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Liliana Brown "Get Larger Breasts" is the answer for every girl who ever wanted a larger bust: will my breasts continue to grow as I get older? How can I make my breasts bigger and do it naturally? Am I doing something to stunt their growth? How can I make a change and see results FAST?<br><br>Liliana Brown shows you how to make your breasts bigger naturally in 30 days or less by combining your own determination with a strict set of rules like: eating certain foods that can improve estrogen production, concocting your own breast enhancement remedies from home and performing special exercises that can help boost growth dramatically.<br>No matter how unlikely you think you are to ever have larger breasts, "Get Larger Breasts: Increase Your Breasts Size Naturally Without Surgery" will help you capture the results you are after.
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How To Fix & Firm Saggy Breast - Prevent, Fix & Avoid Sagging Boobs While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contain herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and natural health and medical laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional medical services. If legal, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The words contained in his text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the websites listed in this work may have been changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. This book is not intended as health or medical advice. The purchaser or reader of this book assumes all the responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Lilian Brown and SaggyBreastNoMore.com assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials Success in any health achievement is a result of hard work, time, effort and a variety of other factors. No express or implied guarantees of income or spillover are made by reading this work, or by joining and/or purchasing any program(s) recommended within this work. Individual results may vary. 2
Chapter 1: Introduction saggy? If you look at the pictures you might see low-hanging or sagging breasts. But are they really? What defines a saggy breast? What can be done to treat it? C an it be prevented? Let's find out. Look at these breasts. What do you see? Do you think any other them are Defining 'Sagging' Breasts something or someone else. For a woman, this could be her eyes, hair, legs, or even her breasts. Modern society has placed such a large amount of value to female breasts; so much so that they can sell products. Women work hard from a young age to create the body that men will find appealing. But what happens when the breasts that so often are the center point of women don't look like they should, especially at a young age? The problem of “sagging breasts” is one that many women would like to know more about and know if there is anything to do to fix this problem. Breasts can sag, or lower with age. Again, go back to the pictures above. Breasts do not have muscle tissue but ligaments and connective tissue. When gravity goes to work, the ligaments stretch and the sag begins. A natural breast at age forty will not look the same as it did at age eighteen. Plastic surgeons define sagging breasts as breast ptosis. The term breast ptosis came from Dr. Paule Regnault in 1976 in C anada. He used the term to define different degrees that the breast sags. Basically, this makes sagging breasts a medical condition that can be treated. Who would have thought it? There has even been talk about making small breasts a medical condition but that one failed. In truth, sagging breasts are no more of a medical condition than stretch marks or wrinkles. Sadly, Women are just as fixated on their breasts as men are. They see supermodels, actresses and pop singers with airbrushed bodies and how men are fixated with them. They often go through great lengths including exercise, diets, expensive bras, painful corsets, and even major surgery to become what they see. But the breast ages just like the rest of the body. Learning more about the breast, how it sags, why it sags, and what can be done is the best way for a woman to become most comfortable with the female body. Beauty is defined as several characteristics that one finds appealing about 5
breast is not made up of muscle like most of the rest of the body. The breast is made mostly of fatty, glandular, and connective tissue. The glandular tissue is what holds the lobules also known as the milk glands that lead to the milk ducts. The breast also has ligaments to help hold it's shape called Cooper's ligaments. One the outside of the breast are the nipples and the aerolas, which are the darker parts of the nipple. Most breasts will lose their “perk” over time. Generally the larger the breast, the earlier the sag can start. Even though breasts are made of ligaments and the ligaments will stretch over time to cause sagging, a woman's inherited characteristics such as skin elasticity and breast density can also affect breast sag. Basically, a breast that is heavier will sag more than a lighter breast of the same size. The breasts are fully devolved early in puberty but they are constantly changing over time. Factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, age, medical conditions, and even gravity all play a part in what the breast's size and shape over time. To understand why the breast sags over time is to understand the breast. The What Causes Sagging Breasts? continues through a woman's life. After menopause, however, is when the breast really begins to sag but can start earlier. This process is called breast involution. Breast involution happens because the milk ducts are no longer needed. This can happen during menopause, after pregnancy if a woman chooses not to breastfeed, or after breastfeeding. The tissues in the breast deteriorate, thus causing sag and a flattened look. There are preventative measures that can be taken earlier in life such as wearing a supportive bra and exercising that can prevent or reduce sagging at an older age. Another possible reason for breast sagging is a lack of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone that aids in breast production during puberty. At menopause, estrogen production decreases. When this happens, there is reduction of tissue all throughout the body, including the breast. The breast's connective tissue is made mostly of a fibrous material called collagen. C ollagen needs estrogen to keep it healthy. Without estrogen, the connective tissue becomes dehydrated and loses elasticity. Breast involution at work. Breasts will also sag due to breast feeding. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone are secreted by the ovaries and placenta. This process stimulates the development of fifteen to twenty milk-producing glands that are found in the breasts Sagging breasts is most often related to older women, but it starts early and 6
