1. U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) Information for Dr. Kathryn Sullivan
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Observation and Prediction
July 13, 2011 US IOOS is an entire Nation Program
NOAA has been actively involved in IOOS since the early 1990s. Over the last several years, NOAA has taken a leadership role. Most notably, NOAA stood up the NOAA IOOS office in 2007, and we have engaged heavily with the community. The community is looking for a tangible expression of support by this administration that the US IOOS program is a centerpiece of NOAA’s ocean strategy.
The IOOS Office is now considered to be the US IOOS Program Office by both our interagency and regional partners.
The Director of the US IOOS Program Office is Zdenka Willis.
US IOOS is an entire Nation Program
NOAA has been actively involved in IOOS since the early 1990s. Over the last several years, NOAA has taken a leadership role. Most notably, NOAA stood up the NOAA IOOS office in 2007, and we have engaged heavily with the community. The community is looking for a tangible expression of support by this administration that the US IOOS program is a centerpiece of NOAA’s ocean strategy.
The IOOS Office is now considered to be the US IOOS Program Office by both our interagency and regional partners.
The Director of the US IOOS Program Office is Zdenka Willis.
2. U.S. IOOS® : Program Overview Codified in law (P.L. No 111-11, March 2009)
Partnership effort that leverages dispersed national investments to deliver ocean, coastal and Great Lakes data relevant to decision-makers
Enhances science and improves decision making
Deepwater Horizon response
Fukushima tsunami response products and services
Climate predictions; IPCC and National Assessments
Integration of ocean observations included in a National Ocean Policy priority objective 2 US IOOS® is a solution to increasing observing assets, to coordinating and connecting scattered ocean, coastal and Great Lakes data, ensuring that information is comprehensive, clear, usable, and available to inform decision making.
US IOOS is a national endeavor and spans from global to coastal. There are 11 Regional Associations (RAs) that encompass our US EEZ and Great Lakes. RAs are comprised of State/Local/Tribal governments; academia; industry and NGOs. The 12th partner is the Alliance for Coastal Technologies which provides sensor validation and verification. The 13th partner is a consortium led by the Southeastern University Research Association focused on a modeling testbed
Stakeholder Engagement:
Federal Agencies: Interagency Ocean Observation Committee: NOAA is 1 of 3 co-chairs
Non-Federal: Constant contact with:
Regional Associations : each has a board and stakeholder council
National Federation of Regional Associations for Coastal and Ocean Observing (NFRA)
Industry: through societies like Marine Technology Society and Alliance for Earth Observations
Participation with Regional Ocean Governance bodies like Northeast Regional Ocean Council, Western Governors Association
ORRAP sub panel on observations
Congressional: Quarterly briefings on progress on ICOOS Act implementation
US IOOS® is a solution to increasing observing assets, to coordinating and connecting scattered ocean, coastal and Great Lakes data, ensuring that information is comprehensive, clear, usable, and available to inform decision making.
US IOOS is a national endeavor and spans from global to coastal. There are 11 Regional Associations (RAs) that encompass our US EEZ and Great Lakes. RAs are comprised of State/Local/Tribal governments; academia; industry and NGOs. The 12th partner is the Alliance for Coastal Technologies which provides sensor validation and verification. The 13th partner is a consortium led by the Southeastern University Research Association focused on a modeling testbed
Stakeholder Engagement:
Federal Agencies: Interagency Ocean Observation Committee: NOAA is 1 of 3 co-chairs
Non-Federal: Constant contact with:
Regional Associations : each has a board and stakeholder council
National Federation of Regional Associations for Coastal and Ocean Observing (NFRA)
Industry: through societies like Marine Technology Society and Alliance for Earth Observations
Participation with Regional Ocean Governance bodies like Northeast Regional Ocean Council, Western Governors Association
ORRAP sub panel on observations
Congressional: Quarterly briefings on progress on ICOOS Act implementation
3. Lead Federal Agency
ICOOS Act of 2009 named NOAA as the lead federal agency
US IOOS program office resides within NOS
NOAA Contributions
Observations and models distributed across NOAA
OAR & NESDIS lead US contributions to Global Ocean Ob System
Data Management and Communications System Architect
Coordinate federal and non-federal assets to create a
robust national system
Value to NOAA and the Nation
Leverage the National investment in ocean observations
Over 3,200 non-NOAA regional sensors
Federal obs assets (e.g., USGS stream gauges; USACE wave buoys)
Leverage stakeholders to address societal challenges
NOAA’s Role 3 Lead Federal Agency
NOAA walks a delicate line as the Lead Federal Agency; ICOOS Act has the US IOOS Program Office coordinating efforts.
NOAA has earned the trust of the other agencies BUT this requires constant attention.
USACE embraces the US IOOS concept and has placed a billet in the US IOOS Program Office; USGS provided a one-year detail.
NOAA Contribution
US IOOS Program Office has limited capacity to fully coordinate the distributed observing systems. National Data Buoy Center and Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services are active partners.
As the Data Management Architect – good support within US IOOS Regions and NSF OOI program; individual data management projects remain across the US government.
We fight the perception that the US IOOS Program Office is simply a pass-through office for Grants and Agreements Management to the Regions.
Value to the Nation
Presently there are over 500+ signatories to the Regional Associations and this number grows daily. This provides a vital connection that we need to understand the requirements of the people we serve.
Continue to struggle with correlation of Regional successes into a recognized national program under the US IOOS banner.
Lead Federal Agency
NOAA walks a delicate line as the Lead Federal Agency; ICOOS Act has the US IOOS Program Office coordinating efforts.
NOAA has earned the trust of the other agencies BUT this requires constant attention.
USACE embraces the US IOOS concept and has placed a billet in the US IOOS Program Office; USGS provided a one-year detail.
NOAA Contribution
US IOOS Program Office has limited capacity to fully coordinate the distributed observing systems. National Data Buoy Center and Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services are active partners.
As the Data Management Architect – good support within US IOOS Regions and NSF OOI program; individual data management projects remain across the US government.
We fight the perception that the US IOOS Program Office is simply a pass-through office for Grants and Agreements Management to the Regions.
Value to the Nation
Presently there are over 500+ signatories to the Regional Associations and this number grows daily. This provides a vital connection that we need to understand the requirements of the people we serve.
Continue to struggle with correlation of Regional successes into a recognized national program under the US IOOS banner.
