondla, uyaphuzisa amanzi, uyahola, uyavikela anakekele izimvu zakhe • Okuhlale kwenzeka ngesikhathi sasebusuku: • Umalusi kulapho azazi kahle khona izimvu zakhe. • Uyazetha ezinye noma zonke amagama.

  5. Strength of Relationship • The shepherd leads, not drives his sheep • To follow sheep must know and trust the shepherd • All sheep know the voice and care of the shepherd • Several flocks mingling in one fold • The shepherd is not a hireling • Not a figure of the strong over the weak Amandla obudlelwano • Umalusi uyahola, akaziqhubi izimvu zakhe • Ukuze izimvu zilandele kufanele zazi zimethembe umalusi • Zonke izimvu ziyalazi izwi nokunakekela kukamalusi • Imihlambi ihlangana ndawonye ibemhlambimunye • Umalusi akusiye oqashiwe • Akusona futhi isithombe soqinile phezu kwababuthaka

  6. Elders Are Shepherds • Elders feed, guide, protect and care for the sheep • Sheep must be fed with the Word of God • Sheep must be guided by the Word of God • Shepherds lead! Takes both teaching and the personal example of the shepherd • Sheep must be protected from false teachers • Sheep that are hurting, weak or straying must be sought out and cared for by the shepherd Amandla obudlelwano • Amalunga ayondla, ahole avikele ngokunakekela izimvu • Izimvu azondliwe ngezwi likaNkulunkulu • Izimvu aziholwe ngezwi likaNkulunkulu • Abelusi bayahola! Kuthatha ukufundisa kanye nokuba isibonelo kumalusi • Izimvu kufanele zivikelwe kubafundisi bamanga • Izimvu ezizwa ubuhlungu, ezibuthaka noma ezedukayo kufanele zifunwe zinakekelwe abelusi

  7. Elders Are Shepherds God chastised the “shepherds” of Israel because they failed to perform their workEzekiel 34:2 "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord GOD: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? 3 You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. 4 The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them. Amalunga abelusi UNkulunkulu wasola “abelusi”bakwa-Israyeli ngoba behlulekile ukwenza umsebenzi wabo.Hezekeli 34:2 “Ndodana yomuntu, profetha ngabelusi bakwa-Israyeli; profetha uthi kubo, kubelsui: Isho kanje iNkosi uJehova, ithi: Wo kubelusi bakwa-Israyeli abazibonelela bona! Abelusi bebengayikuzalusa izimvu na? 3 Niyadla amanoni, nembatha uboya, nihlaba ezikhulupheleyo, kepha izimvu anizalusi. 4 Ezibuthakathaka aniziqisisanga, negulayo aniyphilisang, neyaphukileyo aniyibonphanga, nexoshiweyo aniyibuyisanga, nelahlekileyo aniyifunang, kepha nizibusile ngamandla laukkhuni.

  8. Elders Are Shepherds • Elders must be “able to teach”So much of an elder’s work revolves around the teaching of the Word of God.Elders must be “able to teach” because they must teach! Amalunga ngabelusi • Amalunga kufanele “akwazi ukufundisa”Usebenzi omningi wamalunga usekufundiseni izwi likaNkulunkulu.Amalunga kumele akwazi ukufundisa ngoba kumele afundise vele!

  9. Elders Are Shepherds Conclusion: The strong relationship is from the shepherd knowing his sheep well and the sheep trusting the shepherd - thus following him. Elders are described as “shepherds” - God intends for them to know and care for the local flock. Amalunga ngabelusi Isiphetho: Ubudlelwano obunamandla busuka kumalusi ozazi kahle izimvu zakhe nezimvu zimethembile umalusi-yikho zimlandela. Amalunga achazwa “njengabelusi”- uNkulunkulu wayehlose ukuba bona bazi banakekele umhlambi osendaweni yabo.

  10. Is Jesus Your Shepherd? John 10:2 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Ngabe uJesu unguMalusi wakho? John 10:2 Kepha ongena ngesango ungumalusi wezimvu. 3 umlindisango uyamvulela lowo; nezimvu ziyalizwa izwi lakhe; ubiza ezakhe izimvu ngamgam, aziholele phandle. 4 Nxa esezikhiphile ezakhe zonke, uhamba phambi kwazo, izimvu zimlandle, ngokuba zilazi izwi lakhe.

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