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Learning Objectives. Identify major features of diseaseDiscuss the aetiology and molecular basis of diseaseDiscuss the prognosis and and diagnosis of diseaseUnderstand and evaluate the multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, monitoring and treatmentDefine major associated disease processes Eva
1. Non Haemolytic Anaemias Dr Marion Wood
Mary Ruth
Colchester General Hospital
2. Learning Objectives Identify major features of disease
Discuss the aetiology and molecular basis of disease
Discuss the prognosis and and diagnosis of disease
Understand and evaluate the multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, monitoring and treatment
Define major associated disease processes
Evaluate Haematology’s specific role in clinical pathway
Discuss key haematological techniques in differential diagnosis
Be aware of new diagnostic technologies
3. Non Haemolytic Anaemias How can we define them?
An anaemia in which reduction of the red cell lifespan
is not the main underlying pathology
Truth is slightly stretched, as most of these demonstrate a mildly reduced lifespanTruth is slightly stretched, as most of these demonstrate a mildly reduced lifespan
4. So, if it’s not red cell breakdown- what is the cause??? Impaired production: - marrow failure
Infiltration - marrow
Deficiency – nutritional
Blood loss
Impaired production: - marrow failure
Infiltration - marrow
Deficiency – nutritional
Blood loss
5. Non Haemolytic Anaemias- a Clinician’s approach Based primarily on the MCV –
6. Non Haemolytic Anaemias- a Clinician’s approach (2) After the MCV – what else might help? Is the rest of the count normal? Especially WBC and platelets
What about the patient history – importance of clinical details in helping laboratory/clinicians interpret the resultsIs the rest of the count normal? Especially WBC and platelets
What about the patient history – importance of clinical details in helping laboratory/clinicians interpret the results
7. Case Study # 1 A 70 yr old retired barber with fatigue, lethargy and breathlessness on walking.
Symptoms had developed over last few months. Use study from BMJ - request form (mock up)
What might they do next ? (film??, reflex test haematinics or suggest GP does these with rpt FBC)
Give some film findings – what do they think now?
Give clinical history – does this help?
Give results of additional tests - B12/Folate, LFTs and TFTs normal, raised ferritin
These are some of the issues we will cover as the lecture progressesUse study from BMJ - request form (mock up)
What might they do next ? (film??, reflex test haematinics or suggest GP does these with rpt FBC)
Give some film findings – what do they think now?
Give clinical history – does this help?
Give results of additional tests - B12/Folate, LFTs and TFTs normal, raised ferritin
These are some of the issues we will cover as the lecture progresses
8. Non Haemolytic Anaemias
Megaloblastic anaemias
Iron deficiency anaemia
Anaemia of chronic disorders
Sideroblastic anaemias
9. Megaloblastosis
Defined by defective DNA synthesis
Causes include:
Reduced availability of deoxyribonucleoside(s)(dNTPs)
Asynchronous synthesis of dNTPs
Have used the term megaloblastosis rather than megaloblastic anaemia as some patients may not actually appear anaemic, but still have a significantly raised MCV and other features of megaloblastic anaemia
Have used the term megaloblastosis rather than megaloblastic anaemia as some patients may not actually appear anaemic, but still have a significantly raised MCV and other features of megaloblastic anaemia
10. Mechanism of defect dNTPs are needed for DNA
replication during S phase
B12/folate deficiency thought
to inhibit conversion of dUMP
to dTMP Reduced
availability of dTTP
May inhibit elongation of short
strands decrease in DNA
synthesis and cell death and
ineffective erythropoiesis
Purines - dATP, adenine dGTP, guanine and pyrimidines dTTP,thymine dCTP cytosine
dUMP (deoxyuridine monophosphate , dTMP thiamine monophosphate
Lack of other dNTPs may be cause/contributory factor of non B12/folate deficiency megaloblastic anaemias
Diagram clearly shows the close relationship between B12 and folate and the influence that a lack of one can have on the action of the other
Purines - dATP, adenine dGTP, guanine and pyrimidines dTTP,thymine dCTP cytosine
dUMP (deoxyuridine monophosphate , dTMP thiamine monophosphate
Lack of other dNTPs may be cause/contributory factor of non B12/folate deficiency megaloblastic anaemias
Diagram clearly shows the close relationship between B12 and folate and the influence that a lack of one can have on the action of the other
11. General features Major effects are on fast turnover tissues
Glossitis, beefy tongue, angular cheilosis
Cells enlarged, occ multinucleate with cell death
Mild icterus
Peripheral neuropathy (SACD)(B12)
Loss of cognitive function
Risk of neural tube defects in pregnancy (folate)
Icterus – due to ineffective haemopoiesis – primrose yellow patients !!
Neural tube defects – also occur with B12 defic, but less likely to occur than folate defic in young pt. May be due to buildup of metabolic products Icterus – due to ineffective haemopoiesis – primrose yellow patients !!
Neural tube defects – also occur with B12 defic, but less likely to occur than folate defic in young pt. May be due to buildup of metabolic products
12. General laboratory features Peripheral blood
Variable anaemia and variably raised MCV
Oval macrocytes
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Circulating megaloblasts
Bone marrow
Variable erythroid hyperplasia
Giant metamyelocytes
Ineffective Haemopoiesis raised unconjugated bilirubin, urinary urobilinogen and LDH due to ineffective haemopoiesis ie features of “haemolysis” but mostly occuring within the marrow !!
Decreased haptoglobins – again indicating that there is haemolysis as part of the pathophysiologyraised unconjugated bilirubin, urinary urobilinogen and LDH due to ineffective haemopoiesis ie features of “haemolysis” but mostly occuring within the marrow !!
