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Working with the NSDL 2.0 Data Repository

Learn about NSDL 2.0, a digital library for STEM resources, featuring collaborative tools, metadata organization, and end-user services. Understand the technical vision, tools, services, and integration capabilities of the platform.

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Working with the NSDL 2.0 Data Repository

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  1. Working with the NSDL 2.0 Data Repository Core Integration NSF Grant #0227656

  2. Presentation Overview • Introduction (Dean Krafft) • Collaborative Tools • NSDL Wiki (Elly Cramer) • ExpertVoices • OnRamp (Lynette Rayle) • NDR Design (Aaron Birkland) • Search Service (Jim Blake) • Tool builders (Tim Cornwell) • Conclusion (Dean Krafft) • Discussion

  3. NSDL 2.0: The Technical Vision • Provide support for communities across the full range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics research, learning, and education • Enable the library as a shared, collaborative, contributory space • Support the creation and display of context around library resources to enhance discovery, use, and understanding • Put NSDL in the path of the user, enabling them to easily and comfortably integrate NSDL into their normal workflow • Release NSDL 2.0 as a platform for developing digital library tools

  4. What is NSDL 2.0? • A digital library that contains: • References to STEM resources • Metadata that describe those resources • Ways to organize, interrelate, and annotate resources • Back-end tools and services to support the creation, organization, and indexing of resource references and metadata in the library • End-user tools that allow: • Discovering, creating, and organizing library resources and metadata • Creating context, relationships, and annotations for the materials in the library

  5. Resource Metadata Agent Agent The Stacks (Repository) The NSDL Data Repository (NDR), implemented as set of digital objects and relationships in a Fedora repository Selector for Selector for Metadata Provider Collection Collection Metadata Metadata for Member of Member of Metadata for Resource Resource Related Related

  6. Back-end tools A REST-based web services interface to the NDR NDR API Ingest OAI-PMH metadata aggregator OAI-PMH OAI-PMH server for library metadata Search Search REST service for the library

  7. .org End-user tools Web site implementing search service, browsing, and display Interactive collection metadata management system NCS Blogging with integrated NSDL search, resource linking, and publication Wiki with integrated NSDL search, resource linking, and publication Content management system with workflow and NDR publication

  8. Status • NSDL.org and OAI server/ingest in production since 2002 • NDR/NDR API in production since January 2007 • NDR search service in production since January 2007 • Expert Voices in production since early 2007 • NSDL Wiki in beta now • OnRamp expected in beta Dec. 2007 • NCS expected in production Dec. 2007 • SourceForge release of NCore v1.0 on 9/1/07; v1.1 release targeted for January 2008

  9. Presentation Overview • Introduction (Dean Krafft) • Collaborative Tools • NSDL Wiki (Elly Cramer) • ExpertVoices • OnRamp (Lynette Rayle) • NDR Design (Aaron Birkland) • Search Service (Jim Blake) • Tool builders (Tim Cornwell) • Conclusion (Dean Krafft) • Discussion

  10. Identify Discover Describe Create Relate Store NCS Distribute Overlay Annotate Contribute Integrate Aggregate NDR API

  11. Collaboration Tools OnRamp • Fez • Documents ExpertVoices • WordPressMU • Blogs/RSS NSDL Wiki • MediaWiki • Articles NCS NDR API

  12. Extending MediaWiki and WordPress • Search service • find resources to talk about • insert links to resources • Data repository interactions • add new resources to the library • add referenced resources to the library • add metadata about resources • Community sign-on (Federation) • Administrative • Skins/themes • RSS NCS NDR API

  13. Current Status • ExpertVoices and NSDL Wiki are using the plug-ins and extensions • Preparing for public release on sourceforge in early 2008 • Features/improvements • browser compatibilities • flexible metadata vocabulary • “best of” aggregations NCS NDR API

