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Blockchain CBSP Exam Blockchain BTA Certified Blockchain Security Professional Exam https://www.realexamcollection.com/blockchain/cbsp-dumps.html
Version: 8.0 Question:1 I m pl em enti ng da ta acce ss as a bl ockchai n sm art contra ct is a g ood sol uti on for ge ne ra ti ng an audi t l og of a cce ss to se nsi ti ve data A . True B . Fal se Answer :A Question:2 Mal ware i nfe cti ons ofbl ockch ai n node s ca n com prom i se th e se cu ri ty of a l g ori thm. th e bl ockch a i n 's con s e ns us A . True B . Fal se Answer :A Question:3 A ll sm art contra cts are audi te d for corre ctne ss and che cke d for m al i ci ous code be fore be i ng upl oa de d to th e bl ockch a i n. A . True B . Fal se Answer :B Question:4 The de ce ntral i zati on of the bl ockchai n m ake s it im m une to tradi ti onal De ni al of Se rv i ce attacks A . True B . Fal se Answer :B
Question:5 W hi ch bl ockchai n se curi ty control ei ther ri sk s ce ntral i zati on or pe rm anentl y di ve rg ent chai ns? A . Random N eig hbor Selection B. Pe rm i ssi oned Bl ockchai ns C . C heckpoi nts D. P ri va te Bl ockcha i ns Answer :D Question:6 W hi ch of the fol l ow i ng is N OT an esse nti al part of C onfidenti al Transacti ons? A . Ze ro-Know le dg e P roof B . Ri ng Si g na ture C . El li pti c C urv e C ry ptog raphy D. Pederson C om mi tm ent Answer :A Question:7 W hi ch sm art contra ct v ul ne ra bi l i ty al l ows an attacker cr y ptocurre ncy exchang e li ke Ba ncor? to m ake a p ro fitoffa sm art contra ct A . A ri thm etic B . A cce ss C ontrol C . Race C onditi ons D. Re e ntrancy Answer :C Question:8 A bl ockch a i n-ba se d s ol uti on be st a ch i e v e s w hi ch of th e fol l ow i ng g oa l s? A . Data control B . Data de l e ti on C . Data retenti on D. Da ta pri va cy
Answer :C https://www.realexamcollection.com/blockchain/cbsp-dumps.html