Decreased haptoglobins – again indicating that there is haemolysis as part of the pathophysiology
13. Megaloblastic anaemia
14. Features of Megaloblastosis Slide 1 one early normoblast (purple arrow) and two intermediate normoblasts (red arrows). Stages of erythroblast maturation can be distinguished by the decreasing size, decreasing cytoplasmic basophilia, increasing chromatin clumping and increased haemoglobinization as maturation proceeds.
Slide 2 . The megaloblast is larger and shows finer reticular nuclear structure than a normoblast at the same stage of haemoglobinization. Purple arrow - haemoglobinization just starting Red arrow - haemoglobinization almost complete but nucleus is still finely reticular, instead of being darkly staining and amorphous; this is also referred to as nucleocytoplasmic asynchrony
Slide 1 one early normoblast (purple arrow) and two intermediate normoblasts (red arrows). Stages of erythroblast maturation can be distinguished by the decreasing size, decreasing cytoplasmic basophilia, increasing chromatin clumping and increased haemoglobinization as maturation proceeds.
Slide 2 . The megaloblast is larger and shows finer reticular nuclear structure than a normoblast at the same stage of haemoglobinization. Purple arrow - haemoglobinization just starting Red arrow - haemoglobinization almost complete but nucleus is still finely reticular, instead of being darkly staining and amorphous; this is also referred to as nucleocytoplasmic asynchrony
15. Causes of Megaloblastosis B12 deficiency/metabolic defect
Folate deficiency/metabolic defect
Folate antagonists
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Orotic aciduria
Drugs affecting DNA synthesis
Chemotherapy, anticonvulsants, azathioprine
and anti-retroviral treatments
Some cases of AML and MDS/other BM infiltration Folate antagonists eg methotrexate
Orotic aciduria – rare defect responds to uridine, Lesch Nyhan – very rare may respond to adenine’may be examples of a lack/defect in other dNTPs
Hydroxyurea occasionally used to treat non-haem conditions (eg some types of chr. liver or skin disease)
Potentially very misleading if requester does not include this information and patient records are not available.
Folate antagonists eg methotrexate
Orotic aciduria – rare defect responds to uridine, Lesch Nyhan – very rare may respond to adenine’may be examples of a lack/defect in other dNTPs
Hydroxyurea occasionally used to treat non-haem conditions (eg some types of chr. liver or skin disease)
Potentially very misleading if requester does not include this information and patient records are not available.
16. NB diagram uses terminology FH4 – usually termed TH4
MSR – methionine synthase reductase B12 is a co factor for the conversion of homocysteine to methionine
Folate acts as a methyl donorNB diagram uses terminology FH4 – usually termed TH4
MSR – methionine synthase reductase B12 is a co factor for the conversion of homocysteine to methionine
Folate acts as a methyl donor
17. Role of Cobalamins
Act as co-factor for 2 enzymes
Methionine synthase, which converts homocysteine to methionine and requires methylcobalamin (with 5-TH4 as a methyl donor)
Methylmalonyl CoA mutase which converts methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA and utilises the 5’ deoxyadenosyl form. In adenosylobalamin deficiency. Succinyl – CoA cannot be generated, leading to an accumulation of methylmalonic acid (MMA). MMA levels can thus be used as a functional measure of B12 status
Also needed to maintain the folate cycle
In adenosylobalamin deficiency. Succinyl – CoA cannot be generated, leading to an accumulation of methylmalonic acid (MMA). MMA levels can thus be used as a functional measure of B12 status
Also needed to maintain the folate cycle
18. Vitamin B12 Natural cobalamins synthesised by bacteria in human food – animal proteins only
Metabolically active forms eg methylcobalamin (methyl ligand) and adenosine (adenosyl),
Synthetic forms eg cyanocobalamin (cyanide) or hydroxycobalamin(hydroxyl) – IF cannot bind these
Recommended daily amount about 2?g, easily obtained from a balanced Western diet.
Dietary defic alone rare except strict vegans. Good reserves (about 2.5mg) particularly in liver.
Takes 3-5 years to deplete body stores
Cobalamins are complex molecules and are characterised by a single central cobalt atom, with variable ligands .
Found in meat, fish, and other animal derived products. Also added to breakfast cereals.
Synthetic forms eg in treatment readily convert to metabolically active forms
Average Western diet contains up to 30ug per dayCobalamins are complex molecules and are characterised by a single central cobalt atom, with variable ligands .
Found in meat, fish, and other animal derived products. Also added to breakfast cereals.
Synthetic forms eg in treatment readily convert to metabolically active forms
Average Western diet contains up to 30ug per day
19. B12 absorption Cobalamin (B12) cleaved from food by pepsin/ HCl in stomach, then binds to R binder protein
In duodenum, B12 is cleaved off R binder - binds to IF
IF complex binds to cubulin in distal ileum, endocytoses into cells - IF cleaved off. B12 enters portal blood
IF also binds B12 in portal circulation: “enterohepatic” cycle
B12 binds to transcobalamin (TC), complex carried to tissues or BM
TC/B12 binds to cellular receptors promoting cell entry TC is cleaved off, making B12 available for use
Approx 1% absorbed passively - not enough to avoid deficiency developing in affected people.