  14. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NCS NDR API

  15. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NCS NDR API

  16. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NCS NDR API

  17. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NCS NDR API

  18. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NCS NDR API

  19. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NDR API NCS NDR API

  20. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NDR API NCS NDR API

  21. Create Discover Identify Annotate Aggregate Represent Describe Contribute Relate NDR API NCS NDR API

  22. Referenced Resources <dct:references> in metadata http://ndr.nsdl.org/api/get/2200/20070828124324051T/format_nsdl_dc Relationships in objects http://ndr.nsdl.org/api/get/2200/20070828124324051T ... <dct:references xsi:type="dct:URI"> http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/GlobalWarming/ </dct:references> <dct:references xsi:type="dct:URI"> http://www.ametsoc.org/atmospolicy/environmentalsssarchives.html </dct:references> ... NCS ... <relationships> <nsdl:relatedto>2200/20061003225044417T</nsdl:relatedto> <nsdl:relatedto>2200/20070702180002563T</nsdl:relatedto> </relationships> ... NDR API

  23. ExpertVoices NCS NDR API

  24. ExpertVoices Interaction NCS NDR API

  25. Referenced Resources <dct:references> in metadata http://ndr.nsdl.org/api/get/2200/20070828124324051T/format_nsdl_dc Relationships in objects http://ndr.nsdl.org/api/get/2200/20070828124324051T ... <dct:references xsi:type="dct:URI"> http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/GlobalWarming/ </dct:references> <dct:references xsi:type="dct:URI"> http://wiki.nsdl.org/index.php/Global_Warming_Still_Debated_on_NSDL </dct:references> ... NCS ... <relationships> <nsdl:relatedto>2200/20070828124316248T</nsdl:relatedto> <nsdl:relatedto>2200/20070828124316248T</nsdl:relatedto> </relationships> ... NDR API

  26. Repository Relationships NCS NDR API

  27. Presentation Overview • Introduction (Dean Krafft) • Collaborative Tools • NSDL Wiki (Elly Cramer) • ExpertVoices • OnRamp (Lynette Rayle) • NDR Design (Aaron Birkland) • Search Service (Jim Blake) • Tool builders (Tim Cornwell) • Conclusion (Dean Krafft) • Discussion

  28. OnRamp • Content Management • Distribution of Content NCS NDR API

  29. OnRamp – Fez as Content Management NCS NDR API

  30. OnRamp – Fez as Content Management NCS NDR API

  31. OnRamp – OnFire Distribution System NCS NDR API

  32. Fez – List of Communities NCS NDR API

  33. Fez – List of Collections NCS NDR API

  34. Fez – List of Records NCS NDR API

  35. Fez - Record NCS NDR API

  36. Fez - Record NCS NDR API

  37. OnFire – Distribution NCS NDR API

  38. OnFire – Distribution NCS NDR API

  39. OnFire – Distribution NCS NDR API

  40. OnFire – Distribution NCS NDR API


  42. OnRamp - Integration with NDR NCS NDR API

  43. Repository Relationships NCS NDR API

  44. Where are we now? • Fez 1.4 - standard install • Publication workflow for adding records • Document upload • Standard Fez content models • OnFire - 1.0 beta (not yet publicly available) • Distributions - content from one record • Destinations - generate RSS feed • Destination results generated dynamically NCS NDR API

  45. Near Future • OnFire - 1.1 • Versioning of content • Caching of destination results • Integration with NDR • Register records in NDR NCS NDR API

  46. Further in the Future • OnFire 1.x • Security enhancements • Performance enhancements • Content model extensions • UI for browsing distributions and destination results • New Destination Templates • Integration with NDR • Register destination results in NDR NCS NDR API

  47. Presentation Overview • Introduction (Dean Krafft) • Collaborative Tools • NSDL Wiki (Elly Cramer) • ExpertVoices • OnRamp (Lynette Rayle) • NDR Design (Aaron Birkland) • Search Service (Jim Blake) • Tool builders (Tim Cornwell) • Conclusion (Dean Krafft) • Discussion

  48. NCore is implemented as an information network overlay...

  49. Key aspects of this overlay • Vision is to represent contextual knowledge around web resources • ... and serves as a forum for independent parties to contribute, discover, use, and re-use this context at will • ... yet allows for libraries to construct a cohesive and vetted view of the contents therein • ... all the while allowing these independent parties to go about their business and not step on each other's toes!

  50. Concepts necessary to support this vision • Expression • Selection • Trust

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