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5th GRADE MEAP RELEASED ITEMS (Correlated to the 4th grade GLCE's). OBJECTIVES : Review, practice, and secure concepts. Breakdown the barriers of vocabulary and format. Analyze data from the District and State. GLCE Designations. Core - content currently taught at the assigned grade level.
5th GRADE MEAP RELEASED ITEMS (Correlated to the 4th grade GLCE's) • OBJECTIVES: • Review, practice, and secure concepts. • Breakdown the barriers of vocabulary and format. • Analyze data from the District and State.
GLCE Designations • Core- content currently taught at the assigned grade level. • Extended Core- content currently taught at the assigned grade level that describes narrower or less dense topics. • Future Core- not currently taught at assigned grade level (but will be with in the next 3-5 years).
Websites • MEAP: www.mi.gov/meap • Released items • Guide to MEAP reports • Assessable GLCE information • MI-Access: www.mi.gov/mi-access • Extended GLCE and Benchmarks • Accommodations Information • MI-Access Information Center: www.mi-access.info • Office of School Improvement: www.mi.gov/osi • Michigan Curriculum Framework • Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) • Intermediate School Districts and MMLA connections: • www.mscenters.org – see what other districts have already done! • MMLA assessment builder and practice questions • www.jcisd.org (go to general education Math and Science Center Math GLCE and Model Assessments • www.manistee.org (go to general education benchmark assessment project) • www.mictm.org
5 Math Strands on MEAP • Number and Operation • Algebra • Measurement • Geometry • Data and Probability Reading the GLCE Code: N.FL.06.10 GLCE Number Strand (Content Area) Domain (Sub-Content Area like: Fluency or Patterns, etc.) Grade Level
Number and Operation • The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. • If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. • If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. • If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.
GLCE: N.FL.04.11 Divide numbers up to four-digits by one-digit numbers and by 10. [Core] • Divide whole numbers by 1-digit • numbers and by 10 • A. incorrect quotient, incorrect remainder • B. correct • C. incorrect quotient, correct remainder • D. incorrect quotient, incorrect remainder
GLCE: N.FL.04.11 Divide numbers up to four-digits by one-digit numbers and by 10. [Core] • 8. Divide: 3,252 ÷ 7 = • 463, R11 • 464 • 464, R4 • 465, R3
GLCE: N.FL.04.12 Find the value of the unknowns in equations such as a ÷ 10 = 25; 125 ÷ b = 25. *[Core] * revised expectations in italics • Find value of unknowns in equations • A. subtracted instead of divided • B. incorrect division • C. correct • D. incorrect division
GLCE: N.FL.04.12 Find the value of the unknowns in equations such as a ÷ 10 = 25; 125 ÷ b = 25. *[Core] * revised expectations in italics • What value of n makes this number sentence true? • 360 ÷ n = 60 • A. 3 • B. 6 • C. 10 • D. 60
GLCE: N.FL.04.35 Know when approximation is appropriate and use it to check the reasonableness of answers; be familiar with common place-value errors in calculations.[Core] • Know & use approximation • appropriately • A. overestimate • B. overestimate • C. overestimate • D. correct
GLCE: N.FL.04.35 Know when approximation is appropriate and use it to check the reasonableness of answers; be familiar with common place-value errors in calculations.[Core] • 16. Which of the following is closest to • 8 x 0.92? • 8,000 • 800 • 80 • 8
GLCE: N.ME.04.05 List the first ten multiples of a given one-digit whole number; determine if a whole number is a multiple of a given one-digit whole number*. [Core] *revised expectations in italics • List factors & multiples • A. multiple • B. not a factor • C. correct • D. not a factor
GLCE: N.ME.04.05 List the first ten multiples of a given one-digit whole number; determine if a whole number is a multiple of a given one-digit whole number*. [Core] *revised expectations in italics • 2. Which number below is a multiple of 4? • 1 • 2 • 14 • 16
GLCE: N.ME.04.09 Multiply two-digit numbers by 2, 3, 4, and 5 using the distributive property, e.g., 21 x 3 = (1 + 20) x 3 = (1 x 3) + (20 x 3) = 3 + 60 = 63. [Core] • Solve x problems using the distributive • property • A. correct • B. not distributive property • C. not distributive property • D. not distributive property
GLCE: N.ME.04.09 Multiply two-digit numbers by 2, 3, 4, and 5 using the distributive property, e.g., 21 x 3 = (1 + 20) x 3 = (1 x 3) + (20 x 3) = 3 + 60 = 63. [Core] • 6. Which of the following is equivalent to • 2 x 54? • 2 x 50 x 4 • (2 x 50) + (2 x 4) • 2 x 5 x 4 • (2 x 50) + 4
GLCE: N.ME.04.15 Read and interpret decimals up to two decimal places; relate to money and place value decomposition. [Core] • Know decimals up to two places & • relate to money • A. incorrect value • B. correct • C. place value error • D. place value error
GLCE: N.ME.04.15 Read and interpret decimals up to two decimal places; relate to money and place value decomposition. [Core] • The square grid below represents 1 • whole.
