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Chapter 7 Nervous tissue. 1. General description: ---Components: nerve cell: neuron Glial cell: neuroglial ---Function: Neurons : receive the stimulation, conduct the nerve impulse Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons. 2. Neuron.
1.General description: ---Components: • nerve cell: neuron • Glial cell: neuroglial ---Function: • Neurons : receive the stimulation, conduct the nerve impulse • Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons
2.Neuron The structural and functional cellular unit
shape of neuron: consists of cell body, dendrite and axon ---cell body: spherical, pyramidal fusiform or stellate in shape, 5um-150um ---dendrite: like branches of tree ---axon: long thin cord-liked
2) structure of neuron ①cell body: ---cell membrane: • unit membrane-irritability, receive stimuli, initiate and conduct nerve impulse • membrane proteins-ions channel and receptor ---cell nucleus: large and round, centrally- located, less heterochromatin, so pale stained, with a large, clear nucleolus
---cytoplasm: perikaryon a.Nissl body: LM: basophilic spot-liked or granule-liked structure EM: parallelly-arranged RER and free ribosome function: synthesis of proteins • structural protein • enzymes related to the production of neurotransmitters
b.Neurofibril: LM: in silver impregnation methods(silver preparation), there are many thread-liked dark brown color structure to form a network.
EM: • neurofilament: 10 nm in diameter • microtubule: 25 nm in diameter function: • supporting • involving in intracellular transportation
c.other organelle • Golgi apparatus • mitochondria • pigment
②dendrite: ---many, short and more branches ---structure: similar to cell body ---dendritic spine( places for formation of synapse) and spine apparatus(structure formed by 2-3 layers SER) ---function: receive the information
③axon: ---thin, less branch ---structure: no Nissl body, but have microtubule, neurofilament, microfilament, mitochondria, SER and vesicle • axon hillock: the beginning part of axon • axolemma • axoplasm ---function: initiate an impulse and conduct the impulse
* axonal transports: • slow anterograde: cytoskeletal protein: microtubule, microfilament and neurofilament (0.1-0.4mm/d) • fast anterograde: synaptic vesicles, enzymes and proteins( 100-400mm/d) • fast retrograde: products of metabolism, intaking materials including protein or neurotrophic factors(100-400/d)
3) classification: ---According to number of processes • multipolar neuron • bipolar neuron • pseudounipolar neuron ---According to length of axon • Golgi type I neuron: long axon and large • Golgi type II neuron: short axon
---According to function • sensory neuron • motor neuron • interneuron ---According to the neurotransmitter or neuromodulator release by the neuron • cholinergic neuron • aminergic neuron • peptidergic neuron • aminoacidergic neuron
---definition: is the junctions between neurons or neuron and non-nerve cells ---classification: • chemical synapse: taking neurotransmitter as communicating medium • electrical synapse: gap junction
---structure of chemical synapse: LM: in silver preparation, there are many button-liked structures on the surface of dendrites and cell body, called synaptic button
EM: /presynaptic element: axonal terminal • presynaptic membrane • synapse vesicle: -round or flattened, 40-60nm -clear or with electron dense core
-contain neurotransmitters: acetylcholine, Ach norepinephrine, NE dopamine, DA -neuromodulator: peptides- change the reaction of neuron to neurotransmitter, modulate neurotransmitter substance P enkephalin vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, VIP
there are synapsin I • mito, SER, microtubule and microfilament /synaptic cleft: 15-30nm /postsynaptic element: • --postsynaptic membrane • --receptors
Classification of chemical synapse: /According to function: • excitatory synapse • inhibitory synapse
/According to structure: • type I: postsynaptic membrane is thicker than presynaptic membrane, with wide synaptic cleft(excitatory synapse) • type II: there are less electron dense material attached on synaptic membrane, the thickness of postsynaptic membrane is same to presynaptic membrane(symmetrical synapse)
1)Glial cell in CNS (central nervous system) a. Astrocyte: /large stellate /round or ovoid nucleus, large and pale (euchromatin) /gliafilament: intermediate filament /end feet: to form glia limitans or vascular feet-constitute blood brain barrier
