It is shocking that a few people still use their names, nicknames, name of a girlfriend/boyfriend, father/mother, or people close to them as passwords to their accounts. This is a very weak password and can be easily guessed by a hacker or people around you.Other popular weak passwords include using your date of birth, matric /registration number of anykind in any school or institution, name of best friend, name of wife/husband and any other thing easily connected to you. All these passwords are the first guesses any intelligent hacker willtry on your account.So as a rule, never use any of them as a password. NEVER USE WORDS,NUMBERS,NAMES AND ANYTHING CONNECTED TO YOU
There are some websites which automatically generate passwords for you. Such passwords are called DEFAULT PASSWORDS. These type of passwords are commonly generated for users who request for PASSWORD RESET after he or she might have forgotten his/her password. As a rule, once such password is generated for you, TRY AND CHANGE THE PASSWORD AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. This sounds obvious but a lot of people continue to use these assigned passwords. There are a multitude of reasons why this isn't safe; I am sure you can guess many of them. NEVER USE DEFAULT PASSWORDS
The longer your password, the more difficult it will be for an hacker to guess. INCREASE THE LENGTH OF YOUR PASSWORD
Don't ever use letters or numbers in a sequence; such as 567 or EFG. Using letters or numbers in a sequence will make it easier for hackers to guess your password. NEVER USE LETTERS OR NUMBERS IN A SEQUENCE
Mix numbers and letters together to make more unbreakable type passwords. if you want to use your name or anything connected to you as a password, it will do you more good of you can just mix it with numbers and letters. MIX NUMBERS AND LETTERS
Using real words e.g. internet, web, book, etc is NOT safe. More so, it is not safe to use words or slangs that are in vogue. There are some hacking software's out there been used by hackers to generate passwords from such common words. So, Be Careful. DON'T USE COMMON WORDS
Instead of thinking of a word or a name or a date, think instead in terms of a sentence that would be easy to remember e.gJideistheownerofogbongeblog USE SENTENCES
These are just some of the tips to make a good password. It is hoped all of us can use this tips to making a good password. Beware before exposed…..tq
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