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Company XYZ Logo. New Product Platform Functional Decomposition: As Is State. 1. Corp. Accounting. OEM. High Level Functional Decomposition – As Is. Data Vendor. Gather Data. Client Management. Existing Application. 5.0 Data Vendor. 2.0 Operations. 1.0 Client Management. 5.2
Company XYZ Logo New Product Platform Functional Decomposition: As Is State 1
Corp. Accounting OEM High Level Functional Decomposition – As Is Data Vendor Gather Data Client Management Existing Application 5.0 Data Vendor 2.0 Operations 1.0 Client Management 5.2 OEM Rules 5.1 Business Rule Management 1.1 Administration 1.2 Contact Management 2.1 Activity Management 2.2 Sell Me List 6.0 Template Mgt. 5.3 Fulfillment Preparation 5.4 Reporting 2.4 Enrollment 2.3 Sales Scripts 1.4 Adjustments & Notes 1.3 Order History 6.2 Template Rules 6.1 Creation 5.5 Client/Customer Management 5.6 Billing 3.0 User Admin 7.0 Fulfillment 4.0 Reporting 7.2 Vendor 7.1 In-house
Level 1.0 Client Management 1.0 Client Management 1.1 Administration 1.2 Contact Management 1.4 Adjustments & Notes 1.3 Order History
1.0 Sales accesses application 1.0 Client Management process 1.1 Administration 1.2 Contact Management Sales selects desired function 1.3 Order History 1.4 Adjustments & Notes
1.0 Client ManagementClient Management process This function creates, modifies and maintains Client information: 1.1 - Administration 1.2 - Contacts 1.3 - Order History 1.4 - Adjustments 1.4 - Notes These functions are described in their respective sections below. All of this information deals directly with the Client, the end customer for the direct mail programs and campaigns. Sales gather required information during the Enrollment process (paper, fax and some electronic) and during telephone contacts with the Clients in Enrollment process (2.4). The System saves and displays the information as required.
1.1.3 Identify Client Contacts 1.1.2 Gather Client information 1.1 Registration Request Save Modified Client record Delete Client Add Client Record 1.1.4 Find & Modify Client Record 1.1 Client Administration process Modify 1.1.1Add, Modify, Delete Client Add Delete
1.1 Client ManagementAdministration process Sales Representatives perform these actions on Client Records in the Datastore: • Add • Delete • Modify Sales Representatives manually enter the information after telephone contact with the Client or from faxed forms (the Client downloads and completes PDF forms from <proprietary website>, faxes the form(s) to the Sales Rep. The Rep then manually enters the information into the System (Operations 2.4). This information includes Client Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Client Staff, Service Vendor Hours, coupon selection, text for customizable direct mail fields, etc. Company XYZ pushes the Client information to 3rd Party Data Vendor for inclusion in its regular Client data pulls.
System Datastore 1.1 Client Administration processContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Client • Administration • process • Add Client • Delete Client • Modify Client • information Client faxed forms To Sales Add, delete, modify records Sales enters information gathered In 2.4 Enrollment Send Data to Vendor
1.2 Sales Gathers Client Contact info. 1.2.1Sales adds new or deletes/ modifies existing Contact* 1.2.1 System Datastore 2.0 Operations 1.2 Contact Management process * Performed in 2.1 Activities Management
1.2 Client Management processContact Management Contact management is largely self explanatory. It is the process of identifying the key personnel at a given Client and capturing and storing their contact information in a database. Contact information includes but is not limited to: Name, Title, Work phone, Vendor Phone, Email, Other. System displays Contact information in its own section of the dashboard. The Sales Representatives use this information to contact the appropriate Client staff. Contact Management allows Sales Representatives to manage as many Client Contacts as required. Sales Representatives use these functions to add, delete or modify Contact information.
System Datastore 1.2 Contact Management processContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Contact • Administration • process • Add Contact • Delete Contact • Modify Contact • information Client faxed forms To Sales Add, delete, modify records Sales enters information
1.3 Sales or Client request Client record 1.3.2 Display Current Campaigns 1.3 Order History process Client 1.3.2 Sales or Client request? 1.3.1 Select Order History Sales 1.3.3 Display Current & History Campaigns
1.3 Client Management processOrder History Order History is a detailed set of information of the Client’s past product purchases. Sales Representatives use the information in sales calls. Sales and Clients use the information to determine the Client’s mix of current programs to identify potential needs. Client Portfolio information displays at <proprietary website> after sucessful Client login.
System Datastore 3rd Party Data store 1.3 Order History processContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process Sales enters information Store Record Query records /Client Results Page Sales Results Page Lookup Page
1.4.4 Corporate accounting 1.4.5 OEM Accounting credits account 1.4 Client Requests adjustment 1.4 Option: Sales gathers/creates Client Note* 1.4 Sales Selects Client; Display Note 1.4 System Datastore 1.4.3 Sales creates Credit Memo Request 1.4 Adjustments & Notes process 1.4.1 Sales Verify Error Fill out manual form for Credit Memo valid Invalid End process Save Note *-Note information can conVendorrn anything about the Client
1.4 Client Management processAdjustments & Notes process Third Party Data Vendor handles all billing for these products. Company X requests adjustments, validates errors and creates credit memo request (manually) to remedy issues and billing errors. A Sales Team Manager must review all request forms before submission to 3rd Party Vendor. Adjustments is the process of providing credit in the form of vouchers, memos or checks. This process is needed to keep the clients account in balance. Notes are used to keep a electronic history of client interactions. These notes are used to document situations or desires of a given client.
