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Maria Skłodowska Curie

Explore the remarkable life of Maria Skłodowska Curie, a brilliant chemist and physicist, known for her groundbreaking work on radium and polonium. Discover her journey from Warsaw to France, her struggles and achievements in science.

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Maria Skłodowska Curie

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  1. Maria Skłodowska Curie

  2. Maria Skłodowska Curie • Shewas born on 7 November1867 in Warsaw, and died on 4 July1934 in Passy in France. She was a chemistand physicist. Twice Nobel price. Becamefamousthediscover Radium and Polonium.

  3. Maria was bornin Warsaw as fifth and lastchildinknownfamilyteaching. Father Władysław Skłodowski was mathematics and physicist. When Maria was 9 years, oldestsister Zofia die on typhoid, on turn 2 yerslaterwhen Maria was 11 yersdiehermother, whichyearsill on tuberculosis. Theneducatedinfemalegovernmetsecondaryschool, whichcompletedin 1883 yearswithgold medal. Afterreturning to Warsaw gavetutoring of mathematics,physics and foreign languages. Sheknew: Polish,Russian,German,englisch and French.

  4. Theendyear 1897 Maria Skłodowska Curie seekingsubject to hearing to obtainthedeegre of doctor taken first researchwithrays Becquerel. Maria taking scientific worktheradiationdiscovered by Becquerela applied insteadphotographic film verysensitiveelectrometer.

  5. Thanks for watching Kamil Czermak IGA

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