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Chapter 16:

Chapter 16:. Gender Identity Disorder. Gender Identity Disorder. Gender identity – Perception of oneself as a male or female. Gender role – beliefs regarding how one should behave as a man or a woman in society.

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Chapter 16:

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  1. Chapter 16: Gender Identity Disorder

  2. Gender Identity Disorder • Gender identity – Perception of oneself as a male or female. • Gender role – beliefs regarding how one should behave as a man or a woman in society. • Sexual orientation – Preference for sexual partners either of the opposite, same, or both sexes. • Gender identity differs from biological gender, gender role, and sexual orientation.

  3. Gender Identity Disorder • Strong and persistent identification with the other sex (demonstrated by four of the following:) • Stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex. • Preference for cross-dressing • Preference for cross-sex roles in play and fantasy • Desire to participate in stereotypic games of other sex. • Preference for playmates of the other sex. • Persistent discomfort with his or her sex and sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex. • Causes significant distress or problems in functioning.

  4. Gender Identity Disorder • Cause not completely known, although it is likely a result of an interaction between biology, social, and psychological factors. • Treatment? Can gender reassignment be considered treatment? • Appropriate to call this a disorder?

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