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Explore statistical model checking for stochastic systems using CSL formulas and Markov Chains. Understand Monte Carlo simulation, hypothesis testing, and practical applications. Achieve accurate model-checking of probabilistic models.
On Statistical Model Checking of Stochastic Systems Koushik Sen Mahesh Viswanathan Gul Agha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Problem • Given a probabilistic model M (e.g. Markov Chains) • Given a CSL formula (with unbounded until) = P<p[1 U 2] Probability that a path satisfies 1 until 2 is less than p • Can we say M ² using statistical model-checking?
Solution • Given a probabilistic model M (e.g. Markov Chains) • Given a CSL formula (with unbounded until) = P<p[1 U 2] Probability that a path satisfies 1 until 2 is less than p • Can we say M ² using statistical model-checking? • Using Monte Carlo simulation of “finite paths” • Using a sequence of inter-related statistical hypothesis testing YES with some assumptions
Model Assumption • Sample execution paths can be generated through discrete-event simulation • Execution paths are sequences of the form = s0! s1! s2! … where each si is a state of the model and ti2R>0 is the time spent in the state si before moving to the state si+1 • A probability space can be defined on the execution paths of the model in such a way that the paths satisfying any path formula in our concerned logic (CSL or PCTL), is measurable • The number of states of the system is finite t0 t1 t2
Semi Markov Chains (Simple Model) • Semi Markov Chains (S,sI,P,Q,L) • S – finite number of states (let |S| = N) • sI – initial state • P : S £ S ! [0,1] – transition probability matrix • Q : S £ S ! (R¸ 0! [0,1]) – continuous cumulative probability distribution function • L : S ! 2AP – labeling function, where AP is the set of atomic propositions P(s,s’) gives the probability of transition from s to s’ Q(s,s’) gives the distribution over time for which a state remains in state s before moving to state s’ • Examples: network protocols with quantified non-determinism or randomized algorithms
Continuous Stochastic Logic (CSL) • ::= true | a | Æ | : | PQ p() • ::= U<t | U | X where Q2 {<,>,¸,·} • P< 0.5(§full) • Probability that queue becomes full is less than 0.5 • P>0.98(: retransmit U receive) • Probability that a message is eventually received successfully without any need for retransmission is greater than 0.98
Goal • Model check properties in CSL against SMC models • Main Contribution: • Statistically model-check formulas of the form P<p[1 U 2] against SMC • boils down to model-checking the formula against the underlying Markov Chain
Relevant Part of Model and Logic • Markov Chain (S,sI,P,L) • S – finite number of states (let |S| = N) • sI – initial state • P : S £ S ! [0,1] – transition probability matrix • L : S ! 2AP – labeling function, where AP is the set of atomic propositions • Unbounded Until in CSL • P<p[1 U 2]
r r q sI s1 s2 ERR OK 1-r 1-q 1-r Example 1 1 P<p[true U ERR] (i.e. P<p[§ERR])
Bounded Until (Checking s ² P<p[§<t a]) • Given a simple Semi Markov Chain M • paths in this model are infinite • Want to check if s ² P<p[§<t a] • a being an atomic proposition • Given , , and 1(type I, type II error, and indifference region) • , is the probability that our statistical algorithm gives a wrong answer
p Observation y ……. 1 0 Checking s ² P<p[§<t a] • Sample n paths from s • Each path is of the form • = s0! s1! s2! … ! sn • Sample a path until t0+t1+…+tn > t or a is satisfied • let f path satisfied §<ta • let y = f/n t0 t1 tn §<t a
Bounded Until (Checking s ² P<p[§<t a]) • n is computed such that the following holds • Pr[Y/n < p | ¸ p+1] · • Pr[Y/n ¸ p | · p-1] · where Y ~ Binomial(n,)
Unbounded Until • Given a simple Markov Chain M • assume paths in this model are infinite • Want to check if s ² P<p[§ a] • a being an atomic proposition • Sample n paths from s • what is the length of each path to be sampled?
