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Explore the various Graphical Interface API-s used in software engineering and GUI design, including Windows Forms, WPF, and platform-independent options. Learn about the benefits and limitations of different API-s and their relevance in modern application development.
Software engineering and GUI design(NIXSG1EBNE) GraphicalInterface API-s, WPF MVVM, Data Binding Semesterexpectations Mid-Semester Project http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/prog4/
Graphical Interface API-s • We don’t create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) from zero • Button control, or self-made low-level button? • Games are usually low-level, due to speed reasons • With an average UI, we don’t need 24 / 60 / 100 fps • Lowest level: OS • Main task of the OS layer: GENERIC display • Should be good for game development, data input forms, or a data processing AI • Typically an uncomfortable, fast, strongly typed, but highly customizable programmer toolkit written in C • With Windows: User32.dll és Comctl32.dll • unmanaged = strongly platform-dependent • Theoretically language-independent, but really C++ -only
Graphical Interface API-s • Instead of this low-level access, we use externally provided API to access pre-created building blocks/tools • API: ApplicationProgrammingInterface • The programmer accesses only the API, but the OS is always in the background – usually we don’t have to care about that • However, UI frameworks tend to be highly platform-dependent (e.g. WPF ~ lots of Win+DirectXdependent code) • They constantly change • According to the current programming trends: procedural (old, WinAPIMessagePump) OOP (since a long time) Functional (some say this is the future) • The aim is the most comfortable, most flexible, and most professional application development • HUGE class hierarchies that support all OS controls structured into a meaningful system
Graphical Interface API-s • Old (not recommended) • Carbon (Mac OS X, dead) • Cocoa/ObjectiveC(Mac OS X, deprecated?) • Java AWT/Swing(Java, notdeveloped) • MFC (Windows, C++, dead) • Windows Forms (Windows XP, .NET, notdeveloped) • Metro (Windows RT) (Windows 8, C#, C++, dead) • Universalapps (UWP) (Windows 10, C#, dead?) • Newer (accessible and recommended) • Cocoa/Swift (Mac OS X) • Java FX/TornadoFX(Java/Kotlin) • BorlandVCL (Windows/Pascal/C++, deprecated?) • WxWidgets/FLTK (Linux/Unix, C++) • QT (Linux/Unix/Windows, C++) • GTK/GTK+ (Linux/Unix/Windows, C++) • WPF (Windows XP/7, C#)
Windows Forms • From the first version of the .NET framework(2002) • Truly feature-ready since .NET2.0 (lots of controls, threading, better VS support) • Provides managed access to almost all native Windows API controls • Basically the C# rewrite of the earlier MFC system • Functionality: only GUI • Mature, VERY stable • Simple, classic-looking UI interfaces • Creation and handling of windows • Handling of components (buttons, textboxes, scrollbars… A LOT OF controls) • Dialog windows (print, open, save) • Mouse and keyboard input, user events
After Windows Forms… • Windows Formsis stable, but lots of compromises/problems • Only direct events (few exceptions...) • Supports only name-based access (few exceptions...) • Only C# code for all: logic, layout, look • Lack of re-usable styles • Complex (complicated/composite) controls are overcomplicated and limited • Problems with listcontrols (storage and look of list elements) • Lack of resolution-dependent layout WPF (Windows PresentationFoundation) Hard start, but nowadays it is a mature, industrially accepted technology Windows Metro, Universal Windows Platform Dead end, bad strategy…
GUI API-s • Why WPF most of the framework is surely re-useable • The user interface is described using XAML, and not C# • XAML-based styles and templates ( WinUI XAML, good) • XAML-independent Business Logic ( MVVM+data binding, very good) • The WPF turned out to be a mature and useable UI technology • Problem: NOT platform-independent (mobile phones? Web?) • Windows Formsis almost fully useable in Linux systems (Mono-Project) • „At this point, no group in the Mono project has plans to implement WPF APIs”