4. U.S. IOOS®: History
1998: Reps Saxton and Weldon request NORLC propose “a plan to achieve a truly integrated ocean observing system”
2000: Ocean.US established
2002: Airlie House interagency report provides guidance for a sustained IOOS
2006: First U.S. IOOS Development Plan
2007: IOOS in the President’s Budget within NOAA & NOAA IOOS Program Office established
2007: NOAA begins Data Integration Framework project to inform U.S. IOOS development
2008: NOAA IOOS delivers High Level Functional Requirements and CONOPS for U.S. IOOS DMAC subsystem
2008: Ocean.US disestablished
2009: Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act enacted (Public Law No. 111-11)
2010: National Ocean Policy – Priority Objective #9
2010: US IOOS: A Blueprint to Full Capability v1.0 published; Data Integration Framework successfully completed; DMAC v1.0
2011: NOAA IOOS Program Office recognized by IOOC & NFRA as US IOOS Program Office 4 The timeline is provided as background and context The timeline is provided as background and context
5. U.S. IOOS®: Structure 5 Complex challenge to coordinate a national observing capability. IOOS is just one piece of the larger Global Earth Observing System of Systems; however, we must coordinate these efforts closely to ensure that our efforts effectively connect and contribute to the global component.
Within NOAA, we partner closely with the NOAA Office of Climate Observations in OAR and, in fact, we are now co-located to strengthen that connection even further.
At the regional, national (interagency), global levels, the US IOOS Program has a daunting, yet very important, role in coordinating with the various partners to make sure that our contributions are both compatible and complimentary.
At the National and International level US IOOS Program Office and OAR/CPO/COD share the lead responsibilities with reach out to other parts of NOAA and Federal agencies for US representationComplex challenge to coordinate a national observing capability. IOOS is just one piece of the larger Global Earth Observing System of Systems; however, we must coordinate these efforts closely to ensure that our efforts effectively connect and contribute to the global component.
Within NOAA, we partner closely with the NOAA Office of Climate Observations in OAR and, in fact, we are now co-located to strengthen that connection even further.
At the regional, national (interagency), global levels, the US IOOS Program has a daunting, yet very important, role in coordinating with the various partners to make sure that our contributions are both compatible and complimentary.
At the National and International level US IOOS Program Office and OAR/CPO/COD share the lead responsibilities with reach out to other parts of NOAA and Federal agencies for US representation
6. GOOS History OceanObs’99 community input to Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Implementation Plan (2004; refreshed 2010)
Initial Global Ocean Observing System baseline
UNFCC Priority; G8 Commitment
Designed primarily to address climate requirements, e.g. SST; Surface Currents; Sea Level; Sea Ice; Ocean Carbon
Observations also support other needs, e.g. weather prediction, ecosystems
Coordinated through WMO-IOC JCOMM
NOAA OAR/CPO/COD responsible for the in-situ; NASA and NESDIS for satellite programs
Value of international partnerships: NOAA leverages over 50% of in situ assets worldwide
6 About 8000 in situ platforms maintained globally by the international community. NOAA supports 3860 of this total.
All of NOAA’s contributions to global ocean observation are coordinated internationally in cooperation with the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM).
The Global Component has been designed to meet climate requirements, and NOAA’s climate mission is the primary driver for implementation. But this global ocean observing system also supports weather prediction, global and coastal ocean prediction, marine hazard warning systems (e.g., tsunami warning), transportation, marine environment and ecosystem monitoring, and naval applications.
Within NOAA, the observing system is being implemented by 22 centers of expertise at NOAA laboratories, centers, cooperative institutes, universities, and business partners. In 2007, 54% of the funding allocated to the Climate Observation Division was directed to cooperative institutes and university partners, 42% was directed to the NOAA laboratories and centers, and 4% was directed to business partners. About 8000 in situ platforms maintained globally by the international community. NOAA supports 3860 of this total.
All of NOAA’s contributions to global ocean observation are coordinated internationally in cooperation with the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM).
The Global Component has been designed to meet climate requirements, and NOAA’s climate mission is the primary driver for implementation. But this global ocean observing system also supports weather prediction, global and coastal ocean prediction, marine hazard warning systems (e.g., tsunami warning), transportation, marine environment and ecosystem monitoring, and naval applications.
Within NOAA, the observing system is being implemented by 22 centers of expertise at NOAA laboratories, centers, cooperative institutes, universities, and business partners. In 2007, 54% of the funding allocated to the Climate Observation Division was directed to cooperative institutes and university partners, 42% was directed to the NOAA laboratories and centers, and 4% was directed to business partners.
7. Global Component: Global Ocean Observing System for Climate 7 Scientific drivers of the observing system:
Sea Surface Temperature and Surface Currents, to identify significant patterns of climate variability.
Ocean Heat Content and Transport, to better understand the extent to which the ocean sequesters heat, to identify where heat enters the ocean and where it emerges to interact with the atmosphere, and to identify changes in thermohaline circulation and monitor for indications of possible abrupt climate change.
Air-Sea Exchanges of Heat, Momentum, and Freshwater, to identify changes in forcing functions driving ocean and atmospheric conditions, and to elucidate oceanic influences on the global water cycle.
Sea Level, to identify changes resulting from trends and variability in climate.
Ocean Carbon Uptake and Content, to better understand the extent to which the ocean sequesters CO2 and how cycling among ocean-land-atmosphere carbon reservoirs varies on seasonal-to-decadal time scales.
Sea Ice Thickness and Extent, to elucidate climate variability and rapidly changing climate at high latitudes.Scientific drivers of the observing system:
Sea Surface Temperature and Surface Currents, to identify significant patterns of climate variability.
Ocean Heat Content and Transport, to better understand the extent to which the ocean sequesters heat, to identify where heat enters the ocean and where it emerges to interact with the atmosphere, and to identify changes in thermohaline circulation and monitor for indications of possible abrupt climate change.
Air-Sea Exchanges of Heat, Momentum, and Freshwater, to identify changes in forcing functions driving ocean and atmospheric conditions, and to elucidate oceanic influences on the global water cycle.
Sea Level, to identify changes resulting from trends and variability in climate.
Ocean Carbon Uptake and Content, to better understand the extent to which the ocean sequesters CO2 and how cycling among ocean-land-atmosphere carbon reservoirs varies on seasonal-to-decadal time scales.