fatty tissue. When a woman breastfeeds, the breasts expand to hold milk produced from the glands and contract when the milk is released during breastfeeding. This constant expanding and contracting can leading to sagging breasts after a woman finishes breastfeeding. Once breastfeeding is over, the glands may be empty but they will still add bulk and firmness to the breast. But when menopause arrives, the milk ducts basically “retire” because of a drop in the estrogen and progesterone levels. As a result, the breast shrinks and the inevitable sag begins. When a woman loses weight, she feels great. But the when weight is lost, the fat is lost. Since the breast is made mostly of fat, then the breast can start to sag because the outside skin and ligaments that held the breast are elastic and don't always shrink with the fat, especially if the weight lost was fast. Skin and ligaments do not shrink as fast as fat. So now we have saggy breasts and saggy skin. But the rest of the body look great! Sadly, younger women like teenagers and women who have never been pregnant can also have sagging breasts. Many young girls, especially those who develop breasts at a young age may not wear a bra right away. They find it embarrassing or they become self-conscious. Since there is no support at a young age, the breasts are prone to sag early as well. Another reason for a young girl to have sagging breasts could be if she plays sports without the proper support. Sports bras are designed to hold the breasts tighter to the body than a regular bra this giving more support. If a girl doesn't wear a sports bra while exercising or doing other physical activity, then her breasts will bounce up and down like the girls on the beach in slow motion. While men like this, the bouncing stretches the ligaments and skin in the breast possibly causing sagging. Genetics can cause breast sagging as well. Some women are born with the genetics to create less fatty and connective tissue in their breasts than others. Darn genetics! There is a basic ratio of fat to glands in the breast that can often determine how “perky” the breasts might be. For example, a woman with light fat content but heavier glands will be more likely to have sagging breasts than a woman with equal ratio of both. This can also work for those with a heavier fat content to lighter glands. The breast ages with the rest of the body. This is why you don't see old women with perky teenager-looking breasts saying that they're “natural”. Unless the breasts are small, and I mean 'A' cups small, then the breast is going to look a lot different at age 80 than at age 18. 7
research, most men say saggy breasts are not a turn off. Perhaps it's because it means they can have a variety? Probably. True or false: Bras can stop sagging. Sadly this is false. It's just a myth. Bras can help or even delay the process of sagging breasts, especially for those who are overweight and have heavier breasts. But regardless of what momma or grandma may have told you, a bra will not prevent sagging. Wearing the right kind of bra can help support and even hide sagging that's already happened though. But to get the most benefit, you have to wear a bra all the time, including sleep. But even all this won't stop the inevitable. Fear not! There is good news: men don't really care. According to recent How To Tell If Your Breasts Are Saggy weakness)'. Basically put, sagging is a drooping or sinking from weight or pressure as compared to the 'norm'. Gravity at work. So what is the 'norm' when beauty and basic aesthetics are involved? C ompared to the teenaged breast, all breasts look saggy. C ompared to supermodels with their implants and airbrushing, all breasts look saggy too. Most women and men think that's how breasts are supposed to look. It's what they see on TV and in magazines every day. It's no wonder women have such an identity complex! To me, a breast is 'saggy' when the nipple no longer points straight and starts to head south. Plastic surgeons have even made it into a 'disease' called breast ptosis with a scale that measures different degrees of sagginess. But making it a 'disease' or 'disorder' means there a treatment. Plastic surgeons are more than happy to help there too. But the truth is that breast ptosis as much of a disease as wrinkles or stretch marks. The best way to determine if you actually have sagging breasts is to visit a plastic surgeon and let the doctor look at the breasts without a bra on. But there is a way to check yourself at home. All you need is a mirror, a small ruler, and your birthday suit: First, stand in front of the mirror without a shirt or bra on and look at the nipples. Are they pointing straight ahead or downwards? Then, take a ruler and measure your upper arm. Divide that by two. A dictionary definition of sagging is a 'hanging down (as from exhaustion or 8
Position the ruler at this distance based on the number you just got and see where the nipples are. If they are lower than this point then you have some sagginess happening. Also look to see if the nipples are below the folds of the breasts This is also another sign of sagginess. Note: Keep in mind while these tests can help determine if you really have sagginess or not, other factors such as age, weight, and cup size are also factors. Is It Normal To Have Sagging Breasts Even If I Haven't Been Pregnant? menopause. Remember involution? So what about the woman who has never been pregnant and hasn't reach menopause yet? Many childless women feel that their breasts are sagging more than their friend’s breasts and wonder if that's normal. The answer is: sagging happens to all women at some point, regardless. Nature at work. Even if you never get pregnant, your breasts will start to droop at some point but mostly by the time you reach menopause and thereafter. If you're overweight, this is more likely to happen earlier. Sagging breasts will not kill you but it does cause women to feel less attractive. Remember that bras can help stop some premature drooping and even make the breasts appear 'perkier' than they really are but they still only delay the process. Keep in mind that even though men see perfect breasts on TV, they still don't really care that much. Overall, breast sagging is going to happen. Period. But when it happens, how it happens, and why it happens are all factors that are different for every woman. Genetics, weight, and age are just a few factors. But here's a few facts that should help you feel a little better. First, bras are awesome inventions that can hide so much. Second, sagging breasts will not kill you. A finally, every woman will have sagging breasts at some point in their life. Even supermodels. Many women find themselves with sagging breasts after breastfeeding or 9
Chapter 2: Questions and Answers Is it normal for my breasts to feel empty and saggy after breastfeeding? breasts actually do empty of milk during breastfeeding. The breast becomes hard, heavy, and can even hurt when it's full of breast milk so it's completely normal for the breast to feel less full, soft, empty, or all of these after breastfeeding. The feeling of 'fullness' or even engorgement a nursing mother experiences during the early weeks usually means that the mother's breasts haven't adjusted yet to the amount of milk their baby needs. Some women produce too much milk in the beginning. This can cause pain and leaking to happen. Thankfully, the breasts usually adjust themselves after the first six to twelve weeks to the amount that baby needs. Some more severe cases can take longer. By this point, your breasts will begin to feel less empty, full, and soft. The leaking may stop, and if you pump to get the excess out, you will probably find that you don't pump as much or even at all. This doesn't mean that you've stopped producing enough milk, but that you and baby have figured out how much milk baby needs. A lot of women will stop breastfeeding at this point because they feel they've 'dried up'. The process that causes this to happen is called 'milk synthesis'. Early postpartum hormone levelscalled prolactin are overproduced in the early weeks and months causing mom to have more milk than the baby needs. Most moms who give birth to one child can, in the beginning, produce enough milk for twins and even triplets in some cases! In the first few months, high baseline prolactin levels gradually decrease to lower baseline levels. At this point, it may be easier for mom's body to adjust milk production to baby's needs. Yes. It's most prominent for the first six to twelve weeks. This is because the 10
