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TANAH & PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN. Foto : smno.kampus.ub.sept2012. Soil and Plant Growth. Apakah TANAH itu ?
TANAH & PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN Foto: smno.kampus.ub.sept2012
Soil and Plant Growth • Apakah TANAH itu? As a medium for plant growth, soil can be described as a complex natural material derived from disintegrated and decomposed rocks, and organic materials, which provides nutrients, moisture,and anchorage for land plants
EMPAT KOMPONEN UTAMA - TANAH • 1. 45% Minerals (clay, sand, or silt particles) • 2. 25% Air • 3. 25% Water • 4. 5% Organic matter (living & dead) Diunduhdari: http://www.localmotion-spain.co.uk/Pages/Cultivation.aspx
GENESIS TANAH • This is a long term process that involves both physical & chemical weathering, along with biological activity. • Diperlukanwaktulebihdari 100 tahununtukmembentuklapisan topsoil setelab 1”.
FAKTOR PEMBENTUKAN TANAH • BahanInduk– material from which soils are formed. • Iklim– Temperature and moisture. • OrganismeHidup– microscopic & macroscopic plants and animals. • Topografi– shape & position of the land surface. • Waktu– period during which parent material has been subjected to soil formation.
TANAH DAN TANAMAN • Nutrients are released by decomposers • Productive soil is a dynamic process • Nutrient cycling is key to understanding
TANAH DAN TANAMAN . Plants as primary producers require mineral elements which they remove from the soil and combine with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (from the Atmosphere) and Water (H2O) (also taken from the soil matrix) to produce the sugars, carbohydrates and proteins, required for growth. Plants do this by using the energy from the Sun to combine those elements into the proteins and carbohydrates that animals, including Man, subsequently break down for their nutrition. Diunduhdari: http://phasm.co.uk/guerrilla-soil-science/soil-properties/
TANAH DAN TANAMAN Crop Growth and Uptake of Nitrogen and Basic Cations Crop growth results in removal of basic cations, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium from the soil and exudation of hydrogen ions from the roots. This results in acidification if the basic cations are not returned to the soil . Uptake of anions, mainly nitrate and sulfate, by plants, however, releases OH- or HCO3- to the soil and partially neutralizes the acidity produced by nitrification and plant cation uptake. When plants take up more anions than cations, soil acidification is reduced. Diunduhdari: http://elkhorn.unl.edu/epublic/pages/publicationD.jsp?publicationId=111
TANAH DAN TANAMAN Relationship among unavailable, slowly available, and readily available potassium in the soil-plant system. Three forms of K (unavailable, slowly available or fixed, readily available or exchangeable) exist in soils. A description of these forms and their relationship to each other is provided in the paragraphs that follow. Diunduhdari: http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/cropsystems/dc6794.html
TANAH DAN TANAMAN Root zone soil water extraction and plant root development patterns. Corn does not extract water uniformly throughout its rooting depth. Generally, more water is extracted from shallow depths and less from deeper depths. If water is applied to the soil surface, the typical extraction pattern follows the 4-3-2-1 rule: 40 percent of the water comes from the top 1/4 of the root zone, 30 percent comes from the second 1/4 and so on. The 4-3-2-1 rule is illustrated in Figure . Diunduhdari: http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/pages/publicationD.jsp?publicationId=1004
TANAH DAN TANAMAN Mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobia bacteria, legumes, and nonlegume plants can all interact in a four-way, mutually beneficial relationship. Both the fungi and the bacteria obtain their energy from sugars supplied through photosynthesis by the plants. The rhizobia form nodules on the legume roots and enzymatically capture atmospheric nitrogen, providing the legume with nitrogen to make amino acids and proteins. The mycorrhizal fungi infect both types of plants and form hyphal interconnections between them. The mycorrhizae then not only assist in the uptake of phosphorus from the soil, but can also directly transfer nutrients from one plant to the other. Isotope tracer studies have shown that, by this mechanism, nitrogen is transferred from the nitrogen-fixing legume to the nonlegume (e.g., grass) plant, and phosphorus is mostly transferred to the legume from the nonlegume. The nonlegume grass plant has a fibrous root system and an extensive mycorrhizal network, which is relatively more efficient in extracting P from soils than the root system of the legume. Research indicates that some direct transfer of nutrients via mycorrhizal connections occurs in many mixed plant communities, such as in forest understories, grass–legume pastures, and mixed cropping systems. Diunduhdari:http://faculty.yc.edu/ycfaculty/ags105/week10/soil_organisms/soil_organisms4.html
TANAH DAN TANAMAN Biological Nitrogen Fixation provides nitrogen fertility in legume-based cropping systems. Figure credit: Nape Mothapo, North Carolina State University. Legumes growing together with soil bacteria called rhizobia work together to take atmospheric nitrogen (N2) found in soil air spaces and transform—or fix—it into a plant-available form through the process called Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) . Diunduhdari: http://www.extension.org/pages/64401/legume-inoculation-for-organic-farming-systems
TANAH DAN TANAMAN How plants grow This simple relationship describing the diffusional exchange of water and CO2 explains why drought is the major factor limiting agricultural yields worldwide. Because the atmosphere is a very dilute CO2 source, plants need to maximize CO2 intake as long as it will not dry out their interiors. Stomata open to promote gas exchange with the atmosphere when water is plentiful, and constrict or close when water is scarce. If stomata must close to conserve water, the plant will not have access to the CO2 it needs to photosynthesize. Therefore, to encourage growth it is essential to supply plants with enough water. Diunduhdari: http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/unit/text.php?unit=7&secNum=3
