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Autonoma University of Madrid Master Program on Social Gerontology

Autonoma University of Madrid Master Program on Social Gerontology. 7 Editions in Spain (1990-2001) 3 Iberoamerican Editions. OBJECTIVES. To transmit up-date knowledge on age, ageing, and the aged

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Autonoma University of Madrid Master Program on Social Gerontology

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  1. Autonoma University of MadridMaster Program onSocial Gerontology 7 Editions in Spain (1990-2001) 3 Iberoamerican Editions

  2. OBJECTIVES • To transmit up-date knowledge on age, ageing, and the aged • To train in the planification, management and evaluation of gerontological services and programs • To transmit gerontological knowledge and abilities for optimizing community resources • To train in abilities for the bio-psycho-social care of the elderly

  3. Management • Organization: • Faculty of Psychology UAM • IMSERSO (National Institute of Migration and Social Services) • Direction: • Dra. R. Fdez-Ballesteros (UAM) • Secretary: Belén Domínguez • Documentation and Practicum:Dra. M.D. Zamarrón

  4. Structure • To: Post-Graduate students on Social and Health Sciences • Two semesters (January-June y September-December) • 60 credits (600 hours) • 40 credits theory-practice • 10 credits Practicum • 10 credits Research Project

  5. CONTENTS:First Semester • Introduction to Social Gerontology (1) • Biological bases of ageing (3) • Psychology of ageing (3) • Ageing and society (3) • Economy of ageing (1) • Ethics and law (1) • Social policy (2) • Methods and techniques (4) • Multidisciplinary approach to Gerontology (1) • Abilities of gerontologists (1)

  6. CONTENTS:Second Semester • Social Services Systems (2) • Design, Management and Evaluation of Gerontological Services and Programs (3) • Total Quality in the management of Gerontological Social Services (3) • Gerontological Programs in Institutions (1) • Gerontologíca Programs in the Community (1) • Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Programs (1) • Preparation for retirement and Life Long learning Courses (2) • Caregivers training (2) • AD and Dementia Programs (2) • Paliative Care Programs (1) • Assessment in Geriatric settings (1) • Gerontological Services coordination (1)

  7. RESEARCH PROJECT • Student choice • Student proposal: • Title • Tutor selection • Bibliographic search • Project development under the supervision of the Tutor • Project Report after Tutor aproval • Project evaluation

  8. PRACTICUM • First Semester • Attendance to Gerontological a Gerontological Center (Residence, Day Care Center, Geriatric Hospital, etc.) • Tutorial work • Tutor report • Second Semester • Need assessment of a given Program or Service • Program or Service evaluation • Total Quality management of a given Program or Services • Tutorial Work • Student report.

  9. LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICE • Director: Dra. M.D. Zamarrón • Books, • Scientific Journals • Documents • Bibliographical search: • Gerontological Data bases • General Data bases (Psychlit, Medline, Sociofile, etc.)

  10. Student Overview • Madrid Editions (from 1990): • 300 students (approx.) • 40% Psychologists • 20% Bio-medical professions • 20% Social studies • 10% Journalists, Economists, Lawers, etc. • 10% Others • Iberoamerican Editions(Argentina,Chile, Brazil and Mexico) • 180 students (approx.) • 40% Bio-medical professions • 30% Psychologists • 20 % Social studies • 10% Others

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