GLCE: N.MR.04.07 Use factors and multiples to compose and decompose whole numbers* [Core] *revised expectations in italics • Use factors & multiples to • compose/decompose numbers • A. not a multiple • B. correct • C. not a multiple • D. factor
GLCE: N.MR.04.07 Use factors and multiples to compose and decompose whole numbers* [Core] *revised expectations in italics • 4. What number goes in the blank to make • the second number sentence below true? • 100 = 4 x 25 • 100 = 4 x ___ x 5 • 4 • 5 • 25 • 100
GLCE: N.MR.04.19 Write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction forms, and know the decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. [Core] 11. Translate between fractions & decimals A. incorrect fraction B. correct C. incorrect fraction D. reciprocal
GLCE: N.MR.04.19 Write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction forms, and know the decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. [Core]
GLCE: N.MR.04.22 Locate fractions with denominators of 12 or less on the number line; include mixed numbers. * [Core] *revised expectations in italics 13. Locate fractions w/denominators <=12 on number line A . different labeled point on number line B. incorrect point on number line C. correct D. different labeled point on number line
GLCE: N.MR.04.22 Locate fractions with denominators of 12 or less on the number line; include mixed numbers. * [Core] *revised expectations in italics • Which point on the number line below best represents the location of • A • B • C • D
Measurement • The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. • If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. • If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. • If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.
GLCE: M.PS.04.02 Give answers to a reasonable degree of precision in the context of a given problem. [Core] • Give answers to a reasonable degree • of precision • A. incorrect weight • B. incorrect weight • C. correct • D. incorrect weight
GLCE: M.PS.04.02 Give answers to a reasonable degree of precision in the context of a given problem. [Core] • 44. Which of the following is most likely the high temperature on a typical summer day in Lansing, Michigan? • 130o F • 85oF • 49oF • 32oF
GLCE: M.TE.04.06 Know and understand the formulas for perimeter and area of a square and a rectangle; calculate the perimeters and areas of these shapes and combinations of theses shapes using the formulas. [Core] • 21. Know and understand formulas for • P/A of square, rectangle • length of one side • B. length of two sides • C. Correct • D. measure of area
GLCE: M.TE.04.06 Know and understand the formulas for perimeter and area of a square and a rectangle; calculate the perimeters and areas of these shapes and combinations of theses shapes using the formulas. [Core]
GLCE: M.TE.04.07 Find one dimension of a rectangle given the other dimension and its perimeter or area. [Core] 23. Find length of rectangle given width and A or P A. correct B. incorrect length C. perimeter D. area measure minus length of one side
GLCE: M.TE.04.07 Find one dimension of a rectangle given the other dimension and its perimeter or area. [Core] • What is the length of a rectangle with a width of 4 centimeters and perimeter of 28 centimeters? • 7 centimeters • 10 centimeters • 20 centimeters • 24 centimeters
GLCE: M.UN.04.01 Measure using common tools and select appropriate units of measure. [Core] • Measure using common tools & • appropriate units • A. under by 0.25 inch • B. correct • C. over by 0.25 inch • D. over by 1 inch
GLCE: M.UN.04.01 Measure using common tools and select appropriate units of measure. [Core] • 18. Which unit can be used to record the height of your teacher? • Foot • Milliliter • Gram • Pound
GLCE: M.UN.04.03 Measure and compare integer temperatures in degrees. [Core] • Measure & compare integer temperatures in degrees • A. neither coolest nor warmest temperature • B. warmest temperature • C. correct • D. least absolute value
GLCE: M.UN.04.03 Measure and compare integer temperatures in degrees. [Core]
Geometry • The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. • If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. • If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. • If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.