PROFIL TANAH • Terdiriatashorison-horison • Hor. O - Organic ( A-Topsoil) • Hor. A - Topsoil • Hor. B - Subsoil • Hor. C - Parent material Diunduhdari: …http://www.trentu.ca/ers/images/soil_profile_diag.jpg
PROFIL TANAH Most soils have a distinct profile or sequence of horizontal layers. Generally, these horizons result from the processes of chemical weathering, eluviation, illuviation, and organic decomposition. Up to five layers can be present in a typical soil: O, A, B, C, and R horizons. The O horizon is the topmost layer of most soils. It is composed mainly of plant litter at various levels of decomposition and humus. A horizon is found below the O layer. This layer is composed primarily of mineral particles and has two characteristics: it is the layer in which humus and other organic materials are mixed with mineral particles, and it is a zone of translocation from which eluviation has removed finer particles and soluble substances, both of which may be deposited at a lower layer. Thus the A horizon is dark in color and usually light in texture and porous. The A horizon is commonly differentiated into a darker upper horizon or organic accumulation, and a lower horizon showing loss of material by eluviation. The B horizon is a mineral soil layer which is strongly influenced by illuviation. Consequently, this layer receives material eluviated from the A horizon. The B horizon also has a higher bulk density than the A horizon due to its enrichment of clay particles. The B horizon may be colored by oxides of iron and aluminum or by calcium carbonate illuviated from the A horizon. The C horizon is composed of weathered parent material. The texture of this material can be quite variable with particles ranging in size from clay to boulders. The C horizon has also not been significantly influenced by the pedogenic processes, translocation, and/or organic modification. The final layer in a typical soil profile is called the R horizon. This soil layer simply consists of unweathered bedrock. Diunduhdari: … http://www.eoearth.org/article/Soil
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: … http://soils.usda.gov/technical/soil_orders/
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: … ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Soil_Orders/andisols.pdf
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Soil_Orders/inceptisols.pdf …
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: … ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Soil_Orders/mollisols.pdf
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: …ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Soil_Orders/oxisols.pdf
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: …
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: …
PROFIL TANAH Diunduhdari: …ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Soil_Orders/gelisols.pdf
TEKSTUR TANAH • Clay is the smallest • Silt = Debu • Sand = Pasir, the largest • Loam = Lempung
STRUKTUR GRANULER = Spheroidal Granular & Crumb (organic matter content is high) Granular StructureThis photo shows a well-granulated A horizon. Granular structure is the most beneficial form of soil structure for plant growth. Granular structure aggregates are formed by the breaking apart of larger aggregates through the physical processes of wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing. These aggregates are then cemented together by the by-products of the microbial decomposition of organic matter, which are called microbial gums. The more microbial gums, the greater the aggregate stability. The way to obtain microbial gums is by adding organic matter to the soil; thus, plant residues contribute indirectly to better soil structure. Source: http://www.cst.cmich.edu/users/Franc1M/esc334/lectures/physical.htm
STRUKTUR PRISMATIK = Prism-Like Soil Aggregates Generally, only the very small particles form aggregates, which includes silicate clays, volcanic ash minerals, organic matter, and oxides. There are various mechanisms of soil aggregation. Mechanisms of soil aggregation Soil microorganisms excrete substances that act as cementing agents and bind soil particles together. Fungi have filaments, called hyphae, which extend into the soil and tie soil particles together. Roots also excrete sugars into the soil that help bind minerals. Oxides also act as glue and join particles together. This aggregation process is very common to many highly weathered tropical soils and is especially prevalent in Hawaii. Finally, soil particles may naturally be attracted one another through electrostatic forces, much like the attraction between hair and a balloon. Prismatic & Columnar (found in subsoils and common in arid & semiarid regions)
STRUKTUR PIPIH = Plate-Like Soil structure is the way soil particles aggregate together into what are called peds. Peds come in a variety of shapes depending on the texture, composition, and environment. Platy (can occur in any part of the profile) Platy structure looks like stacks of dinner plates overlaying one another. Platy structure tends to impede the downward movement of water and plant roots through the soil. http://www.earthonlinemedia.com/ebooks/tpe_3e/soil_systems/soil_development_soil_properties.html
STRUKTUR BALOK = Block-Like Blocky (most common in subsoils, particularly those in humid regions) Blocky structural peds are found most frequently in the B horizons. They have been created by the wetting and drying and freezing and thawing cycle of the B horizon. The clay films also act as a binding agent for the blocky aggregates. The B horizon can often be determined in a profile by looking for the location of blocky peds which can be readily seen. Blocky can be either angular (sharp ped edges) or sub-angular (rounded ped edges).
