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SUMMARY TABLES SESSIONE 4. Talk sugli “oggetti sperimentali” molto specialistici Informazioni filtrate in “Summary Tables” Indirizzate a non esperti Dettagliate (ma non un TDR!) Figure/tabelle più rilevanti dei talk
SUMMARY TABLES SESSIONE 4 • Talk sugli “oggetti sperimentali” molto specialistici • Informazioni filtrate in “Summary Tables” • Indirizzate a non esperti • Dettagliate (ma non un TDR!) • Figure/tabelle più rilevanti dei talk • Riferimenti/link a documenti ufficiali di ATLAS e CMS esperimenti per chi vuole saperne di più
P.Meridiani F.T. ESEMPIO #1: e/ • Accettanza • Soglie di trigger¶ in funzione di E,η • Risoluzione in energia in funzione di E,η • Risoluzione di posizione η, • Fattori di reiezione/identificazione • Risoluzione su masse invarianti • Zee, HZZ*4e, H ¶ Condizione su un oggetto di tipo e/ sufficiente per accettare un evento
Electrons - Photons (ATLAS) • =========================== • - eta coverage: eta<2.5 (for precision measurements, eg H->gamma gamma, 1.37<eta<1.52 is excluded) • [ref: ATLAS Physics TDR: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/access.html] • trigger thresholds: • LVL1: low luminosity (2x10^33): EM25I (single, EM, pt=25, I=isolated), 2EM15I (double) • high luminosity(10^33): EM30I, 2EM20I • LVL3: low luminosity: e25i (W->e mu, Z->ee, top, H->WW/ZZ,Z',W') • 2e15i (Z->ee, H->WW/ZZ) • g60i (direct gamma, H->gamma gamma) • 2g20i (H->gamma gamma) • mu10+e15i (H->WW/ZZ, SUSY) • e20i+xE25 (W->e mu) • + ... • high luminosity: e30i, 2e20i • + ... • [ref: http://atlas-proj-hltdaqdcs-tdr.web.cern.ch/atlas-proj-hltdaqdcs-tdr/tdr-v1-r4/PDF/TDR-2up.pdf chapters 4 and 13] • -
- electron/jets separation: low luminosity: R=2x10^5 for PT>25 GeV and 73% electron efficiency high luminosity:R=7x10^4 for PT>25 GeV and 71% electron efficiency [ref: http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=atlnot&categ=PUB&id=phys-pub-2005-016 study on wingle electrons and jets from di-jet events: includes cuts on had calo leakage, shape analysis in em calo, track/cluster match, LVL1 trigger, transition radiation cuts] - gamma/jets separation: low luminosity: R=6700 for PT>25 GeV and 80% photon efficiency high luminoisty: R=5000 for PT>25 GeV and 80% photon efficiency [ref: http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=atlnot&categ=PUB&id=phys-pub-2005-018 study on Higgs photons and jets from di-jet events: includes cuts on had calo leakage, shape analysis in em calo, track isolation, LVL1 trigger] - soft electrons: acceptance: PT> 2GeV jet/hadron rejections: J/Psi: R=1050±50 for 80% electron efficiency WH(bb):R=245±17 for 80% electron efficiency ttH: R=166 ±6 for 80% electron efficiency [ref: http://doc.cern.ch//archive/electronic/cern/others/atlnot/Note/phys/phys-2004-026.pdf http://doc.cern.ch//archive/electronic/cern/others/atlnot/PUB/phys/phys-pub-2006-001.pdf]
- energy resolution: sigma(E)/E = 10%/sqrt(E) + 0.3/E + 0.7 (low eta) [ref: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/access.html] - linearity: 0.1% (low eta) - angular resolution: sigma(theta) = 50-60 mrad /sqrt(E) [ref: http://xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/physics/pdf/0505/0505127.pdf] - mass resolutions: H -> gamma gamma (hi lum): MH=120 sigma(M) = 1.43 GeV MH=130 sigma(M) = 1.55 GeV MH=150 sigma(M) = 1.66 GeV [ref: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/access.html] H -> eeee (low lum) : MH=120 sigma(M) = 1.50 GeV MH=130 sigm a(M) = 1.54 GeV MH=150 sigma(M) = 1.71 GeV H -> eeee (hi lum) : MH=120 sigma(M) = 1.81 GeV MH=130 sigma(M) = 1.81 GeV MH=150 sigma(M) = 1.98 GeV [ref: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/access.html]
Electrons - Photons (CMS) =========================== - eta coverage: eta<2.7 (for precision measurements considered up to eta<2.4) - trigger thresholds: single e isolated PT> 26 GeV double e isolated PT> 12 GeV single gamma PT> 80 GeV double gamma PT> 30,20 GeV - electron/jets separation: low luminosity: R=10^4 for PT>5 GeV and 90% electron efficiency ( - gamma/jets separation: low luminosity: > 400 for 50% gamma efficiency (not using shower shape variables yet!) - energy resolution: sigma(E)/E = (2.7/sqrt(E) + 0.2/E + 0.5) % (for uncoverted photons reconstructed in a 5x5 window) - linearity: well within 0.1% (crystal calorimeter) - angular resolution: sigma(theta) = 40-50 mrad /sqrt(E) - mass resolutions: H->gamma gamma: MH=120 GeV sigma(M) = 0.89 GeV H->eeee (low lum): MH=120 sigma(M) = 1.30 GeV MH=130 sigma(M) = 1.40 GeV MH=150 sigma(M) = 1.60 GeV (0.9 GeV for golden electrons) [ref http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/cpt/tdr/ptdr1_final_colour.pdf (not yet released to public) http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/TDR/ECAL/ecal.html]
RISOLUZIONE IN ENERGIA: ATLAS elettroni fotoni Termine stocactico a (%/√GeV) Termine stocactico a (%/√GeV)
RISOLUZIONE IN ENERGIA: CMS Dati di testbeam 2004 Typical resolution:
SEPARAZIONE /jet: ATLAS eg = 90 % Rejection factor Emin(g)/E(p0) eg = 80 %
ESEMPIO #2: • Accettanza • Efficienza di ricostruzione • Soglie di trigger¶ in funzione di pT • Risoluzione in pT in funzione di η • Risoluzione su masse invarianti • J/ , Z , HZZ*4 ¶ Condizione su un oggetto di tipo sufficiente per accettare un evento
RISOLUZIONE IN pT : ATLAS Resolution vs pT • m-Spectrometer Standalone:~10%*pT 2 to 3% (pT in TeV) • Inner Detector Standalone:~40%*pT 1.5 % (|h|<1.9)~200%*pT 3% (|h|=2.5)(pT in TeV) • Combination dominated by the Inner Detector below the cross-over point~40 to 80 GeV (20 GeV in forward region)
RISOLUZIONE IN pT : CMS Combined reconstruction Standalone reconstruction
RISOLUZIONE IN p: CMS • Dp/p resolution in barrel • Dp/p resolution in endcap
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