Sea Ice Thickness and Extent, to elucidate climate variability and rapidly changing climate at high latitudes.
8. Earth’s Changing ClimateMotivating & Developing the Global Ocean Observing System Observing system is the foundation of climate services
Monitoring and understanding ocean changes
Sea level rise
Ocean carbon sources and sinks
The ocean’s storage and global transport of heat and fresh water
The air-sea exchange of heat and fresh water
Sea ice extent
Impacts on marine ecosystems, acidification
Predicting Change
ENSO, MJO, monsoons, decadal and longer variations, climate change, …
9. Coastal Component Comprised of federal agencies (National level) and non-federal (Regional level)
Geographic extent: EEZ to the head of the tide
Supports multiple societal benefits; IOOS Development Plan lists 7
Based on 26 variables; observation programs not as well defined as in the Global component
Data Management and Communications (DMAC) is a major focus that is intended to be enterprise wide from National to Regional scales 9 Both National and International documents have identified the above variables as the “core variables” needed to fully understand the three dimensional water column in an ecosystem. (IOOS Development Plan; IOOS Blueprint, IGOS Coastal Theme Report and the GOOS Coastal Module Implementation Strategy).
Societal Benefits from US IOOS Development Plan
Reduce Public Heath Risks
Mitigate the effects of natural Hazards
Improve national and homeland security
Improve safety & efficiency of maritime operations
Improved predictions of climate, weather and their effects
Sustained use of ocean and coast resources
Protect and Restore healthy coastal ecosystem
Both National and International documents have identified the above variables as the “core variables” needed to fully understand the three dimensional water column in an ecosystem. (IOOS Development Plan; IOOS Blueprint, IGOS Coastal Theme Report and the GOOS Coastal Module Implementation Strategy).
Societal Benefits from US IOOS Development Plan
Reduce Public Heath Risks
Mitigate the effects of natural Hazards
Improve national and homeland security
Improve safety & efficiency of maritime operations
Improved predictions of climate, weather and their effects
Sustained use of ocean and coast resources
Protect and Restore healthy coastal ecosystem
10. Providing Programmatic Leadership – by continuing to build the structure and support necessary to ensure progress in the implementation and recognition of a functioning US IOOS
Fostering Operational Capability – as the system architect for the DMAC subsystem and selected leadership and coordination roles within the other subsystems
Forging robust partnerships between the Federal agencies/institutes and the Regional IOOS partners
Pres-Bud in FY09;10;11: NOAA IOOS 6.5M; Regional Observations 14.5M
U.S. IOOS®: Program Office 10 NOAA’s role in US IOOS brings added value to the National effort through our ability to actively leverage both our national investment and our stakeholder interest.
The Regional Component of US IOOS began as earmarks. The “earmarkees,” under COL’s predecessor, CORE, signed a letter to forgo earmarks when NOAA put US IOOS in the President’s Budget in 2008. They counted on NOAA to provide the funding at levels commensurate with earmark levels. For the last four years the Regions have competed for their funds and have responded to all oversight and reviews conducted by the US IOOS Program Office.
The Regions are our partners and continue to focus their efforts on building US IOOS, along with the Federal Agencies, at a lower budget level than at the height of earmarks.
Strong Congressional Interest in US IOOS
Enacted Regional IOOS budget has exceeded Pres Budget
Congressional language and program increase (soft earmarks) support Regional Associations; Sensor Validation and Verification (ACT is the incumbent) and a Modeling Test Bed (managed by Southeastern Universities Research Association)
NOAA’s role in US IOOS brings added value to the National effort through our ability to actively leverage both our national investment and our stakeholder interest.
The Regional Component of US IOOS began as earmarks. The “earmarkees,” under COL’s predecessor, CORE, signed a letter to forgo earmarks when NOAA put US IOOS in the President’s Budget in 2008. They counted on NOAA to provide the funding at levels commensurate with earmark levels. For the last four years the Regions have competed for their funds and have responded to all oversight and reviews conducted by the US IOOS Program Office.
The Regions are our partners and continue to focus their efforts on building US IOOS, along with the Federal Agencies, at a lower budget level than at the height of earmarks.
Strong Congressional Interest in US IOOS
Enacted Regional IOOS budget has exceeded Pres Budget
Congressional language and program increase (soft earmarks) support Regional Associations; Sensor Validation and Verification (ACT is the incumbent) and a Modeling Test Bed (managed by Southeastern Universities Research Association)
11. U.S. IOOS®: A Maturing National Program US IOOS Blueprint for Full Capability adopted by Interagency Ocean Observation Committee (IOOC) – Partner Assessments ongoing as part of NOP Strategic Action Plan #9.
Independent Cost Estimate is beginning
Moved from legacy system of earmarks and independent PI’s to a national network of integrated observations that is delivering:
New observational capability
Systematic data integration
Benefits across many sectors
11 Interagency Ocean Observation Committee (IOOC) has two projects underway which will yield detailed level of information long desired but elusive for US IOOS:
1) Blueprint Assessments
Assessments of each federal and non-federal entity’s contributions to US IOOS against the framework detailed in U.S. IOOS: A Blueprint to Full Capability aka the Blueprint.
Blueprint defines US IOOS from a systems engineering perspective, without regard to which entity delivers the capability needed for the national system
Six subsystems comprise US IOOS: observing; data management & communication; modeling & analysis; R&D; training & education; governance & management
2) Independent Cost Estimate – required by ICOOS Act
IOOC is conducting an independent cost estimate
US IOOS Program Office (NOAA) is substantially leading this effort
Since passage of ICOOS Act, there has been improvement in cohesion among Federal agencies.
Next big step is to build on this cohesion and foster enhanced collaboration among Federal agencies and IOOS Regions.
Interagency Ocean Observation Committee (IOOC) has two projects underway which will yield detailed level of information long desired but elusive for US IOOS:
1) Blueprint Assessments
Assessments of each federal and non-federal entity’s contributions to US IOOS against the framework detailed in U.S. IOOS: A Blueprint to Full Capability aka the Blueprint.
Blueprint defines US IOOS from a systems engineering perspective, without regard to which entity delivers the capability needed for the national system
Six subsystems comprise US IOOS: observing; data management & communication; modeling & analysis; R&D; training & education; governance & management
2) Independent Cost Estimate – required by ICOOS Act
IOOC is conducting an independent cost estimate
US IOOS Program Office (NOAA) is substantially leading this effort
Since passage of ICOOS Act, there has been improvement in cohesion among Federal agencies.
