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Comprehensive Update on ACIS Calibration Model and CTI Correction for FI and BI CCDs

This update presents a revised ACIS calibration model and a temperature-dependent CTI correction for FI and BI CCDs in comparison with G21.5-0.9. The growth of contaminants diverges from the model, affecting flux measurements. Cross-calibration with various instruments is detailed for clarity.

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Comprehensive Update on ACIS Calibration Model and CTI Correction for FI and BI CCDs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Update on ACIS Calibration Update to the ACIS contamination model Temperature-dependent CTI correction for FI and BI CCDs Cross-calibration with G21.5-0.9

  2. Why Update the ACIS Calibration Model ? The growth of the contaminant with time has been diverging from the model Optical depth at 660eV (Vikhlinin SAO) Optical depth at C-K (Marshall MIT)

  3. E0102 Flux vs. Time with Previous Contaminant Model DePasquale (SAO) Blue (full frame) Red (subarray)

  4. E0102 Flux vs. Time with New Contaminant Model DePasquale (SAO) Blue (full frame) Red (subarray)

  5. E0102 OVIII Flux vs. Time with Previous Contaminant Model DePasquale (SAO) Blue (full frame) Red (subarray)

  6. E0102 Flux vs. Time with New Contaminant Model DePasquale (SAO) Blue (full frame) Red (subarray)

  7. Change in Effective Area DePasquale (SAO)

  8. Comparison to MOS and pn and other instruments DePasquale(SAO)) OVII black OVIII red NeIX green NeX blue

  9. Comparison to MOS and pn and other instruments DePasquale(SAO)) OVII black OVIII red NeIX green NeX blue

  10. Temperature-Dependent CTI Correction Grant (MIT) • many observations were affected by a warm FP temperature before April 2008 • FI and BI CCDs have different T dependence of CTI, FI CTI gets worse with increasing T, BI CTI gets slightly better • simply scaling the CTI correction with temperature recovers the mean PH well but the FWHM is significantly larger

  11. Temperature-Dependent CTI Correction Grant (MIT)

  12. Temperature-Dependent CTI Correction for I3 Posson-Brown (SAO)

  13. Temperature-Dependent CTI Correction for S3 Posson-Brown (SAO)

  14. Temperature-Dependent CTI Correction Posson-Brown (SAO)

  15. Cross-Calibration with G21.5-0.9 Posson-Brown (SAO) • much simpler spectrum than E0102, but extraction region is an issue • flux measurements in the 2.0-8.0 keV bandpass should be consistent with the cluster analysis

  16. G21.5-0.9 Spectral Fit Results and 1s CLs Tsujimoto et al. • Preliminary results from non-thermal SNR IACHEC working group • The 2-8 keV flux should be consistent with what has been found in the cluster analysis, namely ACIS is the highest, MOS1/2 are 5% lower than ACIS and pn is 5% lower than MOS • we need to explore why this might be different than the cluster analysis, we should fit MOS, pn, and ACIS with the same NH and power-law index and then compare fluxes

  17. Backup Material

  18. IACHEC Thermal SNR Working Group One of the “Standard candle” working groups.: XMM-Newton RGS Andy Pollock (ESAC) Chandra HETG Dan Dewey (MIT) XMM-Newton MOS Steve Sembay (Leicester) XMM-Newton pn Frank Haberl, Victoria Grinberg (MPE) Chandra ACIS Joe DePasquale, Paul Plucinsky (SAO) Suzaku XIS Eric Miller (MIT) Swift XRT Andrew Beardmore, Olivier Godet (Leicester) Models Randall Smith (SAO/GSFC) Plucinsky et al., 2008 SPIE, Vol. 7011, arXiv:0807.2176

  19. 1E 0102.2-7219 • Young (~1,000-2,000 yr) SNR in the SMC (D~61 kpc), classified as “O-rich” SNR • Relatively simple morphology, but significant spectral variations Chandra Images of E0102: DePasquale (SAO) Three Color Image S3 Summed Data ~248 ks Red: 0.2-0.75 keV, Green: 0.8-1.1 keV, Blue: 1.1-2.0 keV 45 arcseconds

  20. XMM-Newton RGS Spectrum of E0102: Haberl Grinberg (MPE) OVIII OVII NeIX Spectrum dominated by O & Ne, little or no Fe emission NeX OVIII CVI

  21. Comparison of OVII, OVIII, NeIX, & NeX Normalizations: DePasquale(SAO)) OVII black OVIII red NeIX green NeX blue • 28 of 32 normalizations agree to within +/- 10% • appears to be a 4% difference between RGS1 & RGS2 which is mostly independent of energy • uncertainties are the statistical uncertainties and underestimate the true uncertainty • MOS QE was adjusted in 2007 with the intent of improving agreement with the RGS • ACIS, XIS, & XRT show similar trend with energy • max differences are 23% at O VII, 24% at O VIII, 13% at Ne IX, and 19% at Ne X • RGS, HETG, ACIS, MOS, XIS0 agree to within +/- 5% at Ne IX and Ne X

  22. Census of ACIS Modes and CTI Correction Clocking Modes: “Timed Exposure” (TE) and “Continuous Clocking (CC) Telemetry Formats: “Faint” (F) reports 9 PHs in 3X3 event island “Very Faint” (VF) reports 25 PHs in 5X5 event island “Graded” (G) reports a summed PH all modes report frame #, position, grade, & summed PH

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