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LA PARKA. LA PARKA. Born December 11, 1965 Location: Mexico City 6’ 4”, 215 lbs. Birth name: Alfonso Tapia Ibarra. Family influence. Cousins and uncles involved in AAA wrestling Was one of two brothers Brother joined the wrestling business Brother convinced La Parka to join.

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  2. LA PARKA • Born December 11, 1965 • Location: Mexico City • 6’ 4”, 215 lbs. • Birth name: Alfonso Tapia Ibarra

  3. Family influence • Cousins and uncles involved in AAA wrestling • Was one of two brothers • Brother joined the wrestling business • Brother convinced La Parka to join

  4. Family cont’d • Mother and father gave full support • La Parka withdraws from wrestling after mother becomes ill • La Parka returns after mother recovers

  5. AAA wrestling • AAA stands for: Asistencia Asesoría y Administración • AAA wrestling is largest company in Mexico • Promoted “free wrestling” style

  6. AAA cont’d • La Parka was largest wrestler • Had won all belts, except for tag team title • Was the Heavy Weight Champion for three months straight

  7. WCW • Signed on by WCW • Was one of main stars on WCW Monday Night Nitro • Was one of three Mexican wrestlers (La Parka, Rey Misterio and Konnan)

  8. WCW cont’d • Brings friends to WCW (Psichosis, Juventud Guerrera, Silver King) • Fans enjoy Mexican “free wrestling” • Wins Cruiserweight title • Known as the “Chairman of WCW”

  9. Return to AAA • WCW begins to go down hill after new owner comes in • Leaves WCW for AAA • Is welcomed back by fans

  10. TNA • Leaves AAA to accept offer from WCW friend, Jeff Jarrett • Wrestles for a year • No titles won • Leaves due to contract issues

  11. La Parka today • Wrestles occasionally in AAA • Helps train new comers • Is one of the managers for the AAA company • Is happily married with a son • The son wrestles under name of El Hijo de La Parka

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