Next big step is to build on this cohesion and foster enhanced collaboration among Federal agencies and IOOS Regions.
12. National Level Recognized Partnerships between US IOOS Program Office and NOAA
NWS/NDBC: observing assets and data management
NOS/CO-OPS: observing assets and data management
NMFS/Science Center (Pacific Grove) – data management
Recognized Partnerships between US IOOS Program Office and other Federal Partners
Billet in the US IOOS Program Office
Waves observing
National Science Foundation – Oceans Observatories Initiative
Coordinated coastal observing; seeking co-development agreement for cyber infrastructure
National Water Quality Monitoring Network (NOAA;USGS;EPA)
National data management schema
Regionally project with EPA for improved beach water quality forecasting
Identifying additional Federal contributions through the US IOOS Blue Print assessment process
12 As part of the vision for U.S. IOOS, IOOS includes a national infrastructure of observations, and the program is leveraging current capabilities and building a federal, integrated capacity to deliver data and ensure continuity and sustainability over the long term. The NDBC, CO-OPS are an essential part of that infrastructure. As part of the vision for U.S. IOOS, IOOS includes a national infrastructure of observations, and the program is leveraging current capabilities and building a federal, integrated capacity to deliver data and ensure continuity and sustainability over the long term. The NDBC, CO-OPS are an essential part of that infrastructure.
13. 13 A key reason for IOOS is to enhance access to non-federal data. IOOS with its operational partners are forging the path towards integrating new data sources into operational productsA key reason for IOOS is to enhance access to non-federal data. IOOS with its operational partners are forging the path towards integrating new data sources into operational products
14. New Observations: High Frequency Radar Network 14 128 HF Radars operating in the network now. Includes 2 HF Radars on the East Coast of Canada operated by the Canadian Coast Guard.
Oil Spill Response: Operationally used for Cosco Busan, 2007; Deepwater Horizon, 2010.
Search and Rescue (SAR): Integrated into the operational US Coast Guard SAR operations (SAROP) program; deployed in the mid-Atlantic in 2009 – Extension Nationwide in 2011-2012.
Emerging Homeland Security needs: The Maritime Security Technology Program (MTP) of DHS S&T includes a project to expand the use of HF Radar to provide increased Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) and Homeland Security.
Issue: Frequency Allocation
HF Radars have been operating on experimental licenses for 30 years, but now need primary frequency allocation for 24x7 stable operations.
DOC, on behalf of NOAA, has been working through the Federal Frequency allocation process for primary frequency allocations the past 5 years, culminating with the World Conference in 2012. 128 HF Radars operating in the network now. Includes 2 HF Radars on the East Coast of Canada operated by the Canadian Coast Guard.
Oil Spill Response: Operationally used for Cosco Busan, 2007; Deepwater Horizon, 2010.
Search and Rescue (SAR): Integrated into the operational US Coast Guard SAR operations (SAROP) program; deployed in the mid-Atlantic in 2009 – Extension Nationwide in 2011-2012.
Emerging Homeland Security needs: The Maritime Security Technology Program (MTP) of DHS S&T includes a project to expand the use of HF Radar to provide increased Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) and Homeland Security.
Issue: Frequency Allocation
HF Radars have been operating on experimental licenses for 30 years, but now need primary frequency allocation for 24x7 stable operations.
DOC, on behalf of NOAA, has been working through the Federal Frequency allocation process for primary frequency allocations the past 5 years, culminating with the World Conference in 2012.
15. Pathway to a National DMAC 15 The #1 request we hear is, “I need to get to my data easily and in the same format.” Data Integration has been a prime focus of the IOOS program office. We are now providing real-time data available in a consistent format, within major NOAA centers of data and also across the IOOS regions.
In 2007 we had a two pronged effort
Data Integration Framework (DIF) a pilot to integrate 7 variables across NOAA Centers of Data
Traditional Acquisition path similar to the Department of Defense and NASA
In 2009 we determined we were not going to receive funding for a DMAC Acquisition so we put that effort on hold after completing the Analysis of Alternatives
The successful Data Integration Framework (DIF) project was a limited-scope, 3-year pilot project to provide an initial nationwide U.S. IOOS DMAC operating capability, to evaluate interoperability specifications, and to demonstrate the feasibility and value of providing integrated ocean observations. It concluded in 2010 with recommendations for standardized coding conventions for a small set of data and provides a baseline for initial U.S. IOOS DMAC capabilities.
In 2011 we have laid out and vetted a DMAC implementation plan based on collaborative build out with the IOOS regions and current funding levels.
The #1 request we hear is, “I need to get to my data easily and in the same format.” Data Integration has been a prime focus of the IOOS program office. We are now providing real-time data available in a consistent format, within major NOAA centers of data and also across the IOOS regions.
In 2007 we had a two pronged effort
Data Integration Framework (DIF) a pilot to integrate 7 variables across NOAA Centers of Data
Traditional Acquisition path similar to the Department of Defense and NASA
In 2009 we determined we were not going to receive funding for a DMAC Acquisition so we put that effort on hold after completing the Analysis of Alternatives
The successful Data Integration Framework (DIF) project was a limited-scope, 3-year pilot project to provide an initial nationwide U.S. IOOS DMAC operating capability, to evaluate interoperability specifications, and to demonstrate the feasibility and value of providing integrated ocean observations. It concluded in 2010 with recommendations for standardized coding conventions for a small set of data and provides a baseline for initial U.S. IOOS DMAC capabilities.
In 2011 we have laid out and vetted a DMAC implementation plan based on collaborative build out with the IOOS regions and current funding levels.
16. U.S. IOOS®: Regional Component Comprised of State, Local, Tribal governments; Academia; Private Sector
Governance: 501C3 or MOU
Meeting National missions through…
Expanded observations and modeling capacity
Connections to users and stakeholders
Implementation of national data standards
Products transitioned to other regions and to National operations 16 Regional U.S. IOOS partners are essential to building and supporting U.S. IOOS. Eleven regional associations (RAs) and their associated Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (RCOOS) provide on behalf of U.S. IOOS:
Provide federal agencies with an understanding of the diverse user needs for coastal and ocean observing and identifies regional priorities;
Bring regional data providers and users together to collectively identify needs and priorities through the development of regional governing boards, and stakeholder and advisory committees, which can lead to the identification of gaps in the system;
Deliver information products tailored to address national priorities in each region;
Establish regional data portals for the integration of non-federal data into U.S IOOS;
Serve as the regional fiscal authority to ensure accountability for revenue streams and other arrangements;
Manage development and operation of their respective RCOOS in accordance with U.S. IOOS principles;
Manage RA membership to ensure that the interests of diverse regional data providers and user groups are heard; and
Solicit information, product, and service requirements from diverse regional stakeholders, and trace the end-to-end linkage from requirements to observations, data, products or services delivered to the stakeholders.