/classification fibrous astrocytes: • -white matter, have long, thin and smooth processes • -more glial filament- glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP
protoplasmic astrocyte: • -gray matter, short, thick processes with more branch • -less glial filament
/function: • ⅰ.supporting, insulating and repairing • ii. regulate the environment and movement of neuron • iii. secret neurotrophic factor: nerve growth factor, NGF, ciliary neurotrophic factor, CNTP and glial cell line-drived neurotrophic factor, GDNF
b. Oligodendrocyte: ---structure: smaller, fewer process with a small round and dark stained N ---function: i. their processes form myelin-sheath of NF in CNS • ii. inhibite growth of processes of neuron( secrete inhibiting factor- NI-35,NI-250 myelin-associated glycoprotein)
c. Microglia: ---structure: smallest, elongate shape or ovoid, with a small dark irregular N ---function: phagocytosis-mononuclear phagocyte system
d. Ependymal cell: ---structure: • simple cuboidal or columnar epi • apical: microvilli and cilia • basal: long processes-tanycyte ---function: • produce cerebrospinal fluid • nerve stem cell in or under ependyma ---distribution: ventricle of brain and central canal of spinal cord
2) glial cell in PNS( peripheral nervous system) a. Schwann cell: /envelop the axon end to end to form myelin-sheath in PNS and /produce NGF, CNTF and BDNF(brain derived neurotrophic factor) b. Satellite cell (capsular cell): /one layer of flattened or cuboidal cell, with round, ovoid and dark N /surrounding the Neuron in ganglion
5. Nerve fiber and Nerve ---definition: a structure formed by axon and glial cell can conduct the impulse to certain direction ---classification: according to myelin-sheath • myelinated nerve fiber • unmyelinated nerve fiber
1) MNF ① MNF in PNS LM: • Axon • myelin-sheath: HE: net-liked; OsO4(osmium tetroside) fixation and stain: black with Schmidt-Lantermann incisure • neurilemma: cell membrane of Schwann and basement membrane * Ranvier node: narrow part, no myelin-sheath-saltatory conduction * internode: the segment of NF between two Ranvier nodes
EM: Schwann cell (neurilemmal cell) : Schwann cell →invagination and envelop the axon →form mesaxon → mesaxon become longer and longer →spiral around the fiber →to force the N and cytoplasm go to two side, inner and out edges connecting with incisure
②MNF in CNS ---structure: • similar to in PNS • myelin-sheath formed by flattened ending of oligodendrocyte’s processes • one oligodendrocyte can envelop many axons • no incisure and basement membrane
2) N-MNF ①N-MNF in PNS ---structure: • thin axon and Schwann cell connect end to end • no myelin-sheath and Ranvier node • one Schwann cell envelops more axons ②N-MNF in CNS * nothing to envelop the axon-naked axon
3) Nerve ---Nerve fiber gets together to form nerve • efferent N • afferent N • mixed N ---structure: • epineurium: DCT • perineurium: -two layers: /outer layer- CT /inner layer-several layers of SSE- perineural epithelium(tight junction and basement membrane) • endoneurium: thin layer of LCT
1) Sensory nerve ending ---peripheral processes of pseudounipolar neuron + other structure to form sensory receptor ①free nerve ending ---structure: NF→lose myelin-sheath → branch → distribute in epidermis, cornea, hair follicle epithelial cell and CT ---function: feel cold, hot, pain and slight touch
② Encapsulated N ending ---have CT capsule a. tactile corpuscle ---structure: • oval • CT capsule • flattened cell-transverse arranged • NF→lost myelin-sheath→spiral flattened cells ---distribution: dermal papillae, especially in tip of finger or toe, palms, soles and lips ---function: touch receptors
b. lamellar corpuscle ---structure: • large , oval or spherical • capsule: several layers of flattened cell concentrically-arranged • bulb- cylindrical • NF →lost MS→enter the bulb ---distribution: subcutaneous T, mesentery, ligament ---function: feel deep or heavy pressure
c.Muscular spindles ---structure: • fusiform • CT capsule • a few small muscle fibers- intrafusal muscle fiber • NF: roll up the muscle F ---distribution: skeletal muscle ---function: detect muscle length and change in muscle length
2)Motor nerve ending: muscular T and gland ①Somatic MNE: motor end plate, neuromuscular junction
---structure: EM • muscle F: rich in cytoplasm, nuclei and mito • presynaptic membrane: - synaptic vesicles- achtylcholine • synaptic cleft: • postsynaptic membrane: -synaptic gatter -junctional folds -type N receptor * motor unit: axon of one neuron and all skeletal muscle fiber controlled by it