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2011-2012 SIP Development Office of School Improvement

2011-2012 SIP Development Office of School Improvement. Workshop Objectives. Participants will: Develop essential skills and tools for the completion of the 2011-2012 SIP Identify resources available to be used to complete the 2011-2012 SIP

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2011-2012 SIP Development Office of School Improvement

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  1. 2011-2012 SIP Development Office of School Improvement

  2. Workshop Objectives Participants will: Develop essential skills and tools for the completion of the 2011-2012 SIP Identify resources available to be used to complete the 2011-2012 SIP Increase the understanding of the school improvement process

  3. Begin with an End in Mind! Student Achievement

  4. a team process • ongoing communication • stakeholders’ feedback/input • ongoing reviews documented in EESAC minutes • timeline development • updates based on data analysis and students’ needs Keep in mind that SIPs require…

  5. 1 EESAC’s roster & by-laws are updated. 2 Needs assessments are conducted using appropriate data. 3 Opportunities are provided for EESAC and staff to present recommendations for the 2011-2012 SIP. 4 EESAC assists in developing the SIP and assistance are documented in EESAC meeting Minutes. 5 SIP is reviewed by district and region staff during peer review. 12 Staff and EESAC provide evaluative comments in preparation for next SIP. Ongoing School Improvement Process 11 Mid-year data and narrative posted to FLBSI site. 6 Baseline assessments are administered and needs assessments aligned. 10 Interim assessments administered and data analyzed for adjustments to SIP. 9 Ongoing monitoring of SIP for implementation and effectiveness is documented in EESAC Minutes. 8 SIP is presented to District School Board for approval. 7 Data results and SIP are presented to EESAC and staff, and then posted to FLBSI. We are HERE!

  6. EESAC/SIP Recommendations Minimum number of meetings: For non-DA schools - 4 per school year, one per grading period DA schools – monthly in order to monitor and adjust progress Include SIP and Data Reviews on EESAC Meeting Agenda Document SIP reviews and decisions in EESAC Minutes Include SIP on Faculty Meeting Agenda Minimum Requirements for Five Star Award: A minimum number of EESAC meetings with 80% of members in attendance

  7. Accessing Bylaws, Minutes & Rosters http://osi.dadeschools.net/

  8. Locate an electronic copy of the 2010-2011 SIP. • Open and save to your desktop an electronic copy of the 2011-2012 SIP template from the OSI website: http://osi.dadeschools.net • Copy and paste all applicable sections from the 2010-2011 SIP to the 2011-2012 SIP template. • Update and revise – Part I • Highly Qualified Administrators • Highly Qualified Teachers • Staff Demographics • Teacher Mentoring Program • RTI • Post-secondary Transition Start the Process

  9. Getting Started….. Insert the following: pending

  10. Click here

  11. http://osi.dadeschools.net/sip/ The principal’s EESAC Verification code will be emailed to the principal upon request via email.

  12. 0001 – Marlin Elementary School 000011 – Sherian Demetrius 0001 – Marlin EL 0002 - Dolphin EL




  16. Monitor new hires throughout the year.


  18. Teacher Mentoring • Teachers new to the profession (without previous teaching experience & • First and second year teachers in Education Transformation Office schools are eligible to receive a MINT certified site-based mentor. • Confirm certification of mentor • May insert TBA in “Mentee” column pending start of school year • Must hold a valid professional teaching certificate • Minimum of 3 years of successful teaching experience • Pairing should be by grade level/subject area • Activities should be ongoing

  19. Response to Instruction/Intervention (RtI) http://www.justreadflorida.com Align to the District CRRP - Literacy Leadership Team (LLT) Identify the school-based Literacy Leadership Team (LLT). (Identify by Name & Position) Describe how the school-based LLT functions (e.g. Meeting processes and roles/functions). What will be the major initiatives of the LLT this year?