System Datastore Financial Data store 1.4 Adjustments & Notes processContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process Client complains To Sales • Adjustments • process • Create Credit • Memo Request form • Client Notes • process Add, delete, modify records Save/Modify Note Sales enters information and/or creates note Display Note Sales Team Management Reviews and forwards form to 3rd Party Vendor
Level 2.0 System Operations 2.0 System Operations 2.1 Activity Management 2.2 Sell Me List 2.4 Enrollment 2.3 Sales Scripts
2.0 Sales selects desired function 2.0 System Operations process 2.1 Activity Management Go to 2.2 Sell Me List Sales selects desired function Go to2.3 Sales Scripts Go to 2.4 Enrollment
2.0 System OperationsSystem Operations process This function provides these capabilities: 2.1 Activity Management - Manages and tracks Sales activities (tasks and assignments) 2.2 Sell Me List - Displays current product offerings. This can include Programs and Campaigns. 2.3 Sales Scripts - Creates, displays and maintains Sales Sales Scripts/Tips 2.4 Enrollment – Gathers and inputs information related to the Clients enrollment needs. Sales Representatives gather required information during the Enrollment process (paper, fax and some electronic) and during telephone contacts with the Clients.
2.1.2 process Calls 2.1.3 process To Dos (Action Items) 2.1.4 process Issues 2.1.6 Management Reporting 2.1.5 process Appointments 2.1 Sales/ Manager assigns or reassigns Activity 2.1 Sales Opens My Activities page 2.1.7 System Datastore 2.1 System Operations process Activities Management 2.1.1 Sales selects Activity
2.1 System OperationsActivities Management process The activities management process is mostly manual currently. This process facilitates the daily tasks for the Sales Representatives and Managers and includes: • Directs Sales workflow through management/team Activity assignments/reassignments and To Do tasks. • Tracks Sales productivity and SLA through Open/Closed Activities, including pre-defined ‘Closed Reasons’ and a Call Result Notes field. • Alerts the Team to issues. • Allows Appointments and Calls management . • Allows Management to populate news items of specific conVendorrn to the Team. • Tracks Telephone, Fax and Email tasks (tickler). • Management Reporting.
System Datastore 2.1 Activities ManagementContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Activities • Management • process • Call Management • To Do Management • Issues Management • Appointments • Management • Summary Report Display appropriate web pages Sales opens, closes or reassigns an activity Manager assigns task, adds news item, reviews Sales productivity, reviews SLA levels Add, delete, modify records
2.2.3 Display available Campaigns & Programs 2.2 User requests Products List 2.2.1 System Datastore Order History 2.2 System Operations process Sell Me List * Sell Me Screen section contains all current Campaigns in which the selected Client is Not enrolled
2.2 System OperationsSell Me List process On user request, the system displays a list of currently available Programs and Campaigns. Selecting a given product will display a sales script. The Sales must follow this script while talking to the Client.
System Datastore 2.2 Campaign PortfolioContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Campaign • Portfolio • process • Query System data • store • Display currently • available programs • and campaigns Find appropriate records Sales requests Portfolio information in Activities application Display information Client requests Portfolio information in <proprietary website> site.
2.3.4 Display Program FAQ 2.3.5 Manager Writes & uploads FAQ 2.3.3 Sales accesses Programs List; selects one 2.3.2 Display Sell Me info in First Client Screen 2.3 Sales Requests Client Information 2.3.1 System Datastore 2.3.1 System Datastore 2.3 System Operations process Sales Scripts
2.3 System OperationsSales Scripts process The user selects a displayed Program or Campaign from the Sell Me list, the System displays a sales script with quick and easy to read information for use in explaining the product to the Client. By comparing a Client’s Order History with the universe of available Programs, the System displays a list of Programs (Group and National) for which the Client is eligible but not currently enrolled.
System Datastore System Datastore 2.3 Sales ScriptsContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Sales Script • process • Order History with • Current Campaigns • Save Sales Script Add, delete, modify FAQ records Order History Manager creates, modifies or deletes Program FAQ Display appropriate info pm web pages
2.4.5 Display Enrollment Form; edit* or create 2.4.2 Sales: Client Man. (1.1)/ Contact Man.(1.2) 2.4.7 Administrator verifies and submits paper/on-line forms, archives paper form 2.4 Client requests enrollment by Fax or contact 2.4 Client requests Campaign change 2.4.3 System Datastore 2.4.7 System Datastore 2.4 System Operations process Enrollment Yes 2.4.1 New Client? 2.4.6 Sales fills or edits on line and paper form No * When enrollment form is released to Print Production, the form becomes Read Only can cannot be edited.