Pepsin produced by the gastric chief cells, HCl is produced by gastric parietal cells
R binder is produced by gastric parietal cells and salivary gland epithelial cells
Cleavage of cobalamin from R binder by action of pancreatic proteases trypsin
Intrinsic factor is a glycoprotein produced by gastric parietal cells. Binding is promoted by more alkaline pH in small gut.
cubulin is a surface receptor protein located on ileal mucosal cells
Transcobalamin (formerly known as TCII) is a transport protein
Passive absorption occurs in the duodenum and ileum. Can also occur through other mucous membranes. Oral, sublingual and nasal sprays have been used to give therapeutic B12Pepsin produced by the gastric chief cells, HCl is produced by gastric parietal cells
R binder is produced by gastric parietal cells and salivary gland epithelial cells
Cleavage of cobalamin from R binder by action of pancreatic proteases trypsin
Intrinsic factor is a glycoprotein produced by gastric parietal cells. Binding is promoted by more alkaline pH in small gut.
cubulin is a surface receptor protein located on ileal mucosal cells
Transcobalamin (formerly known as TCII) is a transport protein
Passive absorption occurs in the duodenum and ileum. Can also occur through other mucous membranes. Oral, sublingual and nasal sprays have been used to give therapeutic B12
20. Causes of B12 deficiency (1) Likely to cause anaemia
Pernicious anaemia/other gastric defect
Total/partial gastrectomy
Malabsorption/intestinal problem
Dietary deficiency
Transport problem
Fish tapeworm
Gastric causes - PA , congenital absence of IF
Intestinal eg Crohns, esp if terminal ileum severely affected or resected because of disease.
blind loop syndrome- rare, post surgery, tropical sprue
Transport – transcobalamin deficiency
Fish tapeworm diphyllobothrium latumGastric causes - PA , congenital absence of IF
Intestinal eg Crohns, esp if terminal ileum severely affected or resected because of disease.
blind loop syndrome- rare, post surgery, tropical sprue
Transport – transcobalamin deficiency
Fish tapeworm diphyllobothrium latum
21. Causes of B12 deficiency (2) Some malabsorption but anaemia unlikely
Alcohol, HIV, GvHD, severe pancreatitis, gastric bypass surgery etc etc
Megaloblastosis but normal B12 (and folate) – rare
TC deficiency – this is the essential transport protein but majority of plasma B12 is bound to haptocorrin (TCI)
NB: TC is synthesised by granulocytes, can bind B12
MPDs may give rise to very high B12 levels In TC deficiency, B!2 cannot be delivered to tissues and serum B!2 is actually normal.
Most B12 is bound to haptocorrin (TCI) cannot be utilisedIn TC deficiency, B!2 cannot be delivered to tissues and serum B!2 is actually normal.
Most B12 is bound to haptocorrin (TCI) cannot be utilised
22. History of PA Late 1890s German Dr Biermer described a fatal anaemia which he called PA
Ehrlich noted very large abnormal early erythroblasts in PB.
Some clinicians suggested dietary deficiency cause, others noted PM stomach changes
1920s US doctors Minot and Murphy awarded Nobel prize for discovery that a diet high in raw beef liver could improve condition. (YUK)
Finally in 1940s missing vitamin found to be B12 “Pernicious Anaemia – because it was refractory to all known treatments
He called these large erythroblasts megaloblasts“Pernicious Anaemia – because it was refractory to all known treatments
He called these large erythroblasts megaloblasts
23. Pathophysiology of PA
Gastric parietal cells produce IF, R binder and HCl
Chr inflammation of gastric mucosa + autoantibody damages/destroys cells.
Progression to gastric atrophy reduction/absence IF
incidence in those with other autoimmune problems eg thyroid disease or IDDM.
incidence in group A, vitiligo, premature grey hair and blue eyes.
Frequent glossitis, beefy tongue and mild jaundice. May get peripheral neuropathy or SACD, loss of balance, loss of memory and cognitive function Parietal cells located in gastric fundus - upper part of stomach
Progression to atrophy very slow process
Neuropathy – cause unclear – possibly related to build up of intermediate products of metabolismParietal cells located in gastric fundus - upper part of stomach
Progression to atrophy very slow process
Neuropathy – cause unclear – possibly related to build up of intermediate products of metabolism
24. Role of folate compounds Act as coenzymes in transfer of single carbon units
Required for purine and pyrimidine synthesis
5- methyl tetrahydrofolate (5 methyl TH4) required as methyl donor in conversion of homocysteine to methionine using B12 as co enzyme
Resulting tetrahydrofolate (TH4) can be converted to other intracellular polyglutamate co enzymes by the action of folate polyglutamate synthase
Illustrates the highly interactive process; because 5 methyl TH4 can only convert to TH4 and on into a polyglutamate such as 5,10-methylene THF, which is needed for thymidylate synthesis in presence of B12. Equally, folate cycle can only continue if B12 is available. Illustrates the highly interactive process; because 5 methyl TH4 can only convert to TH4 and on into a polyglutamate such as 5,10-methylene THF, which is needed for thymidylate synthesis in presence of B12. Equally, folate cycle can only continue if B12 is available.
25. Folate Large group of compounds with variable glutamate residues
Found in most food sources concentration in yeast, greens, nuts and liver.