Regional U.S. IOOS partners are essential to building and supporting U.S. IOOS. Eleven regional associations (RAs) and their associated Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (RCOOS) provide on behalf of U.S. IOOS:
Provide federal agencies with an understanding of the diverse user needs for coastal and ocean observing and identifies regional priorities;
Bring regional data providers and users together to collectively identify needs and priorities through the development of regional governing boards, and stakeholder and advisory committees, which can lead to the identification of gaps in the system;
Deliver information products tailored to address national priorities in each region;
Establish regional data portals for the integration of non-federal data into U.S IOOS;
Serve as the regional fiscal authority to ensure accountability for revenue streams and other arrangements;
Manage development and operation of their respective RCOOS in accordance with U.S. IOOS principles;
Manage RA membership to ensure that the interests of diverse regional data providers and user groups are heard; and
Solicit information, product, and service requirements from diverse regional stakeholders, and trace the end-to-end linkage from requirements to observations, data, products or services delivered to the stakeholders.
17. U.S. IOOS®: Regional Component (cont) Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT)
Sensor Validation and Verification
US IOOS Modeling Testbed
Led by Southeastern University Research Association (SURA)
A consortium of over 60 universities
Operates the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility for the U.S. Department of Energy through Jefferson Science Associates - a SURA/Computer Sciences Corporation joint venture
17 Another partner working with both the federal and regional ocean observing organizations within U.S. IOOS is the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT). ACT is a NOAA-funded partnership of research institutions, resource managers, and private sector companies dedicated to fostering the development and adoption of effective and reliable sensors and sensor platforms for environmental monitoring and the long-term stewardship of coastal ocean resources. It provides the validation and verification of observing sensors, ensuring their accuracy.
In total, ACT has conducted 226 instrument performance tests in the laboratory and the field under a wide range of environmental conditions and different deployment applications.
SURA is also a consortium of multiple Universities that was award the FY10 US IOOS Modeling Testbed
Another partner working with both the federal and regional ocean observing organizations within U.S. IOOS is the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT). ACT is a NOAA-funded partnership of research institutions, resource managers, and private sector companies dedicated to fostering the development and adoption of effective and reliable sensors and sensor platforms for environmental monitoring and the long-term stewardship of coastal ocean resources. It provides the validation and verification of observing sensors, ensuring their accuracy.
In total, ACT has conducted 226 instrument performance tests in the laboratory and the field under a wide range of environmental conditions and different deployment applications.
SURA is also a consortium of multiple Universities that was award the FY10 US IOOS Modeling Testbed
18. Selected Products: Marine & Coastal 18 Top Left: SECOORA developed IOOS project has been transitioned to the National Weather Service for display of coastal observations.
Top Right: The ocean entrance to San Francisco Bay hides an underwater horseshoe-shaped sandbar .When waves in deeper water reach this sandbar, treacherous breakers can form that present a significant hazard to any vessel entering or departing the Golden Gate. CeNCOOS and SCCOOS pulled together a team of maritime operators in SF Bay, including the SF Bar Pilots and the US Coast Guard to coordinate the purchase and deployment of a Datawell Waverider buoy for improved real-time and forecasted wave information. Key data from this SF Bar buoy are used to inform the “Bar Forecast” provided by the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Monterey. Since the start of this forecast, the number of Coast Guard rescue incidents in this area has dramatically decreased each year.
Lower Left: CenCOOS has integrated operational nearshore wave forecast into a NWS inundation forecast for Carmel Lagoon, CA. to provide a 3 day forecast to local city managers so they know when to close the roads
Lower Right: SCOOS supports Harmful Algal Bloom by providing standards, protocols and data management for State efforts. In May 2009, a HAB event took place off southern California. This system provided the early alert to the presences of HAB which promted more extensive sampling to confirm a significant HAB event. This was augmented by a USC Webb Gliders that showed subsurface chlorophyll maximum in the thermocline in San Pedro Bay south of Newport Beach and samples confirmed a large population of Pseudo-nitzschia and significant levels of domoic acid. More recently, the gliders have detected a subsurface chlorophyll maximum on the eastside of Catalina Island (no water samples have been obtained). Although the gliders do not measure domoic acid directly, barnacles taken from the gliders after a multi-week deployment showed high concentrations of domoic acid in their tissue. This is further evidence of the prevalence and persistence of domoic acid-producing Pseudo-nitzschia in the region.
Top Left: SECOORA developed IOOS project has been transitioned to the National Weather Service for display of coastal observations.
Top Right: The ocean entrance to San Francisco Bay hides an underwater horseshoe-shaped sandbar .When waves in deeper water reach this sandbar, treacherous breakers can form that present a significant hazard to any vessel entering or departing the Golden Gate. CeNCOOS and SCCOOS pulled together a team of maritime operators in SF Bay, including the SF Bar Pilots and the US Coast Guard to coordinate the purchase and deployment of a Datawell Waverider buoy for improved real-time and forecasted wave information. Key data from this SF Bar buoy are used to inform the “Bar Forecast” provided by the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Monterey. Since the start of this forecast, the number of Coast Guard rescue incidents in this area has dramatically decreased each year.
Lower Left: CenCOOS has integrated operational nearshore wave forecast into a NWS inundation forecast for Carmel Lagoon, CA. to provide a 3 day forecast to local city managers so they know when to close the roads
Lower Right: SCOOS supports Harmful Algal Bloom by providing standards, protocols and data management for State efforts. In May 2009, a HAB event took place off southern California. This system provided the early alert to the presences of HAB which promted more extensive sampling to confirm a significant HAB event. This was augmented by a USC Webb Gliders that showed subsurface chlorophyll maximum in the thermocline in San Pedro Bay south of Newport Beach and samples confirmed a large population of Pseudo-nitzschia and significant levels of domoic acid. More recently, the gliders have detected a subsurface chlorophyll maximum on the eastside of Catalina Island (no water samples have been obtained). Although the gliders do not measure domoic acid directly, barnacles taken from the gliders after a multi-week deployment showed high concentrations of domoic acid in their tissue. This is further evidence of the prevalence and persistence of domoic acid-producing Pseudo-nitzschia in the region.
