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This tutorial provides insights into setting up and managing a search ad campaign, including bidding strategies, competition dynamics, and campaign optimization. It also explores research questions and examples in the sponsored search literature.
Information, Bidding and Competition in Sponsored Search Jon Feldman S. Muthukrishnan
Sponsored search from the advertiser perspective • What is a search ad campaign? • What are the goals of a search ad campaign? • What information do we have to analyze and manage a campaign? • Given this information, how do we manage a campaign? • How does competition affect a search ad campaign? • Note: the word “auction” does not appear above...
Goals of this tutorial • Detail the real experience of setting up and managing a search ad campaign. • Formulate general research questions inspired by these details. • Highlight examples of existing research. • non-goal: complete survey of the Sponsored Search literature
Users, advertisers, and the search engine • Search engine determines which ads get shown, page layout (and, of course, the search results). • Search engine user determines which (if any) ad is clicked, and whether to buy something. • ...thus, even from the advertiser perspective, need to reason about behavior of user and search engine.
Multiple perspectives Algorithms optimize stuff and prove bounds What can you prove about that heuristic? Isn’t the Bayesean assumption unsatisfying? Great proof... but is this useful on real data? We can predict behavior without always needing to bound stuff. Learning/IR/Stats Economics model stuff to learn about the world learn stuff from data and test it Your mechanism is biasing my data...! Your model ignores the nature of the agents...!
Outline First half (Jon): • Parameters of a search campaign: • Keywords, creatives, adgroups, match types, negative keywords, geo, language, demographic, ad networks, delivery method, scheduling, rotation, frequency capping, landing pages, conversion tracking. • Goals of a search campaign: • Direct vs. branding • Reaching the user • Conversion attribution • Information: • Performance statistics, traffic estimation
Outline Second half (Muthu): • Bidding, campaign management • Bidding strategy, optimization • Keyword selection, bidding languages • Competition • Dynamics, vindictive strategies
Ad Networks • What is a good economic model for “outsourcing ads?” “Competing Ad Auctions,” Ashlagi, Monderer, Tennenholtz, AAW 08 “Competing Keyword Auctions,” Liu, Chen, Whinston, AAW 08
Automatic bidding • Much more on bidding types, strategy and algorithms later.... (Muthu) • How can an auctioneer successfully mix bidding types? “General Auction Mechanism for Search Advertising,” Aggarwal, M., Pal, Pal,WWW ‘09
Budget allocation • How should a search engine allocate budget efficiently? Pure online algorithms question: • What incentives do the resulting mechanism create? ``Adwords and Generalized Online Matching'', Mehta, Saberi, Vazirani, Vazirani, JACM, 2007. “Multi-unit Auctions with budget limits,” Dobzinski, Lavi, Nisan. FOCS 08.
Ad rotation • Clear application of explore/exploit model. • What are the implications of having the search engine automate the learning, rather than the advertiser?
Frequency capping (not on search ads) • Marketing rule of thumb: People should see your ad between 3 and 7 times. • Is this still true for online ads? For what formats is this a useful rule? • We are now armed with massive data; was this even true to begin with?
Keywords, queries and broad match “keyword” = the criteria entered by an advertiser “query” = the data entered by the user “broad match” = search engine determines if (and to what degree) a keyword matches a query • When does a keyword match a query? • Are keywords the right language for advertisers to express their preference for queries? • Other alternatives?
Learning / NLP questions • Can user intention be gleaned from queries? • Can advertiser intention be gleaned from sets of keywords, ad creatives, landing pages? "Logistic Regression and Collaborative Filtering for Sponsored Search Term Recommendation", Bartz, Murthi, Sebastian, AAW 06 “Keyword generation for search engine advertising using semantic similarity between terms,” Abhishek, EC 07
Economic questions • Is it a good idea to opt into broad match? • How do targeting restrictions affect efficiency of ad placements? • How does competition express itself across the keyword/query network? “Bid Optimization for Broad Match Ad Auctions,” Even-Dar, Mirrokni, Mansour, M., Nadav. “To Broad-Match or Not to Broad Match: An Auctioneer’s Dilemma?,” Singh, Roychowdhury, AAW 08 “The Cost of Inexpressiveness in Advertisement Auctions,” Benisch, Sadeh, Sandholm,AAW 08. “The Cost of Conciseness in Sponsored Search Auctions,” Abrams, Ghosh, Vee,WINE 07.
