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Obstacle. Canaan. Canaan. Jordan River. Jericho. Joshua 5:13-15. Jericho. Jericho. Jericho. Satan could use the wall as an obstacle to discourage the people of Israel, making victory seem impossible. World. Flesh. Devil. World. Flesh. Victory!. God Gives. Devil.
Canaan Jordan River
Joshua 5:13-15 Jericho
Jericho Satan could use the wall as an obstacle to discourage the people of Israel, making victory seem impossible.
World Flesh Devil
World Flesh Victory! God Gives Devil
If you have received Jesus as your Savior, you can have Victory over sin as you… Obey God’s plan in His Word
World Flesh
World Flesh Satan
How will you know what is true and right? John 17:17
How will you know what is true and right? John 17:17 Jesus was asking God the Father to set apart His children for a special work that they would know about through the truth of God’s Word. You can have Victory over sin as you… Obey God’s plan in His Word even when obstacles make it seem impossible.
Jericho Joshua knew Satan could use the wall as an obstacle to discourage the people of Israel, making victory seem impossible.
See, I have given Jericho into your hand – its king and its mighty soldiers.
Victory! God Gives
Joshua 6:6-7 What a strange way of dealing with an obstacle.
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you can have Victory over sin as you trust Him. Victory! God Gives
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8
God promises to give you Victory in your struggle to win against World Flesh Devil as you Obey God’s plan in His Word
As you ask God to help you obey His Word, He will give you Victory by His power! Victory! God Gives Sometimes God’s plan for dealing with obstacles may not make sense, but to have victory you must obey Him.
All the city will be doomed to destruction except for Rahab and her family. God declared His judgment on the people of Jericho because they sinned by refusing to believe in Him and insisting on doing things their own way.
SIN You and I sin by refusing to believe God’s plan and by insisting on doing things our own way. Isaiah 59:2a We have all sinned and God says all of us deserve judgment.
Victory! God Gives
O SIN 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4
O SIN Trusting Jesus as your Savior is the only way to escape the punishment of your sins.
That day God gave the people of Israel a great victory over Jericho because they chose to believe and obey Him.
If you have received Jesus as your Savior, when temptations try to draw you away from Him, remember to… Obey God’s plan in His Word
World Flesh Devil
World Flesh Victory! God Gives Devil Then praise Him for being stronger than Satan and any obstacle that can come your way.
SIN You can trust God to change your life today. John 3:16
O SIN You must trust completely in Jesus, God’s Son, because He is the only way to have your sins forgiven.
O SIN Then you will have a life with God that starts today and goes on forever in Heaven.
The people of Israel were learning to obey God’s plan in His Word because they knew that… You can trust God for victory too. Let’s sing about that. Victory! God Gives