19. Selected Products: Climate Variability & Change 19 Top Left: U.S. IOOS partnership with shellfish growers in the Pacific Northwest. NANOOS has partnered with the NERRS to offer real-time water quality data to shellfish growers located near selected monitoring sites in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The water quality data are delivered to shellfish growers via websites linked to time-series graphs. They can also download raw water quality data and view real-time weather data for most of the sites. In central California, CenCOOS has designed a web page for shellfish growers in Humboldt Bay which provides three site-specific data feeds as well as an upwelling index .
Top Right: We are working with NOAA PMEL to integrate their ocean acidification instruments on IOOS RA buoys
Lower Left: ACT’s focus in 2009, continuing in 2010, was performing validation tests on in situ pCO2 sensors.
Lower Right: CariCOOS works with NOAA’s Coral Reef program to monitor the health of Puerto Rico coral reefs.Top Left: U.S. IOOS partnership with shellfish growers in the Pacific Northwest. NANOOS has partnered with the NERRS to offer real-time water quality data to shellfish growers located near selected monitoring sites in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The water quality data are delivered to shellfish growers via websites linked to time-series graphs. They can also download raw water quality data and view real-time weather data for most of the sites. In central California, CenCOOS has designed a web page for shellfish growers in Humboldt Bay which provides three site-specific data feeds as well as an upwelling index .
Top Right: We are working with NOAA PMEL to integrate their ocean acidification instruments on IOOS RA buoys
Lower Left: ACT’s focus in 2009, continuing in 2010, was performing validation tests on in situ pCO2 sensors.
Lower Right: CariCOOS works with NOAA’s Coral Reef program to monitor the health of Puerto Rico coral reefs.
20. Selected Products: Ecosystems, Fisheries & Water Quality 20 Top Left: New tools created in part by the U.S. IOOS region in the Great Lakes are improving the safety of drinking water in that area. In partnership with NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) supported the development of a 3-D hydrodynamic model for the Lake Huron-Lake Erie corridor that addresses lake level and flow forecasting needs, and supports source water protection, spill response and search and rescue operations. In addition, GLOS worked with a regional partner, the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, to leverage the efforts of four research universities and NOAA-GLERL to plan and implement a near-shore observing network. Deployed in the near shore zone (i.e., at 20-50 m contour lines) and near municipal water intakes, the network has improved water quality monitoring for water intakes and public beaches.
Top Right: NERACOOS, the University of New Hampshire, and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services demonstrated an integrated approach in their use of data from multiple observation platforms in research in New Hampshire’s Great Bay that resulted in development of eelgrass based nutrient criteria.
Lower Left: Using IOOS forecasts and glider data, MARCOOS works with NMFS to improve fishery surveys
Lower Right: In MARACOOS, the USGS and the Delaware River Basin Commission demonstrated the combined use of different types of water quality monitoring data to characterize the spatial and temporal distributions of dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations in the Delaware River Estuary. The long-term data sets have revealed improvements in the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the estuary following wastewater treatment facility upgrades.
Top Left: New tools created in part by the U.S. IOOS region in the Great Lakes are improving the safety of drinking water in that area. In partnership with NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) supported the development of a 3-D hydrodynamic model for the Lake Huron-Lake Erie corridor that addresses lake level and flow forecasting needs, and supports source water protection, spill response and search and rescue operations. In addition, GLOS worked with a regional partner, the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, to leverage the efforts of four research universities and NOAA-GLERL to plan and implement a near-shore observing network. Deployed in the near shore zone (i.e., at 20-50 m contour lines) and near municipal water intakes, the network has improved water quality monitoring for water intakes and public beaches.
Top Right: NERACOOS, the University of New Hampshire, and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services demonstrated an integrated approach in their use of data from multiple observation platforms in research in New Hampshire’s Great Bay that resulted in development of eelgrass based nutrient criteria.
Lower Left: Using IOOS forecasts and glider data, MARCOOS works with NMFS to improve fishery surveys
Lower Right: In MARACOOS, the USGS and the Delaware River Basin Commission demonstrated the combined use of different types of water quality monitoring data to characterize the spatial and temporal distributions of dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations in the Delaware River Estuary. The long-term data sets have revealed improvements in the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the estuary following wastewater treatment facility upgrades.
21. 21 Response to DWH showed that the IOOS business model, although complex, can deliver in a crisis and in an organized fashion.
Due to the stand up of the US IOOS program within NOAA and the leadership we bring to make the non-Federal component a cohesive structure of Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems, the US IOOS DWH response provided:
7 of 9 gliders provided from 5 US IOOS Regions, industry partnership
HF Radar capability reestablished in northern Gulf of Mexico, east of Louisiana ‘bird’s foot’; made feasible by collaborative partnerships built over years across US IOOS
HF Radar data automatically ingested into NOAA’s Oil Trajectory Model because of standard data formats
Three-dimensional, high-resolution ocean circulation model
Support to the Unified Command Structure, including personnel
Stand up of the sub-surface monitoring unit.
US IOOS regions were also looked to by their stakeholders for information during the March tsunami resulting from the earthquake in Japan. US IOOS regions saw significant increases in traffic to their websites and download of products.
Numerous examples span marine weather forecasting support, safe and effective transportation, water quality, ocean acidification.
Response to DWH showed that the IOOS business model, although complex, can deliver in a crisis and in an organized fashion.
Due to the stand up of the US IOOS program within NOAA and the leadership we bring to make the non-Federal component a cohesive structure of Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems, the US IOOS DWH response provided:
7 of 9 gliders provided from 5 US IOOS Regions, industry partnership
HF Radar capability reestablished in northern Gulf of Mexico, east of Louisiana ‘bird’s foot’; made feasible by collaborative partnerships built over years across US IOOS
HF Radar data automatically ingested into NOAA’s Oil Trajectory Model because of standard data formats
Three-dimensional, high-resolution ocean circulation model
Support to the Unified Command Structure, including personnel
Stand up of the sub-surface monitoring unit.