Is Plastic Surgery The Only Way T o Lose Post Baby Sag? pregnancy even if they don't breastfeed. This is different for every woman and usually involves the loss of breast volume and causes some degree of sagginess because of the weakening of the supporting breast ligaments. Knowing that this happens to most women helps others make their decision regarding surgery but others still want surgical options. Keep in mind though that if you're not through having children, you might want to wait to get the most out of any surgery you may choose. A surgical option for post-baby sag is called a mastopexy, or breast lift. This can be done with or without breast implants. If you're happy with the size of your breasts but want that pre-baby look, then the implants aren't necessary. But if you're looking to increase the size as well as lift the breasts, the implants are an option. While the incisions vary, they most often have one incision around the areola and one vertical incisions below the aerola (this is called the lollipop incision). In some cases, an additional incision is needed in the fold at the base of the breast. This incision allows the surgeon to reshape and re suspend the breast tissue and to raise the nipple and areola to the appropriate position. The ultimate shape is improved but the operation isn't perfect for long-term fullness. To add a breast implant, it's basically the same operation with the addition of adding the implant. Depending on the size of the implant, it can be inserted into the incisions already present from the lift. Sometimes, adding implants will allow the surgeon to use fewer and even smaller incisions as well. This surgery will add additional volume and can sometimes even last longer than just a breast lift alone. The drawback is maintenance. Most surgeons require implants to be switched with new ones every ten years or so. There are also several cases of implants leaking and improper placement. The best thing to do is to research a good board-certified plastic surgeon, try to find one who specializes in breast surgery, and have a comprehensive and through evaluation before making any decision. Yes and no. Every woman experiences a change to their breasts after Can Pec Fly Exercises Help With Sagging Breasts? 11
them bigger. It's not an easy exercise though and it takes a while to get easier, especially to get the most out of it. But when it's not such a struggle, here are a few tips to get the most out of the exercise for maximum results: Add more weight as you feel comfortable to the pec fly machine Increase the time to hold the position. Start at three seconds and work up to ten. More is not always better. You can get better results if you do only two reps at fifteen second holding times when you lower the weight on the machine a fourth of the way back or at halfway back. A good workout is to do three to five reps, rest two to three minutes then repeat. This can be a fast way to lift and firm your breasts. You can see results in the first week by just doing this exercise only twice a week! Once you're satisfied with the size and shape of your breasts, you can maintain that look by doing this exercise only once a week. It is work and it takes dedication but exercise is proven to keep the body (and the breasts) healthier longer. Yes. This exercise can help lift breasts without surgery and can even help make Will A Good Bra Help Sagging Breasts? say that they wear a bra. Most of those women don't even know if they're wearing the right size bra for them. They also don't really know why they wear a bra other than it's just what you do when a girl hits puberty. Interestingly, wearing a bra isn't necessarily for the sake of the breast, but for society's sake. It's actually worn for cultural reasons! The truth is that, according to Dr. Susan Love's book, Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book, “...wearing a bra ...has no medical necessity whatsoever.” Breasts managed just fine before the invention of the brasserie. A similar myth is the corset is needed for women to support the stomach muscles. Now all this doesn't mean that bras aren't helpful, especially in the modern world. Large-breasted women find bras very helpful. A recent study took several women with large breasts and asked them to go two weeks either without wearing a bra or to wear only a strapless bra. Only one woman chose the strapless bra, by the way. The researchers monitored the women for changes in muscle pain and tenderness since the shoulders weren't supporting the major weight of the breasts. At the end of the study, 79% of the OK, let's start with a few facts. First of all, over 90% of North American women 12
women decided to remove breast weight from their shoulders permanently because they were now pain free! Interesting. But bras do have their place in society. It's considered part of a professional appearance, they provide support, prevent sag, and even help eliminate that discomfort from sweat that collects from under the breasts. You know what I'm talking about. Dress code aside, breast sagging is still inevitable as we've already discussed. We have been so brainwashed by the mass media of the perfect airbrushed breast and tend to feel inadequate. No matter how much money you spend on the latest, most powerful and comfortable bra or the bra that does everything including make toast, you're still going to have sagging breasts at the end of the day. There just isn't a bra out there to stop it. There's no stopping gravity. There are even two studies that state wearing a bra may actually cause the breast to sag more than by not wearing one. How is that fair? OK, so do bras do anything useful or am I just wasting my money? Let's look at what we know about bras thus far: Breast sagging has a medical term called breast ptosis. Breast ptosis is a made up disorder that literally means “sagging breasts”. There's the old saying that 'The French have a word for it' meaning they can give a name to anything. That's probably why a C anadian came up with ptosis. C anada is partly French. While we're expanding our knowledge base and vocabulary, let's talk about the upper and lateral portions of the breasts. It's called the tail of Spence. Try working that into conversation at your next cocktail party. By the way, why is Spence? Going back to bras, after much research, there seems to be zero evidence that bras prevent sagging. By the way, I'm tired of writing breast ptosis at this point so it'll probably stop showing up. I keep feeling like every time I look naked in a mirror I need to get a prescription for penicillin. Anyway, we've scoured the medical journals and have found nothing. Zip. Bras originated in 1863 as an alternative to corsets. C orsets were used to make the waist skinny and the breasts appealing as a standard of 19th century beauty. They also has this tiny side effect of not being able to breathe. Thus the bra was born. They still enhance the female form, but in a less restrictive way. By the way, a man invented the bra. Figures. Bras have always been billed for their health benefits, even today. When Luman C hapman submitted his patent for the first bra, he stated that his breast supporter 13
