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Fill Buckets with Kindness: Spread Happiness Everywhere!

Discover the power of filling others' invisible buckets with love and kindness in "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud. Learn how simple acts of kindness can brighten someone's day and fill both their bucket and yours. Be a bucket filler, not a dipper, to make the world a better place for all. Start spreading joy by showing love, kindness, and gratitude every day.

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Fill Buckets with Kindness: Spread Happiness Everywhere!

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  2. Alldaylong, everyone in thewholewideworldwalksarroundcarryingan invisible bucket. youcan´tseeitbutit´sthere. You have a bucket Your mom and Dad have a bucket Your brother and sister have a bucket

  3. Yourgrandparents, friends and neighborsallhavebucket. Everyonecarriesan invisible bucket. Yourbucket has onepurposeonly. Thispurposeistoholdyourgoodthoughts and goodfeelingsaboutyourself. Youfeelveryhappy and goodwhenyourbucketis full. And youfellverysad and lonelywhenyourbucketisempty.

  4. Otherpeoplefeelthesametoo. They are happywhentheirbucketis full and theyfeelsad and lonelywhentheirbucket are empty.It´sgreattohave a full bucket and thisishowitworks. Youneedotherpeopletofillyourbucket and otherpeopleneedyoutofilltheirs. So how do youfill a bucket?

  5. Youfill a bucketwhenyou show lovetosomeone, whenyousayor do somethingkindorevenwhenyougivesomeone a smile. That´sbeing a bucketfuller

  6. A bucketfilleris a loving, caringpersonwhosaysordoesniecethingsthatmakeothersfellspecial. Whenyoumakesomeonefellspecial, you are filling a bucket. But you can also dip into a bucket and take out some good feelings. You dip into a bucket when you make fun of someone when you say or you do mean things or even when you ignore someone . That´s being a bucket dipper.

  7. Manybucketdippershaveanemptybucket. Theythinkthey can filltheirownbucketbydippingintosomeoneelse´s …. Butthatwillneverwork. Youneverfillyourownbucketwhenyoudipintosomeoneelse´s. But guess what….when you fill someone else´s bucket , you fill your own bucket too! You feel good when you help others feel good. All day long we are either filling up or dipping into each other´s buckets by what we say and what we do. Try to fill a bucket and see what happens.

  8. Watchforsmilesto light up their faces. Youwillfeellikesmilingtoo. A smileis a goodcluethatyouhavefilled a bucket. If you practice, You will become a great bucket filler. Just remember that everyone carries an invisible bucket, and think of what you can say or you can do to fill it.

  9. Here are some ideas foryou. Youcould invite the new kid at schooltoplaywithyou. Youcouldwrite a thankyou note toyourteacher. Youcouldtellyourgrandpathatyouliketospend time withhim. There are manywaystofill a bucket.

  10. Bucketfillingisfun and easyto do. Itdoesn´tmatterhowyoungoroldyou are. Itdoesn´tcostanymoney. Itdoesn´ttakemuch time. And rememberwhenyoufillsomeoneelse´sbucketyoufillyourownbuckettoo.

  11. Whenyou are a bucketfilleryoumakeyour home, yourschool, and yourneighborhoodbetter place to be. Bucketfillingmakeseveryonefeelsgood. So, why not decide to be a bucket filler today and every day? Just start each day by saying to yourself. “I am going to do something to fill someone else´s bucket today!! And at the end of each day , ask yourself , Did I fill a bucket today? Yes I did, that´s the life of a bucket filler and that´s YOU!!

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