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Word Roots

Word Roots. R-S. Key . Become familiar with the roots Use them to make connections to the definitions of words It’s not a fool-proof system If you can’t figure out the word based on the root, then look up the word This will greatly expand your vocabulary

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Word Roots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word Roots R-S

  2. Key • Become familiar with the roots • Use them to make connections to the definitions of words • It’s not a fool-proof system • If you can’t figure out the word based on the root, then look up the word • This will greatly expand your vocabulary • It will help you for the PSAT, the SAT, the GRE, and life!

  3. Rid/ris: to laugh • Ridicule: mock • derision

  4. rog: to ask • interrogate: question/grill • derogatory • surrogate

  5. sal/sil/sault/sult: to leap, to jump • Resilient: elastic • Desultory: aimless (like your jumping all over the place)

  6. Sacr/sanct/secr (sacred) • sanctify • sacrament • Sacrilege: blasphemy or irreverence

  7. Sci (to know) • conscience: scruples • omniscient • conscientious • nescient (ignorant)

  8. Scribe/scrip (to write) • scribble • describe • postscript (i.e. p.s.) • proscribe (ban) • inscribe • manuscript

  9. Se (apart) • separate • seclude • sequester • sedition (inciting to rebel)

  10. Sec/sequ (to follow) • second • prosecute • sequel • sequence • obsequious • non sequitur (a logical fallacy)

  11. Sens/sent (to feel, to be aware) • sensual • sensory • resent • consent • dissent • consensus • presentiment: feeling or hunch

  12. Sol (to loosen, free) • Resolve • Resolution • Dissolution

  13. Spec (to look, to see) • perspective • aspect • auspicious • spectrum • retrospective • introspection • perspicacious

  14. sua (smooth) • suave • persuasion • dissuade • assuage

  15. sub/sup (below) • submissive • subliminal • sublime • subdue • Subterfuge • submarine

  16. Super/sur (above) • surpass • superfluous • superlative • supersede • surmount: overcome

  17. Source • Princeton Review’s Word Smart

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