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CurricUNET is a web-based system that streamlines curriculum development, management, and approval processes. It facilitates online collaboration, provides a relational database for research and reporting, and offers objective impact analysis. It is suitable for faculty, staff, and administration in the San Diego Community College District.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CurricUNET Linking Faculty, Staff and Administration for Curriculum Management Curriculum and Instructional Services San Diego Community College District

  2. What is CurricUNET? • On-line curriculum development, management, and approval tool • Web-based system facilitates on-line collaboration • Relational database for research and reporting

  3. Paper Process

  4. Problems with Paper Process • Slow • Restricted participation • No analysis of curriculum impact • Difficult to track progress • Difficulty to access, research, and report

  5. Advantages • Complex Multi-Campus District • Faster and paperless • Objective impact analysis • Improved communications • Compliance • Administrative oversight • Reports

  6. CurricUNET Overview

  7. Key Features • Processes both courses and programs, and maintains links between courses and programs • Web-based proposal entry and approval • Point-&-click look up tables • Entry field edits & rules enforcement • All fields go into a relational database

  8. Key Features • 100% automated workflow with email notifications • Allows multiple workflows • Real-time approval tracking • All changes & comments tracked and archived • Help instructions for every entry item

  9. Key Features • Interface to OSCAR and other external systems • Interface to college catalog production and Student System • Articulation management module • CurriUSEARCH option for all approved course outlines across ALL CurricUNET colleges

  10. Proposal Approval

  11. Summary • Web-based access, Oracle/MS SQL database • Courses, programs, articulation agreements • Automated workflow notifications • Multimedia help & training options

  12. CurricUNET Exports Course Information to Other Systems

  13. CurricUNET demonstration

  14. Questions & Answers

  15. Contact Information Jeff Mills, Systems Support Analyst jmills@sdccd.edu Laurie Van Houten, Curriculum Analyst Lvanhout@sdccd.edu Myra Harada, Manager mharada@sdccd.edu Curriculum and Instructional Services San Diego Community College District (619) 388-6963

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