Normal diet contains about 250ug/daily, adult requirement approx 100ug/daily
Easily destroyed by heating/boiling
Total stores about 10mg, some loss in urine, etc
Stores sufficient for up to 6 months – risk of rapid depletion
Especially spinach Also added to cereals
Especially spinach Also added to cereals
26. Folate absorption Rapid and efficient absorption of monoglutamates from
upper GI tract – probable active process
Polyglutamates hydrolysed to mono forms ? In gut, ? In
Absorption with higher no of glutamate residues
? Affects transfer, ? Affects hydrolysis
Conversion to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl TH4) in
mucosa – entry into portal circulation. Transported bound
to albumin or free in plasma
Active entry into cells Folate is absorbed from duodenum and upper jejeunum
Polyglutamates are hydrolysed by pteroylpolyglutamate hydrolaseFolate is absorbed from duodenum and upper jejeunum
Polyglutamates are hydrolysed by pteroylpolyglutamate hydrolase
27. Causes of folate deficiency
Poor diet or cooking
Coeliac disease, tropical sprue, surgery, Crohns
Increased utilisation
Pregnancy, prem babies, Haem disorders, Inflammatory
Folate antagonist drugs
Anticonvulsants – mechanism unclear
Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors eg methotrexate
? alcohol Diet Elderly, dementia, alcoholism, infancy
When dihydrofolate is reduced back to the TH4 form, process is catalysed by dihydrofolate reductase. Enzyme is inhibited by drugs eg methotrexate. Can also occur with related
Drugs eg pyrimethamine (daraprim) used for malaria and toxoplasmosisDiet Elderly, dementia, alcoholism, infancy
When dihydrofolate is reduced back to the TH4 form, process is catalysed by dihydrofolate reductase. Enzyme is inhibited by drugs eg methotrexate. Can also occur with related
Drugs eg pyrimethamine (daraprim) used for malaria and toxoplasmosis
28. Investigation of Megaloblastic Anaemia Remember non pathologic causes – pregnancy
3 stages a. is it simply macrocytic or truly megaloblastic. b. confirmed megaloblastic – is it B12 or folate (or rarely something else)
c. What is the underlying cause of the deficiency of B12/folate
Which tests and in which order – likely to be guided by initial film and history
Clinical details (if available)
PB film, ? Retics; other things that may be pointers eg HJ bodies & possible Coeliac; acute onset or concomitant Fe defic. May give dimorphic picture; also expect hypersegmented neuts and ?low WBC/plts
May occ. Have wk +ve DAGT(complement only)
Serum B12 and folate; TFTs and LFTs, red cell folate
BM – occ misdiagnosis with leukaemia – care required.
IF and PCA antibodies
Investigation of GI tract/absorption
(Schilling test)
Clinical details – if available
FBC and film ? retics
Serum B12 and folate, LFT and TFT
Red cell folate
Bone marrow
IF and PCA antibodies
Investigation of GI tract/absorption
(Schilling test)
IF and PCA antibodies
Homocysteine levels
Methylmalonate levels
Tests for congenital deficiency/altered metabolism
Remember non pathologic causes – pregnancy
3 stages a. is it simply macrocytic or truly megaloblastic. b. confirmed megaloblastic – is it B12 or folate (or rarely something else)
c. What is the underlying cause of the deficiency of B12/folate
Which tests and in which order – likely to be guided by initial film and history
Clinical details (if available)
PB film, ? Retics; other things that may be pointers eg HJ bodies & possible Coeliac; acute onset or concomitant Fe defic. May give dimorphic picture; also expect hypersegmented neuts and ?low WBC/plts
May occ. Have wk +ve DAGT(complement only)
Serum B12 and folate; TFTs and LFTs, red cell folate
BM – occ misdiagnosis with leukaemia – care required.
IF and PCA antibodies
Investigation of GI tract/absorption
(Schilling test)
Clinical details – if available
FBC and film ? retics
Serum B12 and folate, LFT and TFT
Red cell folate
Bone marrow
IF and PCA antibodies
Investigation of GI tract/absorption
(Schilling test)
IF and PCA antibodies
Homocysteine levels
Methylmalonate levels
Tests for congenital deficiency/altered metabolism
29. Auto Antibodies in PA Parietal Antibodies
- found in 90% patients but common in older people (16% normal 60+ females)
IF antibodies
Type 1 – inhibits B12 binding 50%
Type 2 – inhibits ileal binding site 35% IF antibodies are therefore highly specific but not v sensitive
Mechanism also related to cell mediated immunity – seen on biopsy (& as mentioned earlier)
May be found in gastric secretions as well as plasma/serum
Childhood PA – congenital lack or abnormality of IF (so no Abs, normal stomach and acid). Usually presents at about 2 yrs old, when maternal transferred B12 has been used upIF antibodies are therefore highly specific but not v sensitive
Mechanism also related to cell mediated immunity – seen on biopsy (& as mentioned earlier)
May be found in gastric secretions as well as plasma/serum
Childhood PA – congenital lack or abnormality of IF (so no Abs, normal stomach and acid). Usually presents at about 2 yrs old, when maternal transferred B12 has been used up
30. Investigation (2) Deoxyuridine suppression test
Schilling test
Endoscopy and gastric/jejeunal/duodenal Bx
? Imaging of small intestine
In practice – therapeutic trial is frequent choice
Homocysteine levels
Urinary Methylmalonate excretion
Tests for congenital deficiency/altered metabolism
DU suppression test – in vitro measure of uptake of radioactive thymidine into marrow cell DNA – result is abnormal in both B12 and folate deficiency; can use correction tests to distinguish which it is. Result will be normal in megaloblastic anaemia not due to B12/folate deficiency or other problems with thymidylate synthesis.
Schilling test specific for B12 absorption – give 2 forms of radioactive cyanocobalamin, one on it’s own, the other with active IF; measure output of B12 in urine. Must have replenished B12 stores first, so give IM B12
Homocysteine levels – can be used as a reflection of folate status, but also influenced by B12, B6 and B2 levels. Methylmalonate – accumulates when conversion of methymalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA by Methylmalonyl CoA mutase is inhibited by lack of B12. Both tests not readily available and lack specificity
MTHR catalyses conversion of 5,10 methylene TH4 to 5-methyl TH4 . Deficiency can cause severe developmental delay. Etc.