would help avoid injuries to the breasts and abdomen. By 1927, bras makers claimed their products helped 'drooping busts' and helped strengthen 'weakened tissues'. Then, in 1952, Parent's Magazine (which is now just Parents) offered the odd and very bizarre suggestion that mother's should occasionally trace the silhouette of their daughters breasts (presumable unclothed) as to gauge their development. Then, at the first signs of puberty, the girl should start wearing a training bra so to prevent 'drooping' from the start. I guess this is better than a trainer corset. Even bra manufactures don't believe their bras prevent sagging. An article written back in 2000 in the Independent states that the C EO of Playtex, J ohn Dixey agrees with surgery professor Robert Mansell. Mansell states sagging is “...a function of the weight, often the heavy breasts, and these women are wearing bras and it doesn't prevent it.” Dixey then adds, “We have no medical evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging because the breast itself is not a muscle so keeping it toned up is an impossibility.” Other seem to have greater faith in the bra. In a 1990 article in Runner's World, exercise physiologist and biomechanics researcher LaJ ean Lawson compares the bouncing of breasts during running to a woman wearing heavy earrings constantly and the stretching it causes from the ears. He recommends women should wear a sports bra when running. Let's stay on the subject of sports bras for a minute. While the standard bra doesn't seem to do much for a woman medical or physically, a sports bra seems to be a good idea and there's even some scientific evidence to back it up with. But before you get your hopes up, the findings have little to do with sagging. Anyway, a 1999 article from the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Mason et al did a study that had women exercise at varying degree of strenuous activity while wearing different types of bras or no bra at all. The women reported the least amount of breast pain while wearing a sports bra. Sadly, this could have been a better study to prove their point. There were only three subject researched. It's probably why it didn't win a Nobel Prize. Now there's little reason to doubt that larger-breasted women benefit from wearing a bra or that a breastfeeding women benefits as well. Even women who exercise and/or play sports should wear a sports bra. But what about the average woman? Men do not go around wearing jock straps and many don't wear briefs, just boxers. Boxer provides no support at all. 14
So, if there's no real benefit to wearing a bra, why do it? They're going to sag anyway, so that's not a reason. It's still not proven for certain that a bra can slow this process down either. Perhaps the best reason is for fashion and personal enhancement. Not to mention that wearing the right bra can prevent that embarrassing nipple protrusion. Plus, it's just a fact that most men and women feel better with clothes on. Underwear included. What About An Underwire Bra? is built into the underside of the cup with the purpose to lift, separate, shape, and to provide additional support. Most modern underwire are made of a hard thin plastic or metal that's shaped in a semi-circle to fit within the bra. Underwire bras come in a massive variety including breastfeeding, semi bras, or shelf bras. As far as bras go, most women state they either swear by them or hate them. The underwire bra is the most marketable bra today. Lacy or not, polka dots or stripes, ducks or turtles. They come in every color of the rainbow as well as designs. The can be for simple plain wear or extremely seductive. Younger girls always want to grow up fast and may try to wear these too soon but it can actually make their breasts look weird and misshapen. They're intended for older teenagers to adult women. While there are no health benefits to wearing an underwire bra, there are a few health concerns. Increased breast pains, breast infection during lactation, and allergic reactions to the metal in the underwire have all been reported. Some have even tried to link breast cancer to wearing an underwire bra but there no scientific research to back the claim up. In recent years, the push up bra has replaced the padded bra because it appears more natural and is more comfortable to wear. As the name says, the push up does just that. It lifts the breasts and adds shape and contour with extra padding in the cup itself. Most use silicon or water sacks to have a more 'natural' look. These bra are more expensive than the traditional padded bra and are becoming more popular as well. In a recent poll, 20% of the votes agreed that the push up bra was the greatest fashion invention ever. The underwire bra is still a bra, but it's designed to help 'lift' the breasts. The wire 15
down your skin so they might perk up a little longer than the girl who goes commando underneath. There is a slight benefit to support bras. They could reduce the weight dragging What About Wearing A Bra At Night? There's nothing wrong with wearing a bra at night if it makes you comfortable. Some doctors even recommend it when your breasts are sore anyway. I occasionally wear a sports bra a size too big to sleep at a recommendation after working or being on my feet for more than twelve hours. I will say my breasts are less sore then next day as to when I don't bother. But that's just me and not an official study. In fact, there's no official study at all to support any benefit to wearing a bra at night. Sleeping in a bra will not make a woman's breasts perkier or sag any less than if she didn't. It won't cause cancer (nor will the underwire bra by the way) and it won't stunt breast growth in a girl. Like me, many women state they like wearing a bra to bed because it makes them feel more comfortable. If you decide to try it, I would recommend a light-fitting bra that doesn't have an underwire or a loose-fitting sports bra like I use. There are even some camisole pajama tops that have a bra built in. They only health concern out there is if you wear a bra that causes pain or discomfort while sleeping. J ust pick a different bra and problem solved. By the way, it's never a good idea to wear a bra that hurts or is too tight. Day or night. Specialty bra shops and many department store with lingerie departments offer proper bra fittings. It's a good idea to do this every so often, especially if you lose or gain weight or get pregnant. Why Can't Teenagers Wear Underwire Bras? bra. The only exception is a really young girl just entering puberty. Most underwire bras don't fit properly and can misshape the breasts. But other than that, guess what? It's your body. Myth! There's absolutely no reason why a teenager can't wear an underwire 16
talked about how wearing a bra may help slow down the sagging process. Why not start as early as possible? Even teenagers need support for their growing breasts. Besides, we've already Are There Foods That Can Help Sagging Breasts? eating foods that promote healthy skin are best. Foods rich in vitamins A, B, C , E, and K are all helpful in promoting a healthy body which includes the breasts. Also eat well with 'good fat' also known as essential fatty acids. These have been known to help with the elasticity of the skin which can help prevent sag and perhaps a wrinkle or two. Some good sources are olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocados, hemp oil, and cold water fish. Along with a healthy diet is exercise. For the breasts in particular, strengthen the chest. Pushups, dumbbell chest presses, chest flies, and incline presses are all helpful. Talk to a personal trainer to find what works best for your body. Even though running is very healthy, it can wreak havoc on the breasts. C ut back on the amount of time and distance and always wear a tight-fitting sports bra any time you run. There are foods that can help with overall breast health. Eating healthy and Will Breasts Get Saggy From Not Exercising? while exercising. No excuses now! Remember that breasts are made up of mostly fat and ligaments. The outside skin and the ligaments are what hold the breasts to the rest of the body. This means that the intermittent stretching that occurs during exercise does not overstretch the skin and ligaments. However, because exercise causes fat to burn, the fat in the breasts is no exception. This loss of fat can cause sagging over time. There is no medical proof that your breasts will sag more if you don't wear a bra 17
