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hello. The Digital Bridge Trust Fund Act. www.columbia.edu/itc/sipa/U9231-08. November 15, 2000. Workshop in Applied Public Management. Faculty Advisor Deborah E Ward Team Members. Maria Bustria Maki Kobayashi Jennifer Sly Bernard Wee. Tammy Draut Ying Liu Kristin Sullivan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. hello

  2. The Digital Bridge Trust Fund Act www.columbia.edu/itc/sipa/U9231-08 November 15, 2000

  3. Workshop in Applied Public Management Faculty Advisor Deborah E Ward Team Members Maria Bustria Maki Kobayashi Jennifer Sly Bernard Wee Tammy Draut Ying Liu Kristin Sullivan ThaoMee Xiong Hirofumi Kawakita Nirmala Patni Joy Wang

  4. Agenda • Overview • Organization and Staffing • Budget and Revenue • Performance Management • Calendar

  5. The Digital Divide Overview

  6. The Digital Divide Source: Falling Through the Net, Department of Commerce, October 16, 2000 Percentage of Households with a Computer, by Income Overview

  7. Consequences Lack of access means fewer opportunities in: • Education • Employment • Political participation • Training • Communication Overview

  8. Bridging the Gap: HR4477 • Establishes a Digital Bridge Trust Fund overseen by Department of Commerce • Finances programs aimed at • Improving technological skills • Creating career opportunities • Targets underserved rural and urban communities and Native Americans Overview

  9. Community Technology Centers • Mission: Provides access to computers, technology training, and technological tools to our targeted underserved population • Method: Provides grants to community organizations • Budget: $200 million annually for 10 years Overview

  10. Northeast West Midwest Mid-Atlantic Southwest South Geographic Organization Organization and Staffing

  11. Administrative Structure Board of Trustees President Review Board Regional Coordinator Financial Officer State Liaison Project Managers Organization and Staffing

  12. Administrative Structure Board of Trustees • Established by Department of Commerce President Review Board Regional Coordinator Financial Officer State Liaison Project Managers Organization and Staffing

  13. Administrative Structure Board of Trustees • Regional level President Review Board Regional Coordinator Financial Officer State Liaison Project Managers Organization and Staffing

  14. Administrative Structure Board of Trustees • Local level President Review Board Regional Coordinator Financial Officer State Liaison Project Managers Organization and Staffing

  15. Expenditures Budget and Revenue

  16. Organizational Flow Board of Trustees Board of Trustees • Needs Assessment • Accountability Digizones Digizones • Application Process • Accountability Grantees Grantees Performance Management

  17. Needs Assessment • Population size • Poverty level • Existing access • Infrastructure Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Digizones Digizones Grantees Performance Management

  18. Grant Selection Criteria • Community involvement • Technological capability • Sustainability and replicability • Measurable outputs and outcomes • Linkages with other organizations Board of Trustees Digizones Digizones Grantees Grantees Performance Management

  19. Evaluating Grantees • Site visits • Annual performance reports • ‘Best practices’ exchange • ‘Falling through the Net’ survey Board of Trustees Digizones Digizones Grantees Grantees Performance Management

  20. Evaluating the Program • Fair and efficient selection anddistribution process • Effective and comprehensiveoutreach • Timely on-site assistanceand support • Program reaches intendedunderserved communities Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Digizones Digizones Grantees Performance Management

  21. 2000 2001 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Next Steps 1. Hire staff 2. Establish offices 3. Assess regional needs 4. Application process 5. Support and monitor grantees Calendar

  22. Question and Answer

  23. Board of Trustees Digizone Administrator West President Southwest President Midwest President South President Mid-Atlantic President Northeast President Top Level Structure Organization and Staffing

  24. Digizone President • Communicate Digizone activities to the Board of Trustees • Oversee administrative and financial operations • Strategize and implement the Digital Bridge Trust Fund according to its intention Organization and Staffing

  25. Regional Coordinator • Serve as the communications link between the Digizone President and State Liaisons • Make final round of grant awards • Review semi-annual grant reports • Assist State Liaisons in outreach Organization and Staffing

  26. Review Board • Conduct regional needs assessment • Establish criteria for grant selection • Strategize outreach • Advise on ad hoc implementation challenges Organization and Staffing

  27. State Liaison • Disseminate grant guidelines to the targeted communities • Make first round selection of grant recipients • Conduct outreach • Communicate state activities to the Regional Coordinator Organization and Staffing

  28. Project Manager • Conduct on-site support visits to grant awardees • Target grassroots outreach to underserved regions • Serve as the communications link between Project Managers and the State Liaison Organization and Staffing

  29. Financial Officer • Monitor the financial calendar of grants disbursement • Monitor the internal finances of the Digizone operations Organization and Staffing

  30. Methodology • Department of Treasury estimates guided revenue and expenditure growth • Department of Commerce’s budget determined relative proportions of expenditure line items Budget and Revenue

  31. Apportioning Budget • Weighted function of relevant census demographics, e.g. • Total population size and population density • Underserved rural, urban and Native American population size • Telephone connectivity • For each census characteristic c with weight wc, the weighted apportionment is: Budget and Revenue

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