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Get Active Kansas! Physical Activity Champion webinar

Join the Get Active Kansas! Physical Activity Champion webinar to learn about active transport to and from school, joint use agreements, and spring activity suggestions. Presented by experts in the field and campaign coordinators.

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Get Active Kansas! Physical Activity Champion webinar

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  1. Get Active Kansas!Physical Activity Champion webinar Featured topics: Active Transport to and from School Joint Use Agreements April 3, 2014

  2. Welcome! • Housekeeping Notes • To keep distractions to a minimum, please keep your phone on mute unless asking a question during the Q&A session at the end • Or use *6 to mute yourself on the conference call line, #6 to unmute. • You are welcome to post a question or comment using the gotowebinarchat feature • If you have technical difficulties during the webinar, please call 785-587-0151 for assistance • Resources from today’s call will be posted on the Physical Activity Champion section of the getactivekansas.org website

  3. Webinar Presenters and Get Active Kansas! Campaign Coordinators • Paula Clayton, Director, Bureau of Health Promotion, Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) • Jennifer Church, Section Director, Community Health Promotion, Bureau of Health Promotion, KDHE • Connie Satzler, EnVisage Consulting, Inc., Get Active Kansas! Project Support Prevention Research Center at Washington University: • Amy Eyler, Assistant Research Professor, St. Louis • Cheryl Valko, Program Manager, St. Louis Governor’s Council on Fitness Members and Co-Chairs of the Get Active Kansas Campaign Committee: • Jeff Willett, Vice President for Programs, Kansas Health Foundation, Wichita • Rhonda Holt, Project Director, Let’s Move! Active Kansas Schools, Wichita

  4. Overview • Get Active Kansas! Campaign Updates • Website and Facebook Page • Physical Activity Champion Updates • Suggestions for Spring Activities • Featured Presentation: Active Transport to/from School • Toolkit Resources • Success Stories • Survey Explanation • Question and Answer

  5. Get Active Kansas! Campaign • Statewide network of Physical Activity Champions • Leadership from the Governor’s Council on Fitness • 112 Physical Activity Champions in 66 counties/tribal nations • Goal: At least one champion in all 105 counties and 4 sovereign nations

  6. Resources • Website: http://www.getactivekansas.org/ • PA Champion login: “KSActive” • Toolkit and other resources available to Champions after logging in! • Facebook Page: • Post/share your events • Facebook posts are compiled periodically and made available on the website for those who do not have access to FB. Feel free to use/modify these resources in your own social media communications.

  7. Example PA Champion Activities • Great job, Physical Activity Champions! Thanks to those who have been sharing your activities, which have included open gyms, walk/run events, and fitness challenges. Here are just a few examples… Winter Open Gyms averaged 50-60 students and adults! – Scott Michels, Linn County Kite-flying event “The weather was beautiful. We selected the Lone Tree Retirement Center because it has a walking path. We had youth, parents, grandparents, elderly from the center watching, helping, and we also had walkers enjoying the beautiful day." - Christine McPheter, Meade County Physical Activity Signs Created signs to post around “Tiger Trail”, a designated path around the local school in Stafford County. -Sydney Blanton, Stafford County Community Workout on Town Square We had a group of individuals taking advantage of the space available to work out. Along with this class, the participants were also given easy individualized meal plans. - Damaris Kunkler, Allen County

  8. Suggested Spring Activities • Theme: “Get Out and Play!” • Dates to Remember • April 24th: Next PA Champion Webinar • April 30th: National Walk at Lunch Day • May 2nd: Kansas Kids Fitness Day (KKFD) • May • National Bike Month • National PE and Sport Week/Month • Possible promotional activities • April: Walking, Family walks and outings • May: KKFD, Bike Month, PE and Sport Month • June: Outdoor games, walking

  9. Spring Resources • Web resources for designated days and months (e.g., KKFD, Bike Month) • Making Family Walks Fun – Tip Sheet • Family Alphabet Walk Activity Sheet • Spring Activities – Tip Sheet • Promotion Ideas • Share Get Active Kansas Facebook posts • Email flyers to families with children (modify/add your own contact information and logo) • Post flyers in schools or around town • Send flyers home with children from club activities or schools • No funds for copies? Consider asking a local business to print some color copies as a donation!