US IOOS regions were also looked to by their stakeholders for information during the March tsunami resulting from the earthquake in Japan. US IOOS regions saw significant increases in traffic to their websites and download of products.
Numerous examples span marine weather forecasting support, safe and effective transportation, water quality, ocean acidification.
22. Responding to Crisis: Japan Tsunami Response 22
23. U.S. IOOS® Coastal Ocean Ecosystem Modeling Testbed 23 FY10: $4M Programmatic Language(Senate)
FY11: 975K Recommended
5 teams, 64 scientists/analysts
SURA is overall lead for execution
One year project (May 2010-11) ; no-cost extension to Dec 2011
Multi-sector engagement (federal agency, academia, industry)
Less about model than process
Focus is on stable infrastructure (testing environment, tools, standard obs) and transition to operations
Enable Modeling and Analysis subsystem In 2010, with funding included in the FY2010 appropriations, U.S. IOOS initiated a project under the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) to evaluate the readiness of marine forecasts along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts and improve them for operational use. This project creates an objective environment to compare the latest models for improved forecasting of chronic issues of high relevance in the Atlantic and Gulf regions such as flooding from storm surge and seasonal depletion of oxygen in shallow waters. Through this project, methods will also be explored for effectively delivering model results to regional centers, scientists, and managers relying on U.S. IOOS.
This has been a very successful effort which has gained support from NOAA, Navy, BOEMRE, USGS, USACE, NASA and USCG.
In 2010, with funding included in the FY2010 appropriations, U.S. IOOS initiated a project under the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) to evaluate the readiness of marine forecasts along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts and improve them for operational use. This project creates an objective environment to compare the latest models for improved forecasting of chronic issues of high relevance in the Atlantic and Gulf regions such as flooding from storm surge and seasonal depletion of oxygen in shallow waters. Through this project, methods will also be explored for effectively delivering model results to regional centers, scientists, and managers relying on U.S. IOOS.
This has been a very successful effort which has gained support from NOAA, Navy, BOEMRE, USGS, USACE, NASA and USCG.
24. U.S. IOOS®: Education Promote Regional Activity
24 All the RAs have education and training activities specific to their region. A sampling of these are:
CeNCOOS, SCCOOS – partnered with the COSEE Networked Ocean World to create a podcast that documents how different people use California's Ocean Observing Systems.
GCOOS – developed education kiosks for five of the Coastal America Learning Center-designated aquariums and marine education centers along the Gulf Coast.
GLOS – held workshops that provided a hands-on approach to introducing data integration concepts and mapping products to those working to protect and manage the Great Lakes. Participants were taught how to integrate maps and data “on-the-fly” and develop decision-making tools.
PacIOOS – created a climate change unit for the Navigating Change Curriculum Program, a program that combines scientific, cultural, and stewardship principles into a hands-on course. The PacIOOS unit includes lesson plans, handouts, activities, and video to address both sea level rise and ocean temperature and coral health.
A number of RAs have compiled theme pages to explain issues in their region. For example, NANOOS has a theme page on Ocean Acidification,
A number of RAs have developed lesson plans and are linking their real-time data to those lesson plans.
Another national level education effort involved the Atlantic crossing of the glider, Scarlet Knight,. The Scarlet Knight achievement was highlighted at the national level through the participation of the White House Office of Science and Technology at the recovery ceremony and by participation of the lead scientists and students during the ‘Scientist is In’ program at the Smithsonian National Museum Natural History for World Ocean Day in June 2010. In December 2010, an exhibit highlighting the Scarlet Knight mission opened at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History within the Sant Ocean Hall. The exhibit highlights the glider's mission as it relates to climate change understanding and is viewed by as many as 8 million visitors per day.
All the RAs have education and training activities specific to their region. A sampling of these are:
CeNCOOS, SCCOOS – partnered with the COSEE Networked Ocean World to create a podcast that documents how different people use California's Ocean Observing Systems.
GCOOS – developed education kiosks for five of the Coastal America Learning Center-designated aquariums and marine education centers along the Gulf Coast.
GLOS – held workshops that provided a hands-on approach to introducing data integration concepts and mapping products to those working to protect and manage the Great Lakes. Participants were taught how to integrate maps and data “on-the-fly” and develop decision-making tools.
PacIOOS – created a climate change unit for the Navigating Change Curriculum Program, a program that combines scientific, cultural, and stewardship principles into a hands-on course. The PacIOOS unit includes lesson plans, handouts, activities, and video to address both sea level rise and ocean temperature and coral health.
A number of RAs have compiled theme pages to explain issues in their region. For example, NANOOS has a theme page on Ocean Acidification,
A number of RAs have developed lesson plans and are linking their real-time data to those lesson plans.
Another national level education effort involved the Atlantic crossing of the glider, Scarlet Knight,. The Scarlet Knight achievement was highlighted at the national level through the participation of the White House Office of Science and Technology at the recovery ceremony and by participation of the lead scientists and students during the ‘Scientist is In’ program at the Smithsonian National Museum Natural History for World Ocean Day in June 2010. In December 2010, an exhibit highlighting the Scarlet Knight mission opened at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History within the Sant Ocean Hall. The exhibit highlights the glider's mission as it relates to climate change understanding and is viewed by as many as 8 million visitors per day.
25. OOI – Research and Development Component 25 The U.S. IOOS Program Office does not anticipate directly running R&D laboratories or facilities, but will engage such institutions to act as its agents to perform designated R&D activities that will benefit the system.
U.S. IOOS has engaged the OOI, supported by the NSF Division of Ocean Science, as a research agent of U.S. IOOS.
The NSF’s OOI, driven by the needs of the research community, will construct a networked infrastructure of sensor systems to measure physical, chemical, geological and biological variables in the ocean. It is designed to understand and predict diverse ocean processes, ranging from climate change to coastal ecosystems to seafloor dynamics. OOI will provide infrastructure to enable hypothesis-driven basic research by fostering specialized observations, instruments, and activities to answer research questions. Data will be available as close to real-time as possible.
Although the primary motivation behind U.S. IOOS and OOI efforts differs, both recognize there are critical areas where the two efforts come together and create powerful synergies.
Current U.S. IOOS and OOI collaboration is enabling development and use of new tools to improve access to and use of ocean observations. The OOI project will also employ an ensemble of new sensor technologies and analytical techniques that will eventually become operational components of the U.S. IOOS enterprise.The U.S. IOOS Program Office does not anticipate directly running R&D laboratories or facilities, but will engage such institutions to act as its agents to perform designated R&D activities that will benefit the system.