women with larger breasts usually feel more comfortable wearing bras whether they're working out or not. Regardless of size, if a woman chooses to wear a bra while exercising, she should find one that is loose enough to be comfortable and to allow her to move in but tight enough to hold her breasts in place. Make sure it doesn't have any wires or plastic that can dig into the body. Even back hooks can rub skin. A sport's bra is a good idea. Most women with smaller breasts prefer to not wear bras while exercising. But Can Breastfeeding Make Breasts Sag? any more than they did before she because pregnant. But if she continues to have more children, the sagging is most likely. Note to self: have only one baby... According to Dr. Brian Rinker, a plastic surgeon from the University of Kentucky, “A lot of times, if a woman comes in for a breast lift or breast augmentation, she'll say, 'I want to fix what breastfeeding did to my breasts.'” Dr. Rinker decided to study any possible connection after noticing the trend. Dr. Rinker and his staff interviewed 132 who came in for a breast augmentation or lift as a result of breastfeeding between 1996 and 2006. Most of the women had an average age of 39 and had been pregnant at least once. The study evaluated medical history, height, weight, pre-pregnancy bra cup size and whether or not the woman smoked. Out of the 132 women, 58% had breastfed at least one child. They also found out that the women on average breastfed for the first nine months. According to the research, breastfeeding does not make breasts sag. There was no difference in the extent of ptosis in the women who breastfed as opposed to the women who didn't. Even though breastfeeding has nothing to do with saggy breasts, pregnancy can. As already stated, the more times a woman is pregnant, the more likely her breasts will sag. But don't blame saggy breasts only on pregnancy! According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, smoking and age play an important role as well. Kevin Hancock, a consultant plastic surgeon based in Liverpool states that pregnancy often changes the size of the breasts which can stretch the tissue and Yes and no. According to a new study, a new mom's breasts usually won't sag 18
make sagging more likely. This often becomes an issue when the breasts stop producing milk and begin to shrink. This process is called post-lactation atrophy. However, Mr. Hancock also states that “There is no evidence that breastfeeding make any difference to these changes.” Will Smoking Cause My Breasts To Sag? woman's breasts will sag more with each pregnancy. So a woman with children will likely have sagging breasts regardless of smoking. But smoking breaks down a protein called elastin. Dr. Rinker say elastin is what gives skin its youthful, elastic appearance. Elastin also helps support the breasts. When a woman smokes, that elastin is decreased so not only is she more likely to have sagging breasts but the rest of her skin is affected as well. Avoiding smoking as well as sun exposure can help retain skin elasticity. Smoking is not the direct cause of breast sagginess but it can be a factor. A Will My Breasts Perk Up After Weaning? regardless of whether the breastfed or not. But how much they change is determined by genetics (not that again!), smoking, and weight gain during pregnancy. Breastfeeding still takes the brunt of the blame though, but as already stated, it's not public enemy #1. But, if a woman wants a chance to regain those pre-pregnancy breasts after breastfeeding, she should consider gradual weaning. Both breastfeeding and gradual weaning make it more likely that fat will be redeposit back into the breasts. After about six months, the breasts ought to be close to the pre-pregnancy look with the exception that they may feel a bit denser since fatty tissue is filling them out again. Many women are surprised at how much their breasts change after pregnancy How Will Breastfeeding Change The Look Of My Breasts? 19
but age, weight gain or loss, smoking, pregnancy, another pregnancy, and even gravity take their toll on the breasts. During pregnancy, your breasts prepare for nursing. They grow larger to hold the milk while the areolas and nipples become darker. Several days after giving birth, the breasts become fuller and heavier as milk actually starts to develops. After about two weeks, your breasts go back to the pregnancy weight until weaning. When you go back to your pre-pregnancy weight, your breasts will return to their pre-pregnancy size as well. They probably won't be as perky though. But fear not! Even though they may never look the way they did before pregnancy, they still can look decent after about six months after weaning. Exercising the upper body helps the process along. A little work goes a long way. Life takes a toll on the breasts. It's not just breastfeeding to be worried about, Still Worried? Fear Not! Breastfeeding is not the enemy! So many women are convinced that breastfeeding is the reason their breasts sag. I suppose it's easy to understand why. Look at the beating the breasts go though during breastfeeding. Sucking, cracking, bleeding, the constant expanding and contracting. Of course no breastfeeding mother forgets the first time baby bites! Oh the teeth! After so many months or even years, the poor breasts have had enough. Then look at the benefits. There are studies that claim babies who had breast milk are more intelligent and tend to have fewer health problems later in life. There are even studies that say mom benefits from breastfeeding as well! Can Losing Weight Make My Breasts Sag? little or no difference to the breasts. Fifty or more pounds? Probably. The most weight lost, the more the breasts will be affected. Keep in mind that breasts are made mostly of fat. When you lose weight what are you losing? You got it! Fat. So it makes sense that the more weight you lose, the more likely your breasts will sag. Now having said that, there are ways to have your cake and eat it too. Exercising while losing weight will help maintain breast size as well as tone the muscles and skin, including the skin around the breasts. It depends on the amount of weight that's lost. Ten to twenty pounds? Probably 20
There is a great exercise that was mentioned earlier called the pec fly exercise that helps tone the chest muscles and skin. It can also help firm the breasts in the process. It might even make them bigger! When do I start? Regardless of whether you've had a baby, want to lose weight, already lost weight, or just want to firm your breasts, this is a great exercise. Try going to a weight loss or exercise forum and post a question or two to get the most out of the exercise. Some women also consider a breast lift and/or implants after weight loss to correct sagging breasts. A breast lift basically reshapes the breasts to appear perkier and fuller. This can be done with or without implants. It's a good idea to wait to have this surgery until after you've finished having children. Also, if you're losing weight, wait until you've met your target weight. If you have very large breasts or are older, a breast lift will only have limited results because the skin's elasticity. In the end, the lift may not last as long. For larger- breasted women who've lost weight, the surgeon may also remove excess skin while maintaining residual volume of the natural breast tissue. Why Do Some Breast Augmentation Results Appear Saggy? augmentation