Unbounded Until • Given a simple Markov Chain M • assume paths in this model are infinite • Want to check if s ² P<p[§ a] • a being an atomic proposition • Sample n paths from s • what is the length of each path to be sampled? • Simple Strategy: Sample a path till we encounter a state satisfying “a” • what happens if there is a path whose any extension does not have a state satisfying “a”? non-termination
a Simple Example of Non-termination q : a 1-q 1 1 : a A sample path takes me to this state: will never encounter a state satisfying “a”
a Solution q : a 1-q 1 1 : a Use stopping probability of ps (user supplied) at every state: at any state stop sampling with probability ps
a Modified Model ps : a ps q(1-ps) 1 : a ps (1-ps)(1-q) 1-ps : a 1-ps Theorem: If a path from any state s 2 S in the model M satisfies 1 U 2 with some probability, p, then a path sampled from the same state in the modified model M’ will satisfy the same formula with probability at least p(1−ps)N-1qN-1, where N = |S| and q is the smallest non-zero transition probability in the model M.
a Observation 1: Introduce stopping probability ps to sample finite paths Modified Model ps : a ps q(1-ps) ps : a ps (1-ps)(1-q) 1-ps : a 1-ps Theorem: If a path from any state s 2 S in the model M satisfies 1 U 2 with some probability, p, then a path sampled from the same state in the modified model M’ will satisfy the same formula with probability at least p(1−ps)N-1qN-1, where N = |S| and q is the smallest non-zero transition probability in the model M.
p Observation 0 1 y Not There Yet (in checking s ² P<p[§a] ) • Sample n paths from s • Each path is of the form • = s0! s1! s2! … ! sn • Sample a path until we stop • let f paths satisfy §a and y = f/n • Note that we can determine if a finite path satisfies § a • We cannot determine if a finite path satisfies : : (§ a) t0 t1 tn ……. ? ? ? § a
Solution (for checking s ²P<p[§ a]) • Use ideas from numerical model checking technique Strue = {s 2 S | s ² a} Sfalse = {s 2 S | no path from s satisfies § a} S? = S - Strue – Sfalse • Theorem: Probability of reaching a state in Strue or Sfalse is 1
p Observation y ……. 1 0 Solution (in checking s ² P<p[§a] ) • Sample n paths from s • Each path is of the form • = s0! s1! s2! … ! sn • Sample a path until we reach a state in Strue or Sfalse • let f paths satisfied §a • let y = f/n t0 t1 tn §a
p Observation y ……. 1 0 Solution (in checking s ² P<p[§a] ) • Sample n paths from s • Each path is of the form • = s0! s1! s2! … ! sn • Sample a path until we reach a state in Strueor Sfalse • let f path satisfied §a • let y = f/n How to check if a state belongs to Sfalse or s ² P=0[§ a] ? t0 t1 tn §a
Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Given a biased coin • P[head] = p (unknown) • P[tail] = 1-p • Want to check if • P[head] = 0 (i.e. p =0)
Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Given a biased coin • P[head] = p (unknown) • P[tail] = 1-p • Want to check if • P[head] = 0 (i.e. p =0) • toss the coin n times • suppose all the outcomes are tail (i.e. y = x1 + … + xn / n = 0) • Can we say that P[head] = 0?
Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Given a biased coin • P[head] = p (unknown) • P[tail] = 1-p • Want to check if • P[head] = 0 (i.e. p =0) • toss the coin n times • suppose all the outcomes are tail (i.e. y = x1 + … + xn / n = 0) • Can we say that P[head] = 0? Yes • Provided the error in our decision is bounded by a respectable small number (say, = = 0.01) • Type I error = P[Y· y | p > 0] ·, • where Y ~ Binomial(n,p)
Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Given a biased coin • P[head] = p (unknown) • P[tail] = 1-p • Want to check if • P[head] = 0 (i.e. p =0) • toss the coin n times • suppose all the outcomes are tail (i.e. y = x1 + … + xn / n = 0) • Can we say that P[head] = 0? Yes • Provided the error in our decision is bounded by a respectable small number (say, = = 0.01) • Type I error = P[Y· y | p > 0] ·, • where Y ~ Binomial(n,p) • Problem: • cannot compute Type I error (cannot bound P[Y=0], where Y~Binomial(n,p) and p>0)
Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Given a biased coin • P[head] = p (unknown) • P[tail] = 1-p • Want to check if • P[head] = 0 (i.e. p =0) • toss the coin n times • suppose all the outcomes are tail (i.e. y = x1 + … + xn / n = 0) • Can we say that P[head] = 0? Yes • Provided the error in our decision is bounded by a respectable small number (say, = = 0.01) • Type I error = P[Y· y | p > 0] ·, • where Y ~ Binomial(n,p) • Problem: • cannot compute Type I error (cannot bound P[Y=0], where Y~Binomial(n,p) and p>0) • Solution: • can bound P[Y=0], if Y~Binomial(n,p) and p¸ • assume p does not lie in the range (0,), where 0 < < 1 • type I error = P[Y· y | p ¸] · P[Y=0 | p = ]
Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Therefore, given and , compute n such that • P[Y=0] ·, where Y~Binomial(n,). • Compute n samples x1, x2, … xn • Say, P[head] = 0 if x1+… + xn/n = 0 • Else, say P[head] > 0 • Note: type II error = P[Y>0 | p =0] = 0 < • Nothing to worry
Observation 2: Introduce and assume that p does not lie in the range (0,) Simple Situation (Coin Toss) • Therefore, given and , compute n such that • P[Y=0] ·, where Y~Binomial(n,). • Compute n samples x1, x2, … xn • Say, P[head] = 0 if x1+… + xn/n = 0 • Else, say P[head] > 0 • Note: type II error = P[Y>0 | p =0] = 0 < • Nothing to worry
Sub-task: check if s 2 Sfalse i.e. s ² P=0[§ a] • Use Observation 1 and Observation 2 • assume that Pr[§ a] in M’ does not lie in the range (0,2), where 2 is provided as input to the model-checker
p=0 Observation 0 1 check if s 2 Sfalse i.e. s ² P=0 [§a] ) • Sample n paths from s • Each path is of the form • = s0! s1! s2! … ! sn • Sample a path until we stop • say s 2 P=0[§ a] if at least one path satisfies § a • if none of the paths satisfy § a, then say s ² P=0[§ a] t0 t1 tn ……. ? ? ? ? ? § a
p p=0 Observation Observation 0 1 0 1 y Comparison between P<p[§ a] and P=0[§ a]
Model-checking Other Operators • Essentially same as statistical model-checking techniques proposed in [Younes and Simmons CAV’02] and [Sen, Viswanathan, Agha CAV’04]
Main Result Summarized • Our algorithm A takes as input • a stochastic model M, • a formula in CSL, • error bounds and , and • three other parameters 1, 2, and ps. • The result of model checking is denoted by A1,2,ps(M, ,,) • can be either true or false.
Main Result Summarized Theorem: If the model M satisfies the following conditions • C1: For every subformula of the form P¸ p in the formula and for every state s in M, the probability that a path from s satisfies must not lie in the range [ (p-1-)/(1-),(p+1)/(1-)] • C2: For any subformula of the form 1 U 2 and for every state s in M, the probability that a path from s satisfies 1 U 2 must not lie in the range (0, 2/((1-ps)N-1qN-1)], where N is the number of states in the model M and q is the smallest non-zero transition probability in M • Then the algorithm provides the following guarantees • R1 : • Pr[A1,2,ps(M, ,,) = true | M 2] · • Pr[A1,2,ps(M, ,,) = false | M²] ·
Optimizations • Caching of results • Discount Optimization • checking s 2 Sfalse is expensive • do not check s 2 Sfalse for every state in the path • check if a state s 2 Sfalse with probability pd
Conclusion • Interesting idea showing that unbounded until can be model-checked statistically given certain assumptions about the model holds • Statistical model-checking has limitations in general • If we have to choose 1, 2, and ps small, then running time can be considerably high • However, if values of 1, 2, and ps are reasonable then running time is fast • Running time increases if we want to get better error bounds (,) • Running time increases if time bound in bounded until is large • There is always a model for which the approach does not work for both bounded and unbounded until • Advantages: • No need to store states: sample as required • Estimate probability (see FCS’05, QAPL’05, QEST’05) using Vesta tool.