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Interesting facts about the history of the C language

Interesting facts about the history of the C language<br><br>Have you ever thought of the history of the C language?<br>And why is it called C?<br><br>C is a structured and general-purpose programming language which evolved in the 1970s. It is a high-level, procedural, and machine-independent programming language. It is the only programming language that exists for such a long period. It is widely used across the world.<br><br>We all know that C programming is known as the mother language. But why is it considered as a base language or mother language? <br><br>https://codiens.com/brief-history-of-c-programming/

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Interesting facts about the history of the C language

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  1. Interesting facts about the history of the C language

  2. INTRODUCTION C is a structured and general-purpose programming languagewhich evolved in the 1970s. It is a high-level, procedural, and machine-independent programming language. It is the only programming language that exists for such a long period. It is widely used across the world.

  3. Building block for many other programming languages Powerful and efficient language Portable language Built-in functions Quality to extend itself Structured programming language Middle-level language Implementation of algorithms and data structures Procedural programming language Dynamic memory allocation System-programming ADVANTAGES

  4. ABOUT US At Codiens our experts provide the entire necessary computer training from Java, Python, C, C++, Machine learning, IOT, JavaScript, Web Development and Web Designing and a lot more which helps the naive programmers and also the experienced developers so that they can achieve better recognition in this competitive IT world. Codiens tutorials arena has been created by the passionate, creative, and experienced developers which are well written and in depth explained tutorials for computer science questions.

  5. CONTACT US Address: Codiens, Near Graphic Era Hill University, Bharuwala Colony, Clement Town, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. E-mail: codiens2@gmail.com sayhi@codiens.com Telephone: +91 9557842432

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