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This update provides details on safety tasks, worker categorization, radiological safety, detection and alert systems, worker evacuation procedures, quantitative and qualitative assessment, and categorization of workers in the ESS General Safety Objectives.
ESHAC #9Update on ESS General Safety Objectives and Categorization of Workers and Public 2018-10-01 Thomas Hansson & Francois Javier, ESH
ESS General Safety Objectives (GSO) Existing version; ESS-0000004 rev 5
ESS General Safety Objectives (GSO) Existing version; ESS-0000004 rev 5, Table 2 Rad workers with safety task Rad workers without safety task GSO rev 6 “Safety task” means credited actions performed by a worker in order to reach the facility “Safe state” and comply with objectives for public. Not for workers.
ESS General Safety Objectives (GSO) Draft version; ESS-0000004 rev 6 Draft In black defined by SSM, and in blue established by ESS.
Plan protective action (H2-H3-H4A) - Exposed workers, without safety task example Redesign System of interest System design Still to be classified as Worker Safety Function (WSF) and designed according to conventional standards Option: Mitigate event Based on quantitative assessment.No need for workers to act/react. Event • Scope: ionizing radiation. • Qualitative assessment of consequence: • Increase of radiation levels • Increase of contamination levels inside area Redesign Detection & Alert • Physical parameter to detect? • rad/contam. levels or a linked process parameter. • Quantitative assessment needed to set trigger point. Options Detection inside area Alert inside area Alert outside area Alarm: Sound, Light Awareness AwarenessActivedosimeter * Added value with detection/alert? Difference in reaction time? 𝛥t No React Procedures/training always needed. Also check possibility to evacuate. Action Evacuate In all workplaces Quantitative assessment ok? • Acceptable impact (mSv) ? • Criteria needed if to do quantitative assessment • Option 1: established criteria in GSO • Option 2: judgement/criteria case by case Quantitative assessment (Dose to worker) Yes In relevant workplaces based on quantitative assessment In relevant workplaces based on qualitative assessment Yes No
Workers - GSO guideline proposal Nota : 1/ Deterministiceffects: relationship betweeneffectsseverity and dosereceived - thresholdexistence: from 100 mSv (ICRP 103) 2/ Stochasticeffects: no relationship betweendose and effectsseveritybut relationship betweendose and likelihoodofoccurenceofeffects – no evidenceofthresholdexistence so useof the precautionaryprinciple (evenif no excesof cancer foundbelow 100 mSv) – ICRP 103 : assuminglinearresponse at lowdoses, the combineddetrimentdue to exces cancer and heritableeffects is around 5% per Sv (cancer : 5.5.10-2 Sv-1 for public and 4.1.10-2 Sv-1 for adult workers/heritableeffects: 0.2.10-2 Sv-1 and 0.1.10-2 Sv-1) 3/ Euratom 2013/56: Emergencyoccupational exposure 100 mSv (500 mSv in exceptional situations)
Categorization of people Draft Exposed workers with or without safety task * On-going discussion within ESS if users/scientists can deviate from this rule as long as they stay below 1 mSv and comply with Cat B requirements (training/ dosimeter) but NOT to be officially categorized as Cat B. ESS will only request that the home institute categorize the user/scientist. Note 1: Even if Cat A and B have access to supervised and controlled areas from a radiation point of view, certain areas within supervised and controlled areas might require specifically authorized access for other reasons than radiation and might therefore be fenced-off or equipped with limited access via surrounding doors. Note 2: Non exposed workers are not allowed to work in supervised areas. Neither in controlled areas. Note 3: Visitors and guests are excluded from the structure above, but will be considered as non exposed workers.
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