STRUKTUR BENTUK LAIN Massive & single grain StructurelessC horizons generally lack any structural aggregation. Their lack of structure is termed "massive." Massive structure is hard to break apart and appears in very large clods. Where very sandy soils lack aggregation, or the soil particles don't stick together the structureless condition is termed "single-grained." Single grained always accompanies a loose consistence.
PENGARUH STRUKTUR TANAH • Soil moisture relationship • Aeration • Heat transfer • Root growth Good soil structure Soil structure affects water and air movement through soil, soil temperature as well as how easily soil can be cultivated. When the structure is good water infiltration into the soil is fast and soil granules are durable (spherical in shape). Good soil absorbs enough water for plants’ growth but extra water moves quickly away in large pores. In dry conditions capillary water movement from deeper layers to root zone is important. Characteristics for well structured soil are also high biological activity, good root growth and high enough bearing capacity. Indicators of damaged soil structure are e.g. compacted layers, surface crusting, poor root growth, or plow pans. http://www.balticdeal.eu/measure/maintaining-good-soil-structure/
REAKSI TANAH (pH) Soil reaction (acidic, neutral, alkaline) refers to the relative concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-) in the soil http://www.earthonlinemedia.com/ebooks/tpe_3e/soil_systems/soil_development_soil_properties.html
TANAH & TANAMAN • Nutrient-Holding Capacity • Water Holding Capacity (permeability) • Aeration ( porosity) • pH
pH TANAH • Kemasamanataualkaliniktastanah • pH is not a fixed characteristic of the soil and, depending on a number of conditions, varies over time. • Soils in climates with high rainfall & humidity generally tend to be acid. (This is due to the leaching of base elements as well as by harvested crops usage of sodium, potassium, calcium, & magnesium) • Tanah-tanahdidaerahiklimkering Soils in arid climates tend to be alkaline.
pH TANAH • 0 - 4.0 = SANGAT MASAM = extremely acid • 4.1 – 5.0 = Asamkuat = strongly acid • 5.1 – 6.0 = Asammoderat = moderately acid • 6.1 – 6.9 = Agakmasam =slightly acid • 7.0 = Netral = neutral • 7.1 – 8.0 = slightly alkaline • 8.1 – 9.0 = moderately alkaline • 9.1 – 10 .0 = strongly alkaline • 10.1 – 14 = extremely alkaline The pH for most agriculture soils lies between 5 and 8.5
MENGUBAH pH TANAH-MASAM The pH of an acid soil can be increased by adding amendments or fertilizers containing such elements as: • Ca = Calcium • K = Potassium • Na = Sodium • Mg = Magnesium
MENGUBAH pH TANAH-MASAM • Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) • Dikenalsebagaikapurpertanian • Wujudnyaberupabubukanhalusbatukapur • This is effective due to its ability to provide calcium (Ca++) and hyfroxyl (OH-) ions
MENGUBAH pH TANAH-MASAM The prolonged use of chemical fertilizers that are residually acid tend to make the soil acid. Misalnya: • Ammonium Sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] • Ammonium Nitrate (NH4NO3) • Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4)
MENGUBAH pH TANAH-ALKALIN Bahan-bahankimiapembenjtukasam, seperti : • Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4) • Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) in some irrigation areas, a saturated solution of calcium sulfate is allowed to drip into the irrigation water or spread as a powder. • Elemental Sulfur (S) through the process of oxidation produces sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and acidify the soil
MENGUBAH pH TANAH-ALKALIN The prolonged use of chemical fertilizers that are residually alkaline tend to make the soil more alkaline. Misalnya: • Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) • Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) • Calcium Nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] • Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
pH DAN HARA TANAMAN Ketersediaanharadalamtanahdikendalikanolehkemasaman (reaksi) tanah. Misalnya: • Iron and Zinc become less available to plants as the pH increases • Phosphorus is more available at a soil pH of 6.5 – 7 than at either higher or lower values. • Ketersediaan Ca menurundenganmeningkatnyakemasamantanah.
