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DETACHABLE POTHOLE DETECTION AND WARNING SYSTEM. Kwok Yu Mak Valentin Siderskyi Lamia Iftekhar. Existing work. Obstacle detection Mechanical Image processing Mostly protruded obstacles Auntonomous avoidance. Current needs. Pothole detection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DETACHABLE POTHOLE DETECTION AND WARNING SYSTEM Kwok Yu Mak Valentin Siderskyi Lamia Iftekhar

  2. Existing work • Obstacle detection • Mechanical • Image processing • Mostly protruded obstacles • Auntonomous avoidance

  3. Current needs • Pothole detection • for baby strollers, wheelchairs , grocery carts etc. • Warning system only - not autonomous control - wheelchair users prefer manual control - too risky for baby strollers

  4. Project Objective • To build a handy, detachable, user-friendly device that can be mounted on a variety of human-maneuvered slow-speed vehicles. Focus on : baby strollers

  5. Detection method • Attempt • Mechanical extension: bulky , already done • Laser sensors : too sensitive , costlier • Chosen - PING)))™ Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (#28015)

  6. Warning Method • Vibration Motor • Can be turned off if desired • LEDs • Two for obstacles • Two for battery levels • On/off • Battery meter • Using voltage divider

  7. Overall structure • System A attached to front of vehicle • System B worn on wrist

  8. Mechanical DesignSystem A

  9. Mechanical Design System A : close-up

  10. Mechanical Design System B

  11. Mechanical DesignSystem B: Vibrator Motor close-up

  12. Circuit of System B

  13. Circuit DiagramSystem A

  14. Circuit DiagramSystem B

  15. PBasic Code System A

  16. PBasic CodeSystem A

  17. PBasic CodeSystem B

  18. Prototype Cost

  19. Mass Production Cost Estimate

  20. CONCLUSION • Prototype was successful • Possible improvements • Smaller wrist part • Earlier detection of potholes.

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