GLCE: G.GS.04.02 Identify basic geometric shapes including isosceles, equilateral, and right triangles and use their properties to solve problems. [Core] • Identify basic geometric shapes and solve problems • A. correct • B. different type of triangle • C. different type of triangle • D. different type of triangle
GLCE: G.GS.04.02 Identify basic geometric shapes including isosceles, equilateral, and right triangles and use their properties to solve problems. [Core] 26. What kind of triangles will result if Dale draws a line segment connecting points A and C on the rectangle shown below?
GLCE: G.SR.04.03 Identify and count the faces, edges, and vertices of basic three-dimensional geometric solids including cubes, rectangular prisms, and pyramids; describe the shape of their faces. [Core] • Identify attributes of 3-D solids • A. incorrect attribute • B. incorrect attribute • C. incorrect attribute • D. correct
GLCE: G.SR.04.03 Identify and count the faces, edges, and vertices of basic three-dimensional geometric solids including cubes, rectangular prisms, and pyramids; describe the shape of their faces. [Core] • What is the total number of vertices in the rectangular prism shown below? • 2 • 4 • 6 • 8
GLCE: G.TR.04.05 Recognize rigid motion transformations (flips, slides, turns) of a two-dimensional object. [Core] • Recognize transformations of a 2-D object • A. correct • B. rotation • C. dilation • D. rotation
GLCE: G.TR.04.05 Recognize rigid motion transformations (flips, slides, turns) of a two-dimensional object. [Core]
Data & Probability • The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. • If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. • If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. • If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.
GLCE: D.RE.04.02 Order a given set of data, find the median, and specify the range of values. [Core] 45. Order a given set of data, find the median, range A. middle number B. correct C. range D. maximum
GLCE: D.RE.04.02 Order a given set of data, find the median, and specify the range of values. [Core] • What is the range of data set below? • 2, 1, 7, 3, 5, 2, 9, 7, 10, 4, 2, 10 • 2 • 8 • 9 • 10
GLCE: D.RE.04.03 Solve problems using data presented in tables and bar graphs e.g., compare data represented in tow bar graphs and read bar graphs showing two data sets. [Core] • Solve problems using data tables, • bar graphs • A. incorrect value • B. correct • C. incorrect value • D. incorrect value
GLCE: D.RE.04.03 Solve problems using data presented in tables and bar graphs e.g., compare data represented in tow bar graphs and read bar graphs showing two data sets. [Core] • The graph below shows the number of basket ball titles won by the boys’ teams and the girls’ teams for three different school teams:
Number and Operation • The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. • If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. • If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. • If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.
GLCE: N.FL.04.10 Multiply fluently any whole number by a one-digit number and a three-digit number by a two-digit number; for a two-digit by one-digit multiplication use distributive property to develop meaning for the algorithm. [Extended] • Multiply: 6,952 x 3 = • 10,285 • 18,756 • 20,856 • 24,856
GLCE: N.ME.04.01 Read and write numbers to 1,000,000; relate them to the quantities they represent; compare and order. [Extended] • Which shows twenty-three thousand, sixty-two in standard form? • 2,362 • 20,362 • 23,026 • 23,062
GLCE: N.ME.04.03 Understand the magnitude of numbers up to 1,000,000; recognize the place values of numbers and the relationship of each place value to the place to its right, e.g., 1,000 is 10 hundreds. [Extended] • Gene is buying a car that costs $27,650. what is the place value of the 7 in the price of this car? • tens • hundreds • thousands • ten thousands