2.4 System OperationsEnrollment process This process captures data to register new Clients, enroll Clients in Programs and Campaigns and modify Enrollment information. Current Clients (usually with the help of Sales) fill out a paper form. The Sales fills out a comparable form and keys the information into the System website. On sending the enrollment/change, the Program/Campaign Administrator reviews the paper and on-line form, QCs both and, when appropriate, submits the enrollment when the application saves the information. The internal paper form is then archived.
System Datastore 2.4 Enrollment processContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Enrollment • process • Create Client record • for new Client • Create and save • electronic • Enrollment Form Sales creates electronic Enrollment record from Client fax or contact Add, delete, modify Client and Campaign records Administrator reviews for QC, submits the on-line information to the System and archives the paper version
Level 3.0 User Admin 3.0 User Admin
3.0.1 System Admin. enters role, user ID and password 3.0.3 System sends new user log in information 3.0 Request for acess to System or modify existing user 3.0.2 System Datastore Level 3.0 User Admin process
3.0 User Administration This process creates, modifies and deletes new System users, secures log ins and enforVendor role-based security.
System Datastore 3.0 User AdministrationContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • User • Administration • process • Create user account. • Modify existing profile • Delete current user • Enforce roles-based • access to screens, • functions and • information • Save and enforce • changes Add, delete, modify user records System System Administrator enters user information, changes existing Profile or deletes existing user EnforVendor role-based security User Requests acVendorss to System, Profile change or is no longer eligible to use the System User notification
Level 4.0 Reporting 4.0 Reporting
4.0.5 Generate, display file, offer save/print. 4.0 User requests report 4.0.4 Display error message, for end user confirmation 4.02 System Datastore User table 4.05 System Datastore 4.0 Reporting process No 4.0.3 Valid Request? 4.0.1 Check user account Yes
4.0 Reporting This process regulates report delivery, generation, display, save and print.
System Datastore 4.0 ReportingContext Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Reporting • process • Validate user access • to report • Pull data • Sort, filter as defined • in report • Display report • Allow save or print • as defined Add, delete, modify user records User Requests pre-defined report, enters required filter, sorting detail End user role-based security Report
Level 5.0 Campbell Ewald (Vendor) process 5.0 Vendor 5.2 OEM Rules 5.1 Business Rule Management 5.3 Fulfillment Preparation 5.4 Reporting 5.5 Client/Customer Management 5.6 Billing
5.0 Sales Access System 5.0 Vendor process Go to 5.1 Business Rule Management Go to 5.2 OEM Business Rule Management Sales selects desired Vendor function Go to 5.3 Vendor Fulfillment Preparation Go to 5.4 Vendor Reporting Go to 5.5 Vendor Client/ Customer Management Go to 5.6 Vendor Billing
5.0 Data Vendor Process Third Party Data Vendor is a key vendor for Company X to successfully deliver its products. Most of the vendor’s services are considered a black box. This means information is sent and received This process includes: 5.1 Business Rule Management - Determines data rules for scrubbing and record selection for direct mail campaigns. 5.2 OEM Rules - Determines and documents OEM Business Requirements for campaign design, mailer design, OEM data used in the process, etc. 5.3 Fulfillment Preparation - Prepares the mailers for final fulfillment (printing and Mailing) using the various business rules. 5.4 Reporting - Identifies, determines and documents available Reports based on the Vendor data pulls. 5.5 Client/Customer Management - Manages Client and Customer (direct mail campaign material) records. 5.6 Billing - Manages Group and Corporate Billing.
Level 6.0 Template Management 6.0 Template Mgt. 6.2 Template Rules 6.1 Creation
6.2 Create Template Rules 6.0New mailing product required or change to existing product System Datastore 6.1 Create Template 6.0 Template Management process
6.0 Template Management processTemplate Management Process This is the creative process to create a mailer template for a given program or campaign. If the design process calls for a dynamic template, the rules governing the template are created and stored.
System Datastore System Datastore 6.0 Template Management process Context Diagram Outputs Inputs process • Template • Management • process • Store Recipient • information • Impose Rules • Store Template Creative creates template, identifies fields. Creates graphics, etc. Impose rules, provide date to populate fields
Level 7.0 Fulfillment 7.0 Fulfillment 7.2 Vendor 7.1 In-house
7.0 Mailer print jobs required. 7.0.1 Determine Job Size 7.2 Go to Vendor 7.0.3 Go to 4.0 Reporting 7.0.3 Go to In- House 7.0 Fulfillment process No No In House size or below? Ops able to schedule? Yes Yes
7.0 Fulfillment process This processdetermines if Vendor or In-House operations will print and distribute mailer and associated materials based on: • Number of pieces to be printed • In-House technical capabilities • In-House Operations schedule • Vendor prices, availability and expertise. It also generates valid Fulfillment Reports for Client and appropriate Coop program(s)