  20. Response to Intervention Core Instruction and Interventions Individualized, intensive interventions Tier III InterventionSmaller Group Secondary-level interventions in specialized groups for at-risk students Tier II Intervention Small Group Tier I Intervention Classroom - Core Instruction • Primary supports for students in the general education classroom

  21. Problem-Solving Model for Response to Intervention Directly observe behavior – gather data How well did students respond? Is there still a problem? Identify barriers to solving the problem – Develop a plan Monitor implementation and progress-Involve Stakeholders

  22. NCLB Public School Choice (for Title I schools only) (The required letters will be posted to: http://osi.dadeschools.net as they are received from the District office. DoNOTuse any school generated letters.) • Notification of School in Need of Improvement (SINI) Status • Attach a copy of the Notification of SINI Status to Parents • SINI 1+ schools • Public School Choice with Transportation (CWT) Notification • Attach a copy of the CWT Notification to Parents • SINI 2+ schools • Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Notification • Attach a copy of the SES Notification to Parents • SINI 1+ schools • SINI Status and CWT notifications may be the same letter

  23. All High Schools must complete this section. See the next two slides for a sampling of the High School Feedback Report. Schools should use current available data to update possible strategies for improving student readiness for the public postsecondary level.

  24. SAMPLE HIGH SCHOOL FEEDBACK REPORT * Data should drive responses on identifying strategies to improve post-secondary readiness.

  25. SAMPLE HIGH SCHOOL FEEDBACK REPORT * Data should drive responses on identifying strategies to improve post-secondary readiness.


  27. Guiding Questions • In each Goal Area, click the “HELP” • Use data sources to analyze and define areas in need of improvement • Specific responses to the guiding questions are not required to be written onto the SIP template

  28. Accessing & Analyzing Available Data Replace hunches with facts Identify causes (Barriers) of a problem not just the symptoms Assess needs and target resources Make informed decisions Set goals and keep track of progress Align professional development with the needs of the staff

  29. http://osi.dadeschools.net

  30. Click here http://curriculum.dadeschools.net/schoolperformancereports.asp

  31. Topics

  32. 2012 Expected Improvements Part II of SIP – Goal Areas

  33. 2011-2012 Statewide Assessment Plan *CBT: Computer-Based Testing Link to 2011-2012 Statewide Assessment Schedule

  34. Students to be Tested in 2011-12 Algebra 1 Geometry Biology • 2000310 - Biology 1 • 2000320 - Biology 1 Hon. • 2000322 - Pre-AICE Biology • 2000430 - Biology Technology • 2000800 - Biology 1 PreIB • 2000850 - IB Middle Years Program Biology Hon. • 2002440 - Integrated Science 3 • 2002450 - Integrated Science 3 Hon. 1200310 - Algebra 1 1200320 - Algebra 1 Hon. 1200380 - Algebra 1B 1209810 - Pre-AICE Mathematics 1 1200390 - IB Middle Years Program – Algebra 1 Hon. 1206310 - Geometry 1206320 - Geometry Hon. 1206810 - IB Middle Years Program Geometry Hon. 1209820 - Pre-AICE Mathematics 2

  35. Expected Level of Performance

  36. SIP Reading/Math/Science Goals

  37. SIP GOALS for High School

  38. Attendance Writing Math Reading Suspension 2011-2012 School Improvement Plan Current and Expected Level of Performance Dropout Prevention Science

  39. 2011-2012 SIP Part II – Expected Level of Performance Criteria

  40. % Safe Harbor Proficiency Target The percent of non-proficient students decreased by at least 10% from the preceding year in the subject being evaluated.

  41. Example 1 The percent of non-proficient students decreased by at least 10% from the preceding year • 70% 10% of 70 = 7

  42. Example 2 The percent of non-proficient students decreased by at least 10% from the preceding year • 80% 10% of 80 = 8

  43. 2011 - 2012 Expected Level of Performance – Calculation Sheet

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