was done instead of a lift and augmentation. So basically you're taking a saggy breast and making it a larger saggy breast with just an augmentation. But many women don't want unsightly scars from having a lift so they just opt for the implant. Only a lift will help with the sag. The second reason is that breasts can change after the surgery for several reasons. Weight gain, weight loss, and pregnancy can all lead to post-surgical sag. If a woman gets implants, there is now a bit more weight added to her breasts meaning it's a good idea to wear a bra to maintain the skin's elasticity and ligament support. If not, the weight in the implants can cause sag over time. It's also important to note that a mature breast lifted or not, is not going to look like a younger breast. The skin is not as elastic and the breasts natural look is just not the same. Always consult a board certified plastic surgeon before making a decision. They can help decide whether or not an implant is needed and how large it should be to make for a more 'natural' and full look. Also remember that the larger the implant, the heavier the breast becomes which can cause sagging over time and puts you back to square one! This basically happens for one of two reasons. The first is that just an 21
before advising the amount of incisions needed or whether or not implants are recommended as well as size. To determine the degree of ptosis (sagging), the surgeon looks at the following: The location of the breast tissue of the chest wall The location of the nipple and areola in relation to the crease Location of the glands relative to the crease The size of the areola The amount of skin above to the areola The amount of skin from the areola to the crease The degree of breast constriction and lack of fullness with a downward facing nipple and areola Knowing these factors helps the surgeon determine how to proceed with the augmentation or lift. Depending on the degree of ptosis, only a few minor incisions may be needed, leaving smaller scars. But for a major lift, several incisions may be needed and scarring becomes the focus. Many women want to be able to show off their breasts as they see fit and would prefer not to have unsightly scars in the line of sight. I don't blame them. Depending on what needs to be done, two surgeries may be needed for both a lift and augmentation, but sometimes the same incisions can be used. The saggier the breast and/or the size of the implant desired, and then more incisions will probably be needed. Most surgeons use a formula based on the degree of ptosis the breasts have Can A Massage Help Sagging Breasts? be tricky due to the fact that breast tissue is quite delicate. But if it's done properly with a moderate amount of pressure, then a breast massage may be helpful. Massaging the breasts can help to make them firmer and healthier, and can also aid in maintaining the balance of hormones in a woman's body. I know some men who would sign up for this! But seriously, breast massages can 22
her (again, there are men lining up for this one). The massage can be done sitting up or laying down, whichever makes the woman most comfortable. But because it requires the breasts to be exposed, it should be done in private. To avoid friction and discomfort, use massage oil. The process is fairly simple. The first step is to put some massage oil on the fingers and apply it to the breast in a circular motion, going from the center of the chest to the underarm area. Take care to use light pressure at this point. The second step is massaging the breast after it's fully covered in oil. With both hands, knead the breast gently as you lift the breast from the body. With both hands still holding the breast, twist the flesh gently. Step three is to use the flats of the fingers and try to scoop the fibers of the breast with utmost gentleness starting clockwise, then counterclockwise. Finally, step four is to smooth the flesh of the breast with the fingertips going from the center downward. This is known as the cooling phase. When this is done, repeat the process on the other breast. After the massage, be sure to drink plenty of water. Now before I lose everyone, keep in mind that a breast massage can be uncomfortable or even painful no matter how gently it's done. That's why minimal pressure is best. It's also best to do it yourself to keep the pain and pressure to a minimum. If you decide to give it a try, the benefits may outweigh the discomfort. Breast massages can give the breast a beautiful, healthy appearance as well as shape, tone and promote growth. It's used as an alternative to surgery for breast enhancement. Here's another benefit. Not only can it help the bust line, but it may even save your life. Regular massages mean a keen understanding of your breast so if a change occurs like an unknown mass, then further evaluation may happen sooner. As we all know, the sooner breast cancer is detected, the more effective treatment can be. Breast massages have been used for years as a means of lymphatic drainage, breast growth promotion, and as post-operative therapy for women who have mad mastectomies, breast trauma, or other surgery to the breast. It helps to break down scar tissue, stimulates healing, and aids in tissue regeneration. There's a bit of speculation out there regarding wearing bra because it restricts the lymphatic system from removing toxins in a healthy way. Since not wearing a bra is not an option in most modern societies, a breast massage is an excellent alternative A woman can perform her own breast massage or can have someone do it for 23
to allow the lymphatic system to do its job. When toxins are released, the chance of cancer is reduced. Many women in Asia state that not only are breast massages good for the overall look and feel of the breasts, but it increases their self esteem and gives them a peace of mind much like other massages do. Even the Thai government supports breast massages as a means of breast enhancement and overall breast health. Now that's something! Women who perform regular breast massages also utilize other herbal serums and creams such as Benefil Breast Massage C ream into their practice to not only further stimulate the breasts into “expanding”, firming, and toning, but also to help create an overall look of fullness and less sagginess. There's a couple things to keep in mind when considering breast massages: Always use a cream or lubricant to help prevent friction as well as increases relaxation and enjoyment. Herbal mixtures are recommended because the whole idea is to create a healthier breast. Using a chemical based formula is only going to put more toxins in the system pretty much defeating the purpose. Some creams, such as Benefil (mentioned above), also help increase firmness, tone, and an overall more rounded look. Use a gentle back and forth “swishing” motion with light to moderate pressure is best. Doing this in a counterclockwise motion help promote the lymphatic system best. For maximum effect, massage daily. Make it part of a routine. Do it right after you get out of the shower when the body is fresh and still smooth from the steamy water. This will help with less friction. You can massage more than once a day if you want to, since it only take just a few minutes. It can even increase the benefit. It just depends on your schedule. Can Sleeping Without A Bra Cause Sagging Breasts Over Time? to keep your breasts from bouncing all around all day. But what it can do is stop your breast tissue from growing properly and it can even increase the chances of damaging the tissue. Nope! As we've already talked about, bras don't really do anything more that 24