DU suppression test – in vitro measure of uptake of radioactive thymidine into marrow cell DNA – result is abnormal in both B12 and folate deficiency; can use correction tests to distinguish which it is. Result will be normal in megaloblastic anaemia not due to B12/folate deficiency or other problems with thymidylate synthesis.
Schilling test specific for B12 absorption – give 2 forms of radioactive cyanocobalamin, one on it’s own, the other with active IF; measure output of B12 in urine. Must have replenished B12 stores first, so give IM B12
Homocysteine levels – can be used as a reflection of folate status, but also influenced by B12, B6 and B2 levels. Methylmalonate – accumulates when conversion of methymalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA by Methylmalonyl CoA mutase is inhibited by lack of B12. Both tests not readily available and lack specificity
MTHR catalyses conversion of 5,10 methylene TH4 to 5-methyl TH4 . Deficiency can cause severe developmental delay. Etc
31. Treatment and monitoring Depends on underlying cause !!
?? Stop drugs/ alcohol abstention
? Correct the diet
Folate (oral; rarely IV folinic acid)
or B12 (usually IM) replacement
Alcohol – v common cause of raised MCV; however may also have direct toxic effect on marrow and be associated with poor diet – folate deficiency
Liver disease of any cause – will require further investigations
Also remember physiological macrocytosis – pregnancy, neonates, reticulocytosis for other reason – usually not oval macrocytes and no associated WBC changes – ie normoblastic not megaloblastic
MDS and myeloma may only have mild anaemia and no other abnormalities on FBC, need considerationAlcohol – v common cause of raised MCV; however may also have direct toxic effect on marrow and be associated with poor diet – folate deficiency
Liver disease of any cause – will require further investigations
Also remember physiological macrocytosis – pregnancy, neonates, reticulocytosis for other reason – usually not oval macrocytes and no associated WBC changes – ie normoblastic not megaloblastic
MDS and myeloma may only have mild anaemia and no other abnormalities on FBC, need consideration
32. Iron Earliest Iron Bridge 1779 CoalbrookdaleEarliest Iron Bridge 1779 Coalbrookdale
33. Distribution of iron Majority of iron is contained within Rbcs and is salvaged from senescent cells and re-utilised. Dietary absorption and excretion should be just about steady state in a normal patient. Therefore unusual to have pure dietary deficiency and takes long time
Absorbed and salvaged is transported by transferrin back to BM for re-use. Some iron is stored in macrophages and in liver stores.
Iron is also found in myoglobin and as a component of enzymes such as catalase, cytochromes and succinic dehydrogenaseMajority of iron is contained within Rbcs and is salvaged from senescent cells and re-utilised. Dietary absorption and excretion should be just about steady state in a normal patient. Therefore unusual to have pure dietary deficiency and takes long time
Absorbed and salvaged is transported by transferrin back to BM for re-use. Some iron is stored in macrophages and in liver stores.
Iron is also found in myoglobin and as a component of enzymes such as catalase, cytochromes and succinic dehydrogenase
34. Iron absorption Ingested iron mostly absorbed into duodenal enterocytes
Haem binds to specific receptor HCP-1
Dietary iron must be in ferrous (Fe2+) form to be absorbed.
Dcytb reduces ferric Fe3+ to Fe2+.
DMT1 transports iron across cell membrane into cell
Iron oxidised back to Fe3+ by action of haephastin then
transferred across basolateral membrane by ferroportin
Some iron may be retained and is stored as ferritin
Iron levels controlled by regulation of each step.
eg, cells can produce more Dcytb, DMT1 and ferroportin in
response to iron deficiency anaemia
Dcytb – ferric reductase enzyme located on brush border of enterocytes
DMT1 is divalent metal transporter 1 not specific to iron active in transport of all types of divalent metals
ferroportin, a transmembrane iron export protein. abundantly expressed on cell surface of RE macrophages and on the basolateral membrane of duodenal enterocytes, under control of hepcidin
Stored iron is shed into faeces
Dcytb – ferric reductase enzyme located on brush border of enterocytes
DMT1 is divalent metal transporter 1 not specific to iron active in transport of all types of divalent metals
ferroportin, a transmembrane iron export protein. abundantly expressed on cell surface of RE macrophages and on the basolateral membrane of duodenal enterocytes, under control of hepcidin
Stored iron is shed into faeces
35. Factors affecting absorption Acid environment
Solubilising agents eg sugars
Ferrous and haem iron
Iron deficiency
Ineffective erythropoiesis
Hereditary Haemochromatosis
Increased expression of DMT-1 and ferroportin
Decreased hepcidin
Alkali environment
Precipitating agents eg phytates
Ferric and inorganic iron
‘Iron excess’
Decreased erythropoiesis
Decreased expression of DMT-1 and ferroportin
Increased hepcidin
Acid vs alkaline eg pt with achlorhydria or taking antacids. Might occur in conjunction with megaloblastic Acid vs alkaline eg pt with achlorhydria or taking antacids. Might occur in conjunction with megaloblastic
36. Iron transport
Absorbed and recycled Fe is carried by transferrin
Polypeptide synthesised in liver - inversely proportional to iron stores
Binds 2 atoms of ferric iron
Binds to transferrin receptors on erythroblasts etc. Iron released and transferrin re-used
Variable concentration of transferrin receptors dependent on iron stores
Serum levels of transferrin receptors can also be determinedSerum levels of transferrin receptors can also be determined
37. Regulation of iron storage
Facilitated by binding of IRPs to IREs on transferrin receptor and ferritin mRNA
Location of binding site either promotes or decreases protein mRNA translation
Binding at 5’ end reduces and 3’ end increases translation
In iron deficiency, ferritin levels will drop and synthesis of transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1)increases
DMT-1 synthesis may also be controlled in this way
IRP iron regulatory protein IRE iron regulatory elementsIRP iron regulatory protein IRE iron regulatory elements
38. Iron storage Vast majority in Rbcs. Also in myoglobin and enzymes
– of remainder…..