GUI API-s: platform-independent • XAML, C# • Telerik UI • Avalonia UI • Xamarin.Forms (2016: Microsoft acquiresXamarin!) • ETO.Forms • Mobile cross-platform • Flutter (DEC/2018) • Cordova • Phonegap • Ionic • Web-based • WebAssembly • Blazor • JavaScript • ElectronUI • ReactNative
.NET CORE and UI? • .NET CORE: platform-independent and standardized, after the base classes/EF/ASP, we waited for the platform-independent UI that can be used EVERYWHERE (desktop, mobile, web) • MAY/2018, MS BUILDconference • https://www.i-programmer.info/news/89-net/11807-net-core-3-gets-a-gui.html • https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2018/05/07/net-core-3-and-support-for-windows-desktop-applications/ • DEC/2018, MS CONNECT conference • https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2018/12/04/announcing-open-source-of-wpf-windows-forms-and-winui-at-microsoft-connect-2018/ • „NET Core 3.0 Preview 1 adds support for building client apps using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, and XAML Islands.” W H Y ???????????????????????? • „WPF, Windows Forms, and Windows UI XAML Library (WinUI) are now open source, so you can create experiences with the freedom you want.” WPF will be “some time later” platform-independent? https://github.com/dotnet/winforms , this is not ready! „designer is not yet available and will be part of VS 2019”
WPF Hello World • Designer + XAML + XAML.CS
Accessing controls • In XAML, you can specify names for the controls (in VS2015, this is automatic) • x:Name=”” or Name=”” • Same, except AutomationProperties.NameVS x:Name • We will use x:Name, this allows us to access the control via a data field of the window class • IN THE FIRST THREE WEEKS, THEN VIEWMODEL IS OBLIGATORY! • Name-based access is not the best • Used to be everyday scenario in Windows Forms • The logic should not know where the input is coming from (TextBox.Text on the right side, or Slider.Value on the bottom?) • The logic should not know where the output is going (Label.Content on the left, or a diagram, or a dialog?) • Solution: let’s use the MVVM design pattern
MVVM– Connection DATABINDING Connect the control’s property with a property of the VM: <TextBoxText=“{Binding Path=Income}” ... /> • Sourceobject DataContext One specific VM instance(unique source is possible: other control, template, …) • Sourceproperty Income VM.Income (publicproperty) • Dest.object TextBox (Dependency object) • Dest.property TextBox.Text(Dependency property) • Mode (OneWay, TwoWay, OneWayToSource, OneTime) • Update source (Explicit, PropertyChanged, LostFocus) • Converter (If we the source/destproperty have different types) View(XAML) View-Model Model (BL)
MVVM–Automaticsynchronization • We query the VM once when first displaying the window. And later? The window will not know when the VM changes… • The VM must implementtheINotifyPropertyChangedinterface, thatrequiresa PropertyChangedevent • TheView (the framework!) will subscribe to this event • We will raise this event when a property changes inside the VM • Via the data binding, the framework knows where the modified property is bound to automatic getter call the connected UI properties will refresh 0. GET 3. GET View(XAML) View-Model 1. Modification(from anywhere) 2. EVENT
MVVM– Data comes from “somewhere” DATABINDING • In XAML we connect the control’s properties with VM properties, the VM’s getter/setter calls are automatic • VM can be created from C# or XAML code, we will use the latter: <Window.Resources> <local:ViewModel x:Key="VM" /> </Window.Resources> ... <GridDataContext="{StaticResource VM}"> View(XAML) View-Model Model (BL)
„False” MVVM: logic in the xaml.cs DATABINDING View(XAML) View-Model xaml.cs(BL?) READ VM WRITE VM UI EVENT • VM creation inthe xaml.cs (not recommended) ViewModelVM = newViewModel(); this.DataContext = VM; • Access the VM created in the XAML ViewModelVM = FindResource("VM") asViewModel; • Then perform operation in the event handler (xaml.cs) VM.Result= VM.Income * VM.TaxPct / 100 - VM.Prepaid; No names – The logic knows nothing about the UI!