Since breast tissue protects the milk glands, they too can be damaged. Keep that in mind if you're still planning on children and possibly breastfeeding them. But if you do decide to wear a bra to bed, avoid underwire bras. Not only are they uncomfortable to sleep in but they can cause even more damage. Try wearing a loose fitting sports bra instead. But seriously, give the girls a chance to breathe once in a while! Oh, and by the way, wearing a bra at night does not increase your chances of developing breast cancer. There's still no concrete cause of breast cancer period. What Is A Breast Lift? Is It Worth It? lift, or mastopexy is basically an elective surgery or surgeries to reshape the breasts. It's performed by a plastic surgeon who may remove excess skin on the bottom of the breast and tighten skin on the top of breast as well as reshape tissue inside the breast to lift the breasts and add contour. A mastopexy may also involved repositioning of the areolas and nipples. This is also where the majority of the incisions are going to be placed as well. Most incisions are at the crease underneath the breast with a vertical line under the breast starting at the areola and going down. This is known as the anchor incision on the inverted T incision. This technique is widely used because of its consistent success with reshaping the breasts. It's also desirable because the scars blend in well on the areolas and are mostly hidden out of the line of sight with clothes on. But depending on the amount of work that needs to be done, these incisions may be larger and other incisions may be required as well. A mastopexy can be performed alone or in combination with a breast augmentation, which is the placement of breast implants. The changes that a mastopexy or a mastopexy/augmentation combination are only a temporary fix. The effects of gravity and aging are still going to work their magic over time. That's why it's recommended that a woman who's had a lift, especially a lift with implants wear a bra. We've already covered this a bit before but let's get some juicy details! A breast 25
The implants will made the breasts heavier and gravity will work faster than it did before the implants. But fear not! You can always have another lift or you can just allow nature to take over. There are modified versions of the mastopexy that have been developed to produce the same results but with less scarring by using fewer incisions. Modified mastopexies are usually done with augmentations. A popular version is called the Benelli breast lift, or the concentric mastopexy. But you can call it the donut lift! The in the procedure, a ring of tissue is removed from around the areola which limits scarring in this area. This procedure sometimes will include the removal of excess skin underneath the breast. Another modified version of the Benelli lift is the crescent lift. J ust like in the donut lift, the ring around the areola is removed as well but further tissue is taken from above the areola causing the areola and nipple to lift upwards. The last version is the lollipop. This involves an incision around the areola as well as a vertical incision starting from the areola and going downward to the crease underneath the breast. No matter which version you pick, they all do the same basic job. To lift. Excess skin is removes, skin is tightened, and the breast as a whole appears more youthful, firmer and better positioned. But beware of the modified versions. One of the potential drawback to these are that less changes can be made to the breast. Keep in mind that with just a mastopexy, size does not change. To increase size, consider having an augmentation done with the lift. But beware because this might require a second surgery and possibly more scarring. Will My Breasts Sag Later After Having A Breast Augmentation? breast augmentation can correct sagging to a certain degree, it can't correct everything. If sagging breasts is the main concern, then a mastopexy, or breast lift might be considered instead. If the breasts contain a large amount of tissue, then that's probably a good part of the reason why your breasts are sagging to start with. Adding more weight from an augmentation is only going to make things worse. But if you're looking to add size, try both procedures together. Remember that genetics often play a role is sagging to begin with. Although a 26
Can Surgery Reverse Sagging Breasts? done, do regret going bra-less or all that jogging in your younger days. It was going to happen anyway! But some women, especially women with larger breasts, may see sagging in their twenties. Women who have also had dramatic weight loss will have the same problem. Women also notice a change after pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. The fact of the matter is that those perky, shapely breasts of your teens and early twenties that define a sexy figure won't hang around for long. But that’s all we as a society focus on and seems to forget that those perky breasts only last such a short amount of time. To attain that look of youth often requires surgery. Plastic surgeons can lift the breasts to appear 'perkier' in clothing and out for a time, but gravity is a sneaky fellow and will continue to stalk the breasts until eventually it catches up with them again. No matter how many surgeries you have, the breasts will sag eventually. But that doesn't mean that surgery won't help. Now don't get me wrong, surgery does help, but it does not “cure.” Basically surgery postpones the inevitable. A breast lift involves a couple of small incisions around the areola and down the bottom of the breast to the crease knows as the anchor incision. Basically this surgery removes excess skin and reshapes the breast tissue to give it a 'perkier' appearance. Many women will also opt to have a breast augmentation along with a lift to increase their size and add a firmer feel to the breasts. When deciding on whether to have just breast augmentation, breast lift, or both, a scale was created by Dr. Loftus to help you decide. Grade I: Mild Ptosis Most women with have very minor sagging and can usually avoid a lift. Keep in mind that your nipples will still be appear lower though but more than likely you'll find that you're happier with fewer scars. Grade II: Moderate Ptosis Grade II often has enough sagging to encourage a lift to fix the nipple line. A lift is recommended. No matter what, gravity will eventually catch up with you. When it's all said and 27
Grade III: Severe Ptosis There is obvious sagging and the nipple line is very low. A lift is strongly recommended. in conjunction with an augmentation. If not, then there’s a high chance of a bulge wither above or below the implant as known as “bulging” or “double bubble”. This happens due to the apparent “fullness” of the upper half of the breast. When the implants are placed in the proper position, the natural breast is so low that it appears that it's hanging off the implant. If this occurs after an augmentation without a lift, a lift can still be done and usually corrects the problem. If a surgeon attempts to fix the bulging by lowering the implant, then it's only going to cause more problems and a “double bubble” will appear. This is a bulge below the implant. So now you have a bulge above and below the implant. That's a big problem so it's just a good idea to have both a lift and augmentation at the same time. Breast augmentation surgery is often performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours. The time depends on the amount of work that needs to be done and whether or not the woman wants implants too. In some cases, more than one surgery may be needed. Before surgery, you meet with a surgeon to discuss what you want out of the surgery and what needs to be done to attain that goal. J ust like any medical procedure, a medical history, drug allergies, and current medications are discussed. Recovery time and what happens during recovery will also be discussed. You may even need to buy certain supplies such as a surgical bra to wear during recover, bandages to change incision dressings with. After surgery, expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort for the first several days. Pain medication may be prescribed to help deal with these issues. After about a week, most women can even return to work and begin to start doing their daily routines again. But strenuous activities like heavy lifting and exercise should be gradually and carefully added back into the mix. Like any surgery, there are always risks. But other than the general risks, most breast surgeries have few problems. But do look out for excessive swelling, infection, and wounds not healing properly. These need to be evaluated by the surgeon who did the procedure or by another doctor as soon as possible. These conditions are almost always treatable and rarely life-threatening. With Grade II and Grade III, a lift is not only a good option, but should be done 28