  10. Web Resources Examples • Find links to web resources on getactivekansas.org website Walk at Lunch Day (April 30th) Bike Month (May)

  11. Tip Sheets

  12. Active Transport (e.g., Walking, Biking) to and from School

  13. Background • Active Transport to and from School • Encouraging children to walk and bicycle to school • People from different sectors crucial for success • Parents • Schools • Community leaders • Local, state, and federal governments

  14. Source: http://changelabsolutions.org/sites/default/files/SRTS_Roadmap_FINAL_20130617.pdf

  15. Alternative Suggestions forWalking and Biking to and from School Initiatives • Walk a course at the school each week • Have busses drop-off children a short walking distance from school • International Walk toSchool Day • Use local parks or trails • Walk at school • Use event to bring attention to infrastructure needs • Connect with older students, senior citizens or parents in the area to walk with the children

  16. Joint Use Agreements

  17. What is a Joint Use Agreement? • Formal contract between two or more entities • Share indoor and outdoor spaces like gymnasiums, athletic fields and playgrounds • Increases opportunities for children and adults to be more physically active

  18. Benefits • Keeps cost down • Increases physical activity • Increases places to be active

  19. Highlights of Toolkit Section 7: Physical Activity Resources by Sector

  20. Section 7: Physical Activity Resourcesby Sector • Overview • Planning & Promotions • Programs • Policies • Action Steps

  21. Education • Biking and Walking to School • Joint Use Agreement • Recess • Physical Education • Active Learning Classrooms • Wellness Policies

  22. Education Programs “Getting More Students to Walk and Bicycle: Four Elements of Successful Programs” • National Center for Safe Routes to School Planning and Promotions Walk to School • Infographics • Flyers • News Releases • Graphics and Logos • National Center for Safe Routes to School Policy “Playing Smart – a National Joint Use Toolkit” • Change Lab Solutions

  23. Take Action! Download an infographic about Walk to School and share with school administrators or policymakers

  24. Kansas Success Stories of Active Transport to/from School Program and Joint Use Agreements

  25. Active Transport Example • Hillsboro USD 410 - Marion County: • The Superintendent championed a Walking School Bus program with $2,000 from Safe Kids Kansas • One school in the Hillsboro School District dropped an entire bus route because of the WSB program there, saving thousands of dollars! • The Superintendent was able to secure another $2,000 from the district to continue into the second year

  26. Joint Use Agreements • Finney County (Garden City) • Physical Activity Champions: Donna Gerstner, John Washington, Meghan McFee and Beth Koksal • Has a joint use agreement with the College, City, School District and the Recreation Commission. • The have agreed to provide free usage of each other’s facilities. • Linn County • Physical Activity Champion: Scott Michels • An Open Gym program was in effect for five months this year at Pleasanton High School.  • Adults and students 6-12th grades were allowed to come to the facility from 7:30-9:30 p.m. and use the gym.    • Worked with Kansas State Research and Extension to host a Walk Kansas event at the Pleasanton High School track.

  27. Active Transport and Joint Use Agreements • Barton County • Physical Activity Champions: Janel Rose, Diann Henderson and Megan Hammeke • Embarking on CS project • USD 431 and the Hoisington Recreation Commission have a joint use agreement.  • High school games, tournaments are held at the Activity Center, as well as numerous other school and community events

  28. What Policies Exist at Your School? Walking and Biking to School & Joint Use Agreements

  29. Step 1: Learn about the Policies • Read the overview of the policies in the intro to the survey • Check out resources in the Physical Activity Champions Toolkit

  30. Step 2: Conduct a Website Review • Conduct a web based search • Start with your School District’s website • Search for • “Community Use” policies or “Joint Use Agreements” • “Active transport to and from school” or “Safe Routes to School” in your district.

  31. Step 3: Call the School District • PE Coordinator • School Wellness Liaison • School district Superintendent or general district administration

  32. Survey Tool • Short (only 3 pages)! • Active Transport to and from School & Joint Use Agreements in one form. • Assess what currently exists

  33. Review of Questions • Question 1-4:

  34. Review of Questions • Question 5 and 6:

  35. Review of Questions • Question 7

  36. Review of Questions Questions 8-13

  37. Review of Questions • Questions 14-17

  38. Review of Questions • Question 18-21

  39. Survey Submission • We will email… • Word Version of Survey • Online Version (SurveyMonkey) • Health Outreach Coordinators will be available as a resource and for follow-up • Thank you for your assistance!

  40. Online version • www.surveymonkey.com/s/ActiveTransport-JointUse

  41. Questions?

  42. For more information:getactivekansas.orgwww.facebook.com/getactivekansas

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