Majority stored as Ferritin in hepatocytes
water soluble protein: iron complex of approx 20% iron
Stored in ferric form
Haemosiderin – mostly in macrophages
Insoluble complex - about 40% iron
Stains with Perls Prussian Blue
Stored in ferric form
Small amount in macrophages. Ferriitn comprises an outer shell of apoferritin with an inner iron complex.
Not visible by light microscopy
Small amount in macrophages. Ferriitn comprises an outer shell of apoferritin with an inner iron complex.
Not visible by light microscopy
39. Role of hepcidin Synthesis in response to iron and inflammation
in response to active erythropoiesis.
Regulates iron metabolism by interaction with Ferroportin.
Ferroportin normally facilitates transmembrane transfer of Fe
Hepcidin inhibits Fe release by binding to surface ferroportin.
Hepcidin can therefore be considered as a negative regulator
of iron absorption and recycling. Hepatic derived peptide hormone secreted into the circulation
Ferroportin is a hepcidin receptor
Hepcidin bound ferroportin is internalised and degradedHepatic derived peptide hormone secreted into the circulation
Ferroportin is a hepcidin receptor
Hepcidin bound ferroportin is internalised and degraded
40. Control of Hepcidin Induction Hepcidin synthesis in the liver is promoted by the presence of iron and infection/inflammation
Is inhibited by active erythropoiesis and hypoxia
Hepatic synthesis also under control of:
Hfe/Tfr1 (haemochromatosis gene/transferrin receptor1),
Tfr2 – Transferrin receptor2 found in erythroid precursors, hepatic cells and duodenal crypt cells
Hjv – haemojuvelin, Smad4 cell signalling molecule, BMPs – bone morphogenetic protein may be ligand for Hjv
Hepcidin is also induced in other tissues by action of IL6 during inflammatory processes
Hepcidin is secreted in to the circulation, where it regulates systemic iron metabolism by interacting with its receptor, ferroportin, a transmembrane iron export protein.
Ferroportin is abundantly expressed on the cell surface of RE macrophages and on the basolateral membrane of duodenal enterocytes. These 2 cell types are the main suppliers of iron to the plasma.
By recycling iron from senescent erythrocytes, RE macrophages release 20–25 mg of iron into the plasma per day. Enterocytes add another;1–2 mg of iron to the plasma through the absorption of dietary iron.
Hepcidin inhibits iron release at both of these sites by binding to cell-surface ferroportin and causing its internalization and subsequent degradation. Hepcidin can therefore be considered as a negative regulator of iron absorption and recycling.
Hepcidin synthesis in the liver is promoted by the presence of iron and infection/inflammation
Is inhibited by active erythropoiesis and hypoxia
Hepatic synthesis also under control of:
Hfe/Tfr1 (haemochromatosis gene/transferrin receptor1),
Tfr2 – Transferrin receptor2 found in erythroid precursors, hepatic cells and duodenal crypt cells
Hjv – haemojuvelin, Smad4 cell signalling molecule, BMPs – bone morphogenetic protein may be ligand for Hjv
Hepcidin is also induced in other tissues by action of IL6 during inflammatory processes
Hepcidin is secreted in to the circulation, where it regulates systemic iron metabolism by interacting with its receptor, ferroportin, a transmembrane iron export protein.
Ferroportin is abundantly expressed on the cell surface of RE macrophages and on the basolateral membrane of duodenal enterocytes. These 2 cell types are the main suppliers of iron to the plasma.
By recycling iron from senescent erythrocytes, RE macrophages release 20–25 mg of iron into the plasma per day. Enterocytes add another;1–2 mg of iron to the plasma through the absorption of dietary iron.
Hepcidin inhibits iron release at both of these sites by binding to cell-surface ferroportin and causing its internalization and subsequent degradation. Hepcidin can therefore be considered as a negative regulator of iron absorption and recycling.
41. Iron deficiency
Increased iron loss
Nutritional deficiency
Increased demand for iron
Impaired absorption.
Occure because losses> than intake, normally a delicate balance is maintained… 1mg/day in men and non menstruating women, double or more needed in menstuating F
Only 5-10% dietary Fe usually absorbed; av. UK diet 14mg = 1.4mg/day Ok for men!!!
Increased loss usually blood loss eg GI loss, menorrhagia, is there a co-existent bleeding tendency (Hereditary Taelangiectasia, vWD, angiodysplasia of bowel)
Nutritional lack – rare in UK as isolated cause Can be iron poor diet, diet in which absorption is decreased
Increased demand – eg pregnancy, adds requirement of 500mg for inc. RBC mass, 250-300mg for foetus, potential delivery loss of 500ml ~ 300mg
Breast feeding – important source of iron for infant and further demand for maternal iron stores.
Impaired absorption – usually related to intestinal damage eg duodenal surgery or Crohns and coeliac disease
Acid suppression also causes reduced absorption because of reduced ability to convert ferric to ferrous iron – so found in association with PA (gastric achlorhydria) and in some patients on log term acid suppresssion – failure to recognise this may lead to extensive investigation and accusations that patient is not taking their iron tablets….Occure because losses> than intake, normally a delicate balance is maintained… 1mg/day in men and non menstruating women, double or more needed in menstuating F
Only 5-10% dietary Fe usually absorbed; av. UK diet 14mg = 1.4mg/day Ok for men!!!