How To Fix Sagging Breasts Without Surgery only way to enhance the breasts. There are natural alternatives such as exercise and herbal creams that can help to perk up breasts but they won't really increase bust size. But or many women, these alternatives are a better idea than the pain and money involved in surgery. There are various forms of exercise that can help tone and firm the breasts. Talk to your doctor, a personal trainer or even research the internet as these are all excellent resources to find some great exercises. The pec fly exercise is a known exercise that can help firm and shape the breasts (see above). While exercising can help improve the overall health of the breasts, but it will not increase the size. Remember that breasts are made mostly of fat and contain no muscle. But exercising will help improve and tone the muscles underneath, which is what helps to firm and tone the bust line. Exercising for your breasts will also help your posture. When your posture is better, your breasts actually look healthier as well. C ombining exercising with herbal supplements can also be very effective in the overall health of your breasts. It's attacking the same problem from two angles. Exercising can lift and firm the breasts naturally and certain herbal supplements can actually help increase the size! Besides the pec fly exercise, swimming is another excellent exercise to improve breast vitality. Try this for breast reduction as well as weight loss but keep in mind that a woman with naturally larger breasts and is not overweight is not going to have the same results. In addition to exercise, adding natural herbal supplements can help create larger breasts. They can also help in addition to exercise to help reduce sagginess and make breasts more toned. Herbs such as fennel, fenugreek, and palmetto are a few examples. C ombining these two can really help achieve a beautiful bust. They also offer a healthier alternative to surgery that can improve your overall health instead of causing more pain and discomfort. The truth is that while breast surgery can enhance and improve the breasts, there's a lot more to consider than just the initial surgery. Surgically enhanced breasts require a lifetime's worth of maintenance and money for upkeep. This doesn't even include the money it make take of surgery does not go as you wanted it to in the first place. The natural alternative is just more cost effective as well as more effective overall. The only think it takes is time and dedication. Yes, surgery can help make breasts larger and younger-looking, but it's not the 29
Does Wearing High Heels Make Breasts Sag? throughout a woman's lifetime and are caused by several factors including age, pregnancy, weight loss, and breastfeeding. But high heels? Interestingly this may be partly true. OK, you couch potato, listen up. Also, those of you who work at a desk all day might be interested in this too. When you sit for a long period of time or are constantly in a sitting position, you can actually cause the muscles near the front of the hips to become short and tight. It can also cause the butt muscles to forget how to contract. No jokes please. So the combination of tight front muscles and loose back muscles ultimately causes the pelvis to tilt forward to create the dreaded “pooch” of the lower abdomen. Know what else causes belly pooch? High heels! According to Rachel C osgrove, C .S.C .S, a fitness adviser for Women's Health, “High-fashion shoes not only contribute to your pooch, but again, leave you less perky up top as well.” She also goes on to state, “Wearing high heels can result in sagging breasts. Heels make your ankle muscles tight. This leads to tighter muscles all the way up your legs to your lower back. And a tight lower back causes you to compensate by hunching forward even more, so your sag worsens.” So, should you throw out those heels? C an't live without the heels? There are actually work places that require women to wear heels. What should they do? There are things that can be done to help. Always sit as tall as you can. Exercise daily, eat healthy, and stretch your chest. Also try to minimize the time you spend in heels. Try to wear flats on the way to work or event and then change back into them on your way home. In the long run, you just have to ask yourself if heels are worth it. If your goal is to perk the breasts up and lose the sag, then sacrifice is the name of the game. Limit your time in heels. C hoose an alternative. J ust think ahead about your goals and what you need to achieve them. Oh the price of vanity! We've already established that breasts sag naturally Will Breast Implants Fix Sagging Breasts? 30
alternatives, and other alternatives to fix sagging breasts. But the question still remains. Will breast implants fix sagging breasts? Yes and no. A breast lift is more likely to actually fix sagging breasts and readjust the nipple location. Breast implants just add volume and size. You can combine both. It's like having your cake and eating it too. Breast implants, also known as breast augmentation, are best for the woman who wants a larger bust. Low self-esteem has been linked to smaller breasts in women. So basically for some women, larger breasts can improve self-esteem and confidence as well as allow women to even wear clothing they might not have worn before. C onfidence can go a long way. Breast implants can help correct nature's mistakes. Many women naturally have saggy, lopsided, or crooked breasts. Sometimes one breast can be larger than the other. So breast augmentation can help Mother Nature out. Fix the little mistakes to create a beautiful look just like Mother Nature actually intended. Some women even get implants before getting pregnant to increase their breast volume. This, in turn, helps them produce more milk when nursing. Sometimes women just want to get back what was lost. Women who have lost their breasts to cancer or trauma can get a second chance. Even if they're not necessary, there's no reason why these women can't get back their breasts. Breast enhancement surgery is safer now than it used to be. Implants are safer and have a more natural look to them. They're even safe enough to expand later in the future. Breasts are a large part of a woman's defining figure. They're something that are practically worshiped by men and envied by other women. Should all women have the breasts they want to feel like a whole woman? So we've talked about the pros and cons of breast lifts, implants, natural End of Preview Chapters GET The Complete Version (plus All Bonuses) 31