KAPASITAS TUKAR KATION = KTKCationExchange Capacity • KTK merupakanindikatorpentingdarikesuburandanproduktivitastanah • Mineral liatdanbahanorganiktanahmempunyaimuatannetonegatif, yang dapatmenarikkation • Ca++, Mg++ K++ NH4++ are plant nutrients • Na++ & H++ effect soil chemical & physical characteristics
BAHAN ORGANIK TANAH = BOT • Memperkuatnagregattanah • Memperbaikiaerasidaninfiltrasi air • Meningkatkankapasitassimpan air • Provides significant amounts of CEC • Provides buffering against rapid change in soil reaction acid 0r alkaline forming materials are added to soil
BAHAN ORGANIK TANAH = BOT • Form stable organic compounds that can increase the availability of micronutrients. • Provides a source of many plant nutrients. • Menyediakanmakananbagimikroorganismetanah.
BAHAN ORGANIK TANAH = BOT • Tanamanpupukhijau • Residusisapanentanaman • Pupukkandang • Kompos. BOT seringkalidianggapterdiriatassubstansihumikdansubstansi non-humik. Nonhumic substances are all those materials that can be placed in one of the categories of discrete compounds such as sugars, amino acids, fats and so on. Humic substances are the other, unidentifiable components. Even this apparently simple distinction, however, is not as clear cut as it might appear. Distribusi BOT diabstraksikandalambaganini. http://www.humintech.com/001/articles/article_definition_of_soil_organic_matter.html
ORGANISME TANAH • Micro flora • Bacteria • Fungi • Algae Soil biota, the biologically active powerhouse of soil, include an incredible diversity of organisms. Tons of soil biota, including micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, and algae) and soil “animals” (protozoa, nematodes, mites, springtails, spiders, insects, and earthworms), can live in an acre of soil and are more diverse than the community of plants and animals above ground. Soil biota are concentrated in plant litter, the upper few inches of soil, and along roots. Organismetanahberinteraksidngorganismetanahlainnya, denganakartanaman, dan dg lingkungannyamembentukjaring-makanandalamtanah. http://ecomerge.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-are-soil-biota-and-what-do-they-do.html
UNSUR HARA TANAMAN Hara tanamanadalahunsurkimiaatausenyawasederhana yang diperlukanolehtanaman. Unsurhara yang paling umumdalamtanamanadalah carbon, hydrogen, danoxygen, unsurinidiambiltanamandariudaradan air. Unsurharalainnyatersediadalamtanah. Six nutrients are required by crops in relatively large amounts. These are often referred to as macronutrients. The other nutrients are required in quite small amounts – often less than one kilogram per hectare per year. These are called micronutrients. Diunduhdari: … http://agrienvarchive.ca/gp/bmp/nutrbmp.html
UNSUR HARA TANAMAN PERILAKU NITROGEN DALAM TANAH If applied N or mineralized organic matter N (conversion from organic to ammonium) would stay in the ammonium (NH4+) form, then losses would not occur because ammonium attaches to soil and does not leach (move through the soil with water) or denitrify (microbial conversion to N gases when soils become saturated). Unfortunately, that isn't the way it works. Ammonium is converted to nitrate (NO3-) via nitrification. Nitrate is the form that can be moved out of the soil profile by leaching or lost by denitrification. The conversion of ammonium to nitrate and the conversion of nitrate to N gases are both microbial processes. Potential N loss is dependent upon factors that influence each--for nitrification, soil temperature is very important (faster with warm soils, slower with cold soils), for denitrification, soil temperature and soil moisture (only occurs when soils are saturated--anaerobic conditions). Kalaupupuk N diaplikasikandalambentuknitrat, maka N rawanterhadapkehilangandaritanah. Kalaumuneralisasiterjadipadakondisitanahjenuh, ammonium dapatterakumulasidalamtanahtergenangdantersediabagitanaman. Diunduhdari: … http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/2007/5-14/nitrogenloss.html
UNSUR HARA TANAMAN Dinamika P dalamtanahmencakuptransformasidanperilaku P daripupuk. Phosphorus, another of the macro-nutrients is required in significant quantities by a cotton crop. It is taken up by the plant primarily as orthophosphate with the predominate form being highly dependent upon soil pH (PO43- at high pH; HPO42- at moderate pH; and H2PO4- at low pH). The amount that needs to be supplied through supplemental fertilization varies across the belt. Ujitanahtelahterbuktiefektifsebagaimetodepenentuankebutuhanpupuk P. Diunduhdari: Sumber: … http://www.extension.org/pages/9873/phosphorus-p
UNSUR HARA TANAMAN SIKLUS KALIUM DALAM SISTEM TANAH-TANAMAN-TERNAK (SYERS, 1998) A widely accepted concept divides soil K into four pools or compartments: K-larutantanah(Ksl) K-tukar(Kex) K-fiksasiatau K-tidakdapatditukar(Kf) K dalamkristal mineral primer (Kl). Diunduhdari: sumber:… http://www.ipipotash.org/presentn/aspcwdb.html