Increased loss usually blood loss eg GI loss, menorrhagia, is there a co-existent bleeding tendency (Hereditary Taelangiectasia, vWD, angiodysplasia of bowel)
Nutritional lack – rare in UK as isolated cause Can be iron poor diet, diet in which absorption is decreased
Increased demand – eg pregnancy, adds requirement of 500mg for inc. RBC mass, 250-300mg for foetus, potential delivery loss of 500ml ~ 300mg
Breast feeding – important source of iron for infant and further demand for maternal iron stores.
Impaired absorption – usually related to intestinal damage eg duodenal surgery or Crohns and coeliac disease
Acid suppression also causes reduced absorption because of reduced ability to convert ferric to ferrous iron – so found in association with PA (gastric achlorhydria) and in some patients on log term acid suppresssion – failure to recognise this may lead to extensive investigation and accusations that patient is not taking their iron tablets….
42. Laboratory features of iron deficiency
3 stage process, low stores - increasingly microcytic and hypochromic picture, variable polychromasia – increasing anaemia must differentiate from thalassaemia (high rbcs, RDW lower), Increasing anaemia, if bleeding may see high retics, high RDW
May see thrombocytosis, May see rouleaux and increased ESR dependent on underlying cause
Ferritin low, serum iron low, TIBC typically high, serum transferrin receptor high
BM iron stores decreased /absent and erythroblast iron the same – unlikely to do a BM !!
Beware -May be complicated by anaemia of chr disorders, megaloblastic anaemia etc
3 stage process, low stores - increasingly microcytic and hypochromic picture, variable polychromasia – increasing anaemia must differentiate from thalassaemia (high rbcs, RDW lower), Increasing anaemia, if bleeding may see high retics, high RDW
May see thrombocytosis, May see rouleaux and increased ESR dependent on underlying cause
Ferritin low, serum iron low, TIBC typically high, serum transferrin receptor high
BM iron stores decreased /absent and erythroblast iron the same – unlikely to do a BM !!
Beware -May be complicated by anaemia of chr disorders, megaloblastic anaemia etc
43. Clinical features of iron deficiency Pallor, fatigue, exertional breathlessness, exacerbation of underlying ischaemia
Angular cheilosis
In prolonged or severe cases “Koilonychia”
May have features of underlying disease Remember skin rash with CoeliacRemember skin rash with Coeliac
45. Case study #2 RH age 17 yrs, college student
Pale and tired, some exertional dyspnoea Recent (past 3 months) recurrent flu-like illness
No abnormal bleeding or bruising.
Hb 6.7g/dl
MCV 87, WBC 5.8, Plts 138
RDW 22.6Recent (past 3 months) recurrent flu-like illness
No abnormal bleeding or bruising.
Hb 6.7g/dl
MCV 87, WBC 5.8, Plts 138
RDW 22.6
46. Investigation of Fe Deficiency Start with the history
Evidence of blood loss
G I Tract
Urine Good dietary history essential
Simple obvious bleeding – eg: haemorrhoids, nose bleeds (consider underlying bleeding disorder), assessment of nenstrual losses
“Occult bleeding” – GI tract- “FOB” – potential for false +ves if not done with careful dietary preparation, still a useful screen however.
Ferritin – if low, Fe defic. Unequivocal; normal result does not exclude – May need Fe/TIBC, especially if raised ESR/CRP or ass. with chr. Disease.
Drugs – Aspirin, steroids, acid suppressionGood dietary history essential
Simple obvious bleeding – eg: haemorrhoids, nose bleeds (consider underlying bleeding disorder), assessment of nenstrual losses
“Occult bleeding” – GI tract- “FOB” – potential for false +ves if not done with careful dietary preparation, still a useful screen however.
Ferritin – if low, Fe defic. Unequivocal; normal result does not exclude – May need Fe/TIBC, especially if raised ESR/CRP or ass. with chr. Disease.
Drugs – Aspirin, steroids, acid suppression
47. Treating Iron Deficiency Depends on the cause !!
Stop/prevent bleeding
Oral iron
Parenteral iron
Gluten free diet Worldwide – parasitic infections are main cause. Maternal Fe deficiency leads to neonatal deficiency
Oral iron – important to replenish stores and not simply correct anaemia
Parenteral can be IM – numerous injections – may be painful and stain tissuesWorldwide – parasitic infections are main cause. Maternal Fe deficiency leads to neonatal deficiency
Oral iron – important to replenish stores and not simply correct anaemia
Parenteral can be IM – numerous injections – may be painful and stain tissues
48. Anaemia of Chronic Disease/Inflammation Chronic infections
TB, SBE, osteomyelitis etc
Lymphoma, metastatic carcinoma
Chronic inflammatory disease
Associated with a “hypoproliferative marrow, low retics, low Epo levels and poor/no response to iron
Bleeding, poor nutrition, drug related effects may also impact
Tends to occur in patients with systemic disease
Associated with a “hypoproliferative marrow, low retics, low Epo levels and poor/no response to iron
Bleeding, poor nutrition, drug related effects may also impact
Tends to occur in patients with systemic disease
49. Pathophysiology Presence of inflammatory cytokines, mainly IL-6
also IL-1, interferons and TNF alpha
Liver produces increased amounts of hepcidin.
Hepcidin stops ferroportin from releasing iron stores.
Decreases ferroportin expression
Probably affects bone marrow response to Epo.
May inhibit release of Epo from kidney
Rbc survival mildly decreased
Bacterial lactoferrin may compete with transferrin
50. Laboratory findings Typically mild to moderate anaemia, often non progressive
Normocytic, normochromic or mildly microcytic and hypochromic.
