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Region of Trenčín,Trnava , Nitra. Where are we from ?. West of SLOVAKIA. V mapke bude aktivne miesto na odklik prezentacie mesta – regionu. Bratislava – capital city.
RegionofTrenčín,Trnava, Nitra Where are wefrom?
Westof SLOVAKIA V mapke bude aktivne miesto na odklik prezentacie mesta – regionu....
Bratislava – capital city Bratislava(450,000 people) has a nice small Old Townwith a castle called BratislavskýHrad. The Danube river goes through Bratislava. Bratislava is seat of national government, presidency, parliament, of several museums, galleries and of other educational, cultural and economic institutions. The Devin Castle (13th century) in one of the most significant archaeological localities in Slovakia. It is a National cultural monument. Because of the advantageous geographical position, the height over the confluence of the Danube and the Morava rivers was settled as far back as the 5th century B.C. and cultural monuments from the surrounding areas overlapped here.
Centersoftheregion • Trnava wasthefirsttown in Slovakia • to begranteda towncharter (civic • privileges) by theking. Trnava was • theplaceofmanyimportant • negotiations: thekingofHungary, • signedhere a currencyagreement • withtheCzechKing, and KingLouis I • signeda friendshipagreementwith • EmperorCharlesIVtherein 1360. • Nitra- a city ofextraordinary • historicimportanc. Princ Pribina • wasoustedfrom Nitra by the • Moravian princeMojmír I and both • Principalitieswereunitedintothe • EarlymedievalempireofGreat • Moravia. Thefirstmonasteryin • Slovakia wasbuiltin 880 here. Trenčín – monumentsofhistory, – interestingevents: Bažant Pohoda summer open-air festival forthousandsyoungpeople; Art Film festival; Trenčín CastleFestivities aboutthepastlifeatthecastle; festival of folk culture, calledAtTrenčín’s Gate, Christmas concertsofChambermusic and Trenčianska MusicSpring or festival ofjazzmusic.
Historyoftheregion Beckov is a romanticruintoday; in thepastitwas a frontier - guardingroyalcastle on a steepcliffabovetheboundary-lineofthelower and middlereachesof Váh river. ThedefenceofthecastlewassuccessfullytestedduringtheOttomanWars, whenthesiegeofthecastle in 1599 proved to be a failure. ThecastleofČachticewasmaderatherinfamous by a cruelcountessElisabethofBathory. TheoriginallyGothicwatchfortressoftheearly 13th century Bojniceisdominated by a castlewhichisthe most beautiful and romanticcastle in all Slovakia. Oneofattractions and surprisesofthecastleistheSpiritsandMonsters festival. Bojnice isalsoknownforitsthermal and healingsprings. In Bojnice spa a treatmentforskeletal and nervous The most important Roman epigraphic monument in CentralEuropenorthofthe Dunaj river. In 179, the lastyearofthewar, detachmenttroopsoftheSecondAuxiliaryLegionpenetratedfromHungarythroughtheVahrivervalleyto Laugaricio, today‘sTrenčín. Theyleftlatininscriptionon thecastlerock thatsays: „To thevictoryofemperors, dedicated by 855 soldiersofII. Legionofanarmystationed in Laugaricio. Made to orderofMarcusValeriusMaximianus, a legate oftheSecondAuxiliarylegion.“
Places to see Brhlovce - a uniquecomplexofcavedwellingsfromthe 17th and 18th centuries, carvedintothetuff, canbefound in thistown. These dwellingswereoccupiedduringthetimeoftheTurkishinvasions; theylaterserved as storehousesandcellars. Oneofthedwellings has beenturnedinto a museum exhibit of folk housing. ItreceivedaninternationalEuropaNostra 1993 awardforthesalvageandrestorationofanarchitectural monument. Skalka - church, monastery, and cavenear Trenčín. Thechurchwasbuilt in 1224, in theGothicstyle. Itistheoldestplaceofpilgrimage in Slovakia. Nowadaysup to 15.000 worshippersfrom Slovakia and theneighbouringcountriestake part eachyear. Tesárske Mlyňany - Thelargestdendrology center in Slovakia, established in 1892. Over 2,200 differenttypesoftreesgrowhere. The center isconsideredoneoftheforemostarboretums in Europe. Drážovskýkostolík('littlechurchofDrážovce - now part of Nitra) istheoldestchurchinSlovakia, datingfromthe 11th century. ItisinterestingforitsearlyRomanesquearchitecture.
Pointsofinterest Cígeľ - outdoormuseumofmiining - showing the life of foremans and their techniques • Planoffort in Neuhäusel (1680) • Nové Zámky M. R. Štefánik's Tumulus - nationalheroknownalso in Europe – a generalofFrenchArmy, pilot, greattraveller, astronomistandphysicist. • Komárno • . Uhrovec - the birth-place of slovak nationalist ĽudovítŠtúr and eminent slovakpolitician Dubček
Spa in region A worldfamousspaPiešťany are specialised on treatmentofskeletalsystem and nervoussystemdisorders. A springofsulphur-carbon and calcium-magnesiummineralwaterof 67 – 69 ºC canbefound on theSpa Island, wheresulphuricmudisextracted. The city isconnectedwiththeSpa Island via a roofedKolonadabrodge. The city alsohouses a balneologymuseum. Symbol ofthespaisthecrutch-breaker-statueof a man breakinghiscrutch. Trenčianske Teplice - thespaprovides a suitabletreatmentforskeletal and nervoussystems. Naturalhealingspringsofcalcium-sulphurwaterwiththeemperatureof 36 – 40°C. The most amousbuildingofthespacomplexitself as a spahousecalledSinaincludingtheHammanbathbuilt in orientalstyle. • Podhájska- 13-hectare groundsof a thermalswimmingpoolwhosewatercan • favorableregeneratethebody. Thespringyields 50 liters per secondof 80 ºC water.
Fourseason in nature Zelená voda Hron Trenčianske Teplice Vršatec Veľká Javorina