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Explore the origins, types, and approaches of Classroom Research (CR) in education. Discover the benefits of using descriptive and confirmatory research methods. Learn how to collect and analyze data to enhance teaching practices effectively.
Classroom Research:to Do or not to DO? Natalia Igolkina Saratov State University, SELTA
The Origin of Classroom Research (CR) Action research Classroom research Classroom action research Kurt Lewin: psychologist, founder of social psychology, first to study group dynamics.
Classroom Research is NOT • reflective teaching practice, which is …
Classroom Research is NOT • formal educational research. • It may lacks originality. • It is not for theoretical understanding of the studied issues. • CR discovers something for a particular teacher in a particular situation and particular time. • Replication studies* are often used in CR. • CR can be the beginning of the formal large-scaled research. *Replication studies involves repeating a study using the same methods but with different subjects and experimenters.
Classroom Research is NOT • CR is NOT restricted to a certain method and is quite eclectic. • A quasi-experiment is an empirical study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its target population without random assignment
Types of data for CR • performance data that do not involve production (measures of reaction times, non-verbal measures of comprehension); • samples of learner production (naturally occurring samples, clinically elicited data, experimentally elicited data); • verbal reports from learners about their own learning (self-report, self-observation, self-revelation, self-assessment). Example: Создание модели интерактивной лекции с помощью мобильной системы опроса SRS (С.В. Титова, Т. Талмо) http://learnteachweb.ru/articles/LingvistikaVMU.pdf
Approaches in CR • descriptive and confirmatory. • descriptive: • qualitative; • quantitative. • descriptive research focus on “the form and functions of classroom interaction, how these interactions are shaped and become meaningful, and what the implications may be for students’ learning” [Zuengler and Mori 2002]
Descriptive research • Within descriptive research the following tools are used: • interaction analysis; • discourse analysis; • conversational analysis; • observation schemes; • ethnography of communication. Ethnographies focus also on social, cultural, and political realities and their impact on learner’ cognitive, linguistic, and social development. The observer tries to understand a group of community from within its own perspective. Example of Ethnography (CR): Case Study: SLA Theories and the Role of Social Interactions http://www.catesolnews.org/2017/09/case-study-sla-theories-role-social-interactions/
Confirmatory research Confirmatory research is typically • theory-driven, • aims to compare different instructional approaches • tests specific hypotheses, • identifies relationships between pre-determined variables. Well-designed experimental studies have the following features: • participants randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups; • a pre-test; • both an immediate and a delayed post-test to establish if any learning has taken place and is durable [Ellis 2008: 781]. Example: Создание модели интерактивной лекции с помощью мобильной системы опроса SRS (С.В. Титова, Т. Талмо) http://learnteachweb.ru/articles/LingvistikaVMU.pdf
Think-aloud protocols (TAP) • In this method a person or a group of people are asked to verbalize their thought processes as they do a specific task which are then recorded on paper, audio or video for further analysis. • Participants might verbalize commentary, questions, generate hypotheses, or draw conclusions while solving some tasks. • Think-aloud protocols may serve as a research tool, a means of instruction as well as a method of assessment.
Case Studies • detailed study of individual language learner or teacher. • cover an extended period of time and involve both naturalistic and instructed language learners. • Case studies provide data about the general course of SLA as well as individual differences among learners. Example: Case Study: SLA Theories and the Role of Social Interactions http://www.catesolnews.org/2017/09/case-study-sla-theories-role-social-interactions/
What for? “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou
Reasons for University teachers; School teachers; Free lance teachers.
Сомнительные слова • https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_AsI-aMMHwxuCGnwbk87S1w9LcwqZpRSN51-szjDJDg/edit?usp=sharing • Исследование отношения к этнонимическим прозвищам и студенческому жаргону как средство формирования поликультурной личности • https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320290158_Issledovanie_otnosenia_k_etnonimiceskim_prozvisam_i_studenceskomu_zargonu_kak_sredstvo_formirovania_polikulturnoj_licnosti
«Списывание» https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_nCrqs42SCw8ZjVATVjwyP6DtwxZfHOI9Jp79pqvgTk/edit?usp=sharing Списывание в учебном процессе как проявление особенности правовой культуры российского общества (Cheating during studying as the reflection of the legal culture characteristics in Russian society) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309124306_Spisyvanie_v_ucebnom_processe_kak_proavlenie_osobennosti_pravovoj_kultury_rossijskogo_obsestva_Cheating_during_studying_as_the_reflection_of_the_legal_culture_characteristics_in_Russian_society Списывание в учебном процессе: причина или следствие педагогического конфликта (CHEATING DURING STUDYING: REASONS FOR OR THE CONSEQUENCE OF THE PEDAGOGICAL CONFLICT) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304824690_Spisyvanie_v_ucebnom_processe_pricina_ili_sledstvie_pedagogiceskogo_konflikta_CHEATING_DURING_STUDYING_REASONS_FOR_OR_THE_CONSEQUENCE_OF_THE_PEDAGOGICAL_CONFLICT
Further Reading: • The Need for Classroom Research by K. Patricia Cross http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1124&context=podimproveacad • What Is Classroom Research? (detailed schemes) https://us.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/25727_LiteracyInstruction_Chapter1.pdf • Classroom research: a tool for preparing pre-service teachers to become reflective practitioners (description of a certain research) http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/10482.pdf • Classroom-based research by AchilleasKostoulas(with plans) https://achilleaskostoulas.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/classroom-based-research.pdf • Метод«action research» («исследование действием») в социологических исследованиях: основные идеи, О.В. Безрукова https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/metod-action-research-issledovanie-deystviem-v-sotsiologicheskih-issledovaniyah-osnovnye-idei • Types of classroom research for language teachers https://www.academia.edu/31602384/TYPES_OF_CLASSROOM_RESEARCH_FOR_LANGUAGE_TEACHERS • https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Dvm9/Ku8pQv9YY (resources) • Research in the Language Classroom (detailed and academic articles)http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/Y299%20ELT-15-screen.pdf