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Welcome to College English 1!

This guide provides information on the teacher, grading scheme, attendance policy, classroom rules, homework assignments, and general expectations for the College English class. Students are encouraged to follow the guidelines and be prepared for each class.

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Welcome to College English 1!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to College English 1!

  2. Topics for today

  3. About Your Teacher • My name is Dan Leonard • Please call me “Dan” • This is my sixth year at KGU, but….

  4. I’ve been living in Korea since 2001

  5. Dan’s Life in Korea • I live in Suwon with my two beautiful cats.

  6. Dan’s Teaching Career • I taught high school Spanish in the USA • I’ve taught English to all ages in Korea, from kindergarten to businessmen • I’ve been teaching English to Korean university students for over 9 years.

  7. Questions about me?

  8. Grades I follow the department’s relative grading scheme: You’re competing with your classmates for your grade. Who gets which grades is up to you!

  9. What does that mean? • In a class of 20 students, I can give the following grades: A or A+ = 4-8 students B or B+ = 8-12 students C+ - F = 0-8 students Everyone can get an A or B in my class, but you’ll need to do the work to earn it.

  10. How do I decide your grades? This is how your grade is determined: • Attendance 10% • Class Participation 20% • Homework 10% • Midterm exam (written) 15% • Midterm exam (spoken) 15% • Final Exam (written) 15% • Final Exam (spoken) 15%

  11. Classroom Rules • My rules are fair and apply to all students equally. • These rules are here to help everyone learn. • How well you follow these rules helps determine your grade, especially your Class Participation grade.

  12. Come to class • If you are not here, I cannot help you learn. • If you are not here, you will miss important material, which will make it harder for you to do well on homework and exams. • Please sign in to class at the beginning and have your KGU attendance app ready. • Please bring any excuse notes to me the week after the class you missed. • If you miss class 4 times without an excuse note, you get an automatic F.

  13. Points Lost for Absences • If you miss class without an excuse note, you will lose this many points from your attendance grade: • 1 absence = -0% • 2 absences = -2% • 3 absences = -4% • 4 absences = F

  14. What is a valid excuse to miss class? • A note from a doctor showing that you were sick or hurt. (No prescriptions) • A note from a professor showing that you had to go to a department event for your major (ex. MT) • Direct orders from the Korean military Please bring me your note the week after you miss class so that I can give you attendance credit for the time you missed. However, you lose all class participation points for any day you miss for any reason.

  15. Come to class on time • If you are late, you lose 1% of your grade. • Except the first time you’re late. • If you are more than 30 minutes late, that is considered an absence. • If you come in late, please make sure I see you so I can give you points for being here. Every late student interrupts this class, which is not fair to the rest of the class, so please be on time.

  16. Holidays and Make-up Classes • The following days are university holidays: • May 6th (Monday) – Children’s Day • June 6th (Thursday) (Constitution Day) • KGU requires me to hold make-up classes for each day of class missed due to holidays. • Make up classes will be scheduled on a weekday evening. • Attendance will be optional, and rewarded with 1% of extra credit.

  17. Be prepared for class Please make sure you have all of the following at the beginning of class: • Textbook • Pen/pencil and paper • Nametag • A partner

  18. Turn in your homework on time • I will assign you regular homework to practice what we do in class. • Homework is worth 10% of your grade. • All homework assignments will be posted on the class website: kgucollegeenglish2.wordpress.com • If you miss class when homework is due, please turn in your homework the next time you come to class or bring it to my office.

  19. Be polite • Please don’t sit in the back of the classroom. • When I say, “Ladies and Gentlemen!” , you should stop, look, and listen. • If you have to leave to go to the bathroom or drink water, just say “Excuse me” and go. You don’t have to ask! • Please don’t ask me to end class early. • Treat the rest of the class the way you would like to be treated.

  20. Do your best during class time • Say as much as you can during class discussion and pairwork • When I ask you a question, do your best to answer. • If you don’t know the answer…. • Guess! • Say “I don’t know.” It’s OK! • Please try to answer in complete sentences. • When you don’t understand something in class, please ask me about it.

  21. Questions? • This presentation and my syllabus are available on the class web site: kgucollegeenglish2.wordpress.com • Feel free to visit me during my office hours: • Mondays and Wednesdays 12pm-1:50pm • Room #1702

  22. Homework Buy the textbook. This will be your only homework assignment for the semester.

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