Algorithmic questions • How do match ads to queries (online) to maximize efficiency? “An Optimal Online Bipartite Matching Algorithm,” Karp, Vazirani, Vazirani, STOC ’90. “Optimize-and-Dispatch Architecture for Expressive Ad Auctions,” Parkes and Sandholm, AAW 05. “Offline Optimization for Online Ad Allocation,” F., Mehta, Mirrokni, M., AAW 09
Goals of advertising • Direct vs. branding “Direct” advertiser: selling something now e.g.: online electronics retailer “Branding” advertiser: building brand awareness e.g.: national restaurant chain
Direct advertisers: easier to quantify goals • Direct advertisers want sales “conversion” = ad interaction that results in a sale v = value(conversion) ≈ profit from sale Goal: maximize v • #conversions - cost ....find point where dCost / dConversions = v
Conversions via impressions v = value(conversion) ≈ profit from sale Risk-neutral model: value(click) = v • Pr[conversion | click] value(impression) = value(click) • Pr[click | impression] Therefore: value(impr.) = v • Pr[conversion | click] • Pr[click | impr.]
Direct advertisers val(impr.) = v • Pr[conv. | click] • Pr[click | impr.] So generating value is (in principle) simple: ...but: ...how do we learn those probabilities? ...who is in the best position to learn them? ...how do we elicit values on a per-query basis? For each search query: - bidders declare value(impression) - SE runs an efficient, truthful auction.
Bid for clicks, rank by impression value • Current SE common practice: - Bidders declare val(click) (= v • Pr[conv | click]) ....bid declared on keyword level. - SE estimates Pr[click | impr.], ranks by val(impr.) = val(click) • Pr[click | impr.] ....ranking atquery time. price: min bid required to achieve rank pay only on a click • Implicit assumption: v, Pr[conversion | click] both independent of query.
Learning click probabilities: user click models ...but ...how do users interact with ads? “Separable” model: - User looks at ad in position j with prob. p(j). p(1) > p(2) > ... > p(k) - If user looks at ad, user clicks on ad with prob. q(i). • Ranking by b(i) q(i) maximizes efficiency • Basis of most mech. design work in sponsored search
Learning click probabilities: user click models ...but ...how do users really interact with ads? CS: “Sponsored Search Auctions with Markovian Users,” Aggarwal, F., M., Pal, WINE 08. “A Cascade Model for Externalities in Sponsored Search,” Kempe, Mahdian, WINE 08. “An Experimental Comparison of Click Position-Bias Models,” Craswell, Zoeter, Taylor, Ramsey, WSDM 2008 Learning / IR: “A User Browsing Model... ,” Dupret, Piwowarsky, SIGIR 08 “Click Chain Model in Web Search,” Guo, Liu, Kannan, Minka, Taylor, Wang, Faloutsos, WWW 09 Econ: “Position Auctions with Consumer Search,” Athey, Ellison, working paper, 2007.
Learning click probabilities: user click models “Position Auctions with Consumer Search,” Athey, Ellison, working paper, 2007. • User looking for something • Will search down the sponsored links until cognitive cost of looking > expected value from looking SE: arrange ads to minimize user cost, maximize ad value Advertiser: proper targeting, build user trust.
Learning and Incentives “Dynamic Cost-Per-Action Mechanisms and Applications to Online Advertising,” Nazerzadeh, Saberi, Vohra, WWW’08 • Repeated sales of clicks c1, c2, c3, ..., cn. • Mechanism decides to give click i to advertiser j based on history. • Advertiser j then learns how valuable the click was, reports v(i, j). “Characterizing Truthful Multi-Armed Bandit mechanisms,” Babaioff, Sharma, Slivkins, EC 09. The Price of Truthfulness for Pay-Per-Click Auctions,” Devanur, Kakade, EC 09 • If mechanism truthful, each sale must explore or exploit, not both.
Conversion Attribution What role does the search ad click play in “generating” the conversion? value(click) = v • Pr[conversion | click] “Integrated Multichannel Communication Strategies: Evaluating the Return on Marketing objectives...,” Briggs, Krishnan, Borin, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2005.
Brand and Search Model still relevant? In what phases of this process is (sponsored) search useful? “Internet Shopping Shoots Holes in the Purchase Funnel” J. Henry, bnet.com, Sept. 2008.