Low reticulocyte count
Often show neutrophil leucocytosis, thrombocytosis and rouleaux with Increased ESR
Ferritin normal or high,, serum iron low, TIBC typically low or normal
BM iron often increased in macrophages, but erythroblast iron is decreased
CRP increased
Beware -May be complicated by true iron deficiency
Typically mild to moderate anaemia, often non progressive
Normocytic, normochromic or mildly microcytic and hypochromic.
Low reticulocyte count
Often show neutrophil leucocytosis, thrombocytosis and rouleaux with Increased ESR
Ferritin normal or high,, serum iron low, TIBC typically low or normal
BM iron often increased in macrophages, but erythroblast iron is decreased
CRP increased
Beware -May be complicated by true iron deficiency
51. Erythropoietin in AI Best approach: treat the underlying condition
Epo &ESAs:
Initial dramatic improvements in Hb and QoL
But tempered with poorer overall survival or shorter progression free survival
In renal failure – adverse effect on BP if excessive rise in Hb
Improved response if also give parenteral iron – esp in renal failure Much pressure to prescribe Epo or ESAs for patients with cancer and low Hb - linear relationship between rise in Hb &improved QoL up to 12g/dl.
Also benefit (financial) based on reduction in transfusion requirementsMuch pressure to prescribe Epo or ESAs for patients with cancer and low Hb - linear relationship between rise in Hb &improved QoL up to 12g/dl.
Also benefit (financial) based on reduction in transfusion requirements
52. Disorders of Haem synthesis Sideroblastic anaemia
Lead poisoning
(Porphyrias) Porphyrias included for completeness, but have little haematology impactPorphyrias included for completeness, but have little haematology impact
53. Sideroblastic anaemias Refractory anaemias
Typically dimorphic with variable hypochromic population
Ring sideroblasts in BM
Excess iron in BM
54. Inherited Sideroblastic Anaemia
Rare disorders
Often X linked and presenting in childhood
Mostly linked to mutations of ALA synthase
May respond to pyridoxine but most are transfusion dependent and need iron chelation
ALA synthase – delta aminolaevulinic acid synthase, required for first stage of haem synthesis where succinyl Co A and glycine convert to d-aminolaevulinic acid using pyridoxal 6 phosphate as co-factor
Often present with markedly microcytic and hypochromic picture and severe anaemia.
Pyridoxal 6 phosphate is a co-factor for ALA synthaseALA synthase – delta aminolaevulinic acid synthase, required for first stage of haem synthesis where succinyl Co A and glycine convert to d-aminolaevulinic acid using pyridoxal 6 phosphate as co-factor
Often present with markedly microcytic and hypochromic picture and severe anaemia.
Pyridoxal 6 phosphate is a co-factor for ALA synthase
55. Acquired Sideroblastic Anaemias Primary
MDS FAB classification RARA
Characterised by erythroid dysplasia and >15% ring
sideroblasts in BM
Approx 10% of all MDS, rarely show cytogenetic
May be Tx dependent
Majority of MDS pts show occ ring sideroblasts in BM, but WHO classification subdivides another group with >15% ring sideroblasts and bi or trilineage dysplasiaMajority of MDS pts show occ ring sideroblasts in BM, but WHO classification subdivides another group with >15% ring sideroblasts and bi or trilineage dysplasia
56. Secondary Sideroblastic Anaemias Alcohol
usually in conjunction with folate deficiency/ poor
Lead poisoning
Mainly inhibits Haem synthetic enzymes
Chloramphenicol – inhibits mitochondrial mRNA
Anti TB drugs eg izoniazid – pyridoxine antagonist
Deficiencies/changes in pyridoxine metabolism
Rarely in coeliac, SCD, pregnancy Alcohol may be due to defective pyridoxine metabolism or haem synthesis
Lead poisoning also inhibits pyrimidine 5’ nucleotidase leads to accumulation of denatured RNA ie basophilic stipplingAlcohol may be due to defective pyridoxine metabolism or haem synthesis
Lead poisoning also inhibits pyrimidine 5’ nucleotidase leads to accumulation of denatured RNA ie basophilic stippling
57. Diagnosis and Investigation History
Laboratory investigations
History – Age of onset, Drugs & alcohol (isoniazid and pyrazinamide)
FBC, presence of microcytic, hypochromic picture, basophilic stippling, dimorphism,etc
BM – erythroid hyperplasia, presence of ringed sideroblasts
Haematinics – is ferritin raised ?
? Measure levels of enzymes involved in Haem synthesisHistory – Age of onset, Drugs & alcohol (isoniazid and pyrazinamide)
FBC, presence of microcytic, hypochromic picture, basophilic stippling, dimorphism,etc
BM – erythroid hyperplasia, presence of ringed sideroblasts
Haematinics – is ferritin raised ?
? Measure levels of enzymes involved in Haem synthesis
58. Sideroblastic anaemias - treatment Withdrawal of potential causative agent
Piridoxine – high dose +/- folic acid
May be transfusion dependent(will develop iron
overload if not chelated)
RARS ~ 10% risk of leukaemic transformation
59. Porphyrias Rare conditions caused by deficiency of haem synthetic enzymes used in conversion of porphyrins to Haem
Deficiency causes reduction in synthesis
Causes accumulation of unused precursors and intermediate metabolites,
Intermediates become deposited in tissues.
Can cause photosensitivity, mania, severe abdo pain
Some intermediates can be detected in the urine or faeces
Little impact in Haem lab – need to know of their existenceLittle impact in Haem lab – need to know of their existence
60. Further Reading Postgraduate Haematology – Hoffbrand, Catovsky and Tuddenham
Essential Haematology - Hoffbrand, Moss &Pettitt
Current journals and scientific papers