MVVM usage COMMAND + PARAMS DATABINDING View(XAML + xaml.cs) View-Model Model (BL) EVENT/MSG/RESULT • Aim: the logic knows nothing about the controls, but the layering should be appropriate too (every layer must only communicate with the layer below, and use events to send messages upwards) • In the prev. slide, this is not true: UI EVENT, READ VM, WRITE VM • Also, the same logic can be used across multiple Uis, so the logic should NOT know anything about the VM • The VM also forwards parameterizableinteractions (Commands) towards the logic, the logic uses result/event/message to signal the completion of the operation
Full MVVM = DecoupledComponents COMMAND + PARAMS DATABINDING • The viewonly knows about the VM: UI properties are connected with the VM, and they are refreshed according to the settings • The view events are also connected using data binding to the VM properties with the type ICommand. (The xaml.csis almost empty, it can only handle strictly view-only events) • The VM knows which Command should execute which logic methods, and using what parameters. One VM can use multiple business logic components, in a single/multithreaded way • The logic knows nothing about the VM: the same logic (and other layers) can be used for GUI and non-GUI applications! View(XAML + xaml.cs) View-Model Model (BL) EVENT/MSG/RESULT
Teaching aims • Getting to know design patterns (lecture) • Layered application development, MVVM • OOP best practices (DRY, SOLID, DDD) • „Gang Of Four” design patterns • Martin Fowler’s Enterprise Patterns • UML modelling(lecture, project) • Tools • Diagrams • GUI application development (practice) • Working with the WPF framework • Following the MVVM design pattern (sometimes „false” MVVM) • Using the MVVM Lightframework and data binding • Creating an application capable of storing any data • Planning and developing a complex application (project)
Expectations • For the lecture: theory test, practice test, project work • Exam: oral exam from the lecture materials • Final grade = ROUND((ZH1 + ZH2 + exam)/3) • Project work: usage and systemization of the programming knowledge you have obtained so far, by developing a bigger task • Simple 2D platform/action/puzzle game • UML modelling, testing, display, presentation (video!) • YES, we know, WPF is not used for game development (typically due to performance issues: MVVM can be slow due to the event pipeline, and the UI itself is not fast enough either) • However, this is a nice-looking and (hopefully)interesting way to demonstrate the practical development knowledge you have • Teams of two, but it is doable alone (in special cases!)
IGameModel, IGameLogic? • Principle: the game state can be described using a GameModel instance, this instance will be modified by the GameLogic, and the same model instance is shown using a FrameworkElement in WPF • IGameModel: describes the properties of the model • IGameLogic: describes the actions that will modify the model. These actions can be automatically called (timed) calls and methods called after a user interaction (keyboard, mouse) • Task of the WPF control: call the automatic actions, and based on user input, call the manual actions as well • The action modifies the model, then the new model contents can be used to re-display the game • Pl. Tetris: GameModel = the fixed game area (2D array), the currently falling shape, the next shape, speed, points… GameLogic = MoveLeft(), MoveRight(), Rotate(), DropDown(), OneTick()
Project Work • We expect games that is the level of 2D games from 10-20 years ago (tetris, breakout/arkanoid, card games, boardgames, atarigames, mobile games, …) • From every group, we will select the best 1 or 2,these will participate in a competition instant/better final grade • Images from previous competitions: at the prog4 website • Project members • Connecting points defined with interfaces: IGameLogic, IGameModel, IRepository + DependencyInjection • Member#1: interfaces + GameLogic + LogicTests • Member#2: GameModel + Repository below the logic (save, load, highscores: db or XML) + WPF GameControl • Single-member project is only allowed in case of an odd group count OR the failure of a project member • In this case, we don’t want LogicTestsand Repository
Schedule (project work) • The information required for the UML diagrams will be explainedonlyon the lectures!
Rules • Same way, using GIT/Bitbucket • Valid GITSTATS needed: Stylecop, Doxygen, minimum 10 validtests (no mockedGameModel, but yes formockedrepository) • Multiplebranches! • 4-6 minute-long gameplay video is expected, you will do your presentation using the video (https://obsproject.com/download) • Game rules, gameplay • What are we the proudest of(difficulty/code/functionality) • After the gameplay, you can include code screenshots • PDF Documentation • EXACTLY 5 LINES: short description, in English • Specification (GDD) • Diagrams, interfaces, classes • Screenshots
Thankyouforyourattention! GraphicalInterface API-s, WPF MVVM, Data Binding Semesterexpectations Mid-Semester Project http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/prog4/