U.S. IOOS has engaged the OOI, supported by the NSF Division of Ocean Science, as a research agent of U.S. IOOS.
The NSF’s OOI, driven by the needs of the research community, will construct a networked infrastructure of sensor systems to measure physical, chemical, geological and biological variables in the ocean. It is designed to understand and predict diverse ocean processes, ranging from climate change to coastal ecosystems to seafloor dynamics. OOI will provide infrastructure to enable hypothesis-driven basic research by fostering specialized observations, instruments, and activities to answer research questions. Data will be available as close to real-time as possible.
Although the primary motivation behind U.S. IOOS and OOI efforts differs, both recognize there are critical areas where the two efforts come together and create powerful synergies.
Current U.S. IOOS and OOI collaboration is enabling development and use of new tools to improve access to and use of ocean observations. The OOI project will also employ an ensemble of new sensor technologies and analytical techniques that will eventually become operational components of the U.S. IOOS enterprise.
26. U.S. IOOS® : Highly Leveraged/Interdependent 26
This is an HFR example where multiple entities are supporting various radars, but they are all available to the national network because the US IOOS program provides the funding for the national data management effort for HFR.
NANOOS, with the Murdock Foundation, deployed a buoy system off the coast of La Push, Washington which measures meteorological quantities, chlorophyll, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, partial pressure carbon dioxide (pCO2) and pH. NANOOS was successful in this competition because of the backbone could provide. NGOs will typically provide for the capitol costs but not the enduring O&M. It is now important for NANOOS to continue to be funded to be able to maintain the system.
This is an HFR example where multiple entities are supporting various radars, but they are all available to the national network because the US IOOS program provides the funding for the national data management effort for HFR.
NANOOS, with the Murdock Foundation, deployed a buoy system off the coast of La Push, Washington which measures meteorological quantities, chlorophyll, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, partial pressure carbon dioxide (pCO2) and pH. NANOOS was successful in this competition because of the backbone could provide. NGOs will typically provide for the capitol costs but not the enduring O&M. It is now important for NANOOS to continue to be funded to be able to maintain the system.
27. Industry Participation Observing Subsystem
Largest producer (80% of the world market) of HF radar is US-based CODAR Ocean Sensor; In part because of the US lead on fielding an HF Radar network, CODAR Ocean Sensors exports to >20 countries
Only commercial producers of gliders are US companies (Teledyne Webb Research Inc. & I-robot)
Wave Gliders produced by a US company – Liquid Robotics
DMAC Subsystem
4 IOOS Regions partner with industry to provide DMAC capability
Modeling and Analysis Subsystem
2 industries associated with test bed
MOU with Shell
Value-Added Companies
Surfline; ROFFS; Weatherflow; 43 non federal entities using HF Radar 27 This slide illustrates how industries are partnering with IOOS at various levels.
Industry develops components of the observing system, including buoys, gliders, and gauges.
Companies work closely to strengthen the Data Management and Communications (or DMAC) subsystem.
And they also assist with modeling and analysis, such as inundation forecasting.
Value-added companies use IOOS data and provide consulting services, information, and tools for customers.
These industry partnerships are vital for strengthening IOOS and building support for the system.
This is one of the main reasons we hold these events, to capture interest from industries who could benefit and would like to work together mutually to maximize advantages in both the public and private sector.
This slide illustrates how industries are partnering with IOOS at various levels.
Industry develops components of the observing system, including buoys, gliders, and gauges.
Companies work closely to strengthen the Data Management and Communications (or DMAC) subsystem.
And they also assist with modeling and analysis, such as inundation forecasting.
Value-added companies use IOOS data and provide consulting services, information, and tools for customers.
These industry partnerships are vital for strengthening IOOS and building support for the system.
This is one of the main reasons we hold these events, to capture interest from industries who could benefit and would like to work together mutually to maximize advantages in both the public and private sector.
28. Programmatic Shift Summary of activity since NOAA took a leadership position and stood up the US IOOS Program OfficeSummary of activity since NOAA took a leadership position and stood up the US IOOS Program Office
29. Operational Shift Summary of activity since NOAA took a leadership position and stood up the US IOOS Program Office
Summary of activity since NOAA took a leadership position and stood up the US IOOS Program Office
30. U.S. IOOS® : A National Endeavor IOOS is a comprehensive system
Integration of data is critical
Sustaining the enterprise requires engagement by all of us
Near-term matters
Congressional Report at NOC-IPC
Congressional Request for a Cooperative Institute for Sensor V&V
Seating of the IOOS Federal Advisory Committee
30 Outstanding Progress has been made, but we continue to run into negative legacy perceptions of being an earmark program
>50% of the coastal observations processed by NOAA come from the US IOOS Regional Partners
US IOOS is still criticized for being heavily focused on physical measurements and coastal shelf observations
Many examples where this is not the case, and we continue to communicate these successes
US IOOS Program Office has a dedicated biological project; working with the animal tagging/telemetry community to expose their data
Engaging the Federal community, that is very often regional based, requires constant attention, and while there has been good progress in bringing the other Federal agencies to the US IOOS table, there is much work that remains.
The ability to sustain observations has become interdependent among the Federal, State, Local and Tribal level, Academia and Private sectors, so the partnership needs to be there for the long term. The analogy is really the three-legged stool. Once you become interdependent, if one of the partners pulls back, the stool will fall if the other partners/legs are unable to support the enterprise. Outstanding Progress has been made, but we continue to run into negative legacy perceptions of being an earmark program
>50% of the coastal observations processed by NOAA come from the US IOOS Regional Partners
US IOOS is still criticized for being heavily focused on physical measurements and coastal shelf observations
Many examples where this is not the case, and we continue to communicate these successes
US IOOS Program Office has a dedicated biological project; working with the animal tagging/telemetry community to expose their data
Engaging the Federal community, that is very often regional based, requires constant attention, and while there has been good progress in bringing the other Federal agencies to the US IOOS table, there is much work that remains.
The ability to sustain observations has become interdependent among the Federal, State, Local and Tribal level, Academia and Private sectors, so the partnership needs to be there for the long term. The analogy is really the three-legged stool. Once you become interdependent, if one of the partners pulls back, the stool will fall if the other partners/legs are unable to support the enterprise.