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Revolutionizing Security: Enhanced Quality and Affordability

In today's interconnected world, security is no longer optional. Stay protected against threats like state-sponsored cyber-crime, tech-savvy generations, and organized crime groups. Targets include service availability, payment card info, and intellectual property. Enablers such as threat intelligence, decentralized tech, and cloud computing play a vital role. Learn from recent cyber attacks like DigiNotar CA and HBGary Federal to enhance your security measures. Proactive protection is key - focus on content, transactions, and uptime. Embed security in business context through risk management for informed decisions. Embrace revolutionary security and business models for a more secure future.

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Revolutionizing Security: Enhanced Quality and Affordability

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  1. Security is No Longer Optional.

  2. Cheaper Higher Quality More Secure

  3. Cheaper Pick Only 2 Higher Quality More Secure

  4. Threats State Sponsored Cyber-Crime Tech-Savvy Generation Organized Crime Groups ‘H-Activism’

  5. Threats State Sponsored Cyber-Crime Tech-Savvy Generation Organized Crime Groups ‘H-Activism’ Targets Reliance on Service Availability Payment Card Information Intellectual Property Consumer Data

  6. Threats State Sponsored Cyber-Crime Tech-Savvy Generation Organized Crime Groups ‘H-Activism’ Targets Reliance on Service Availability Payment Card Information Intellectual Property Consumer Data Enablers Threat Intelligence Decentralized Technology Cloud Computing Outsourcing

  7. Recent Cyber Attacks High DigiNotar CA HBGary Federal “Stuxnet- Iran Centrifuge” Sony PSN Arizona DPS RSA Comodo CA FBI – Infragard GlobalSign CA CitiGroup StartCom CA Spanish Govm’t PBS.org PayPal IMF Epic Games Codemasters Sony BMG Northrop Grumman Estimated Impact (hard + soft) Sony Pictures EA Battlefield Hero (beta) Google Sega Nintendo Riot Games EA Neverwinter Nights Malaysia Govm’t Sony Greece Square Enix Bethesda Software Lockheed-Martin (Intrusion via RSA trust) US Chamber of Commerce CIA Motorola US Senate Unveillance EA Forums Low Skill Set / Sophistication / Cleverness Low High

  8. “I divide the entire set of Fortune 2,000 firms into two categories… …those that know they’ve been compromised and those that don’t know it yet.” Dmitri Alperovitch Vice President, Threat Research McAfee

  9. Proactive Protection:Content, Transactions, UptimeKeep bad things from happening.

  10. Proactive Protection:Content, Transactions, UptimeKeep bad things from happening. Reactive Protection:Logging, Forensics, Tracking Know if happening, what exactly happened, and how.

  11. Security is a Business Issue.

  12. Put Security into a Business Context throughRiskManagement

  13. Risk Management Business Value Business Risk Impact Probability Cost Impact Probability Cost = Informed Business Decision

  14. Modeling an alternative DVD distribution model R5 = 3.0 Million Downloads (49%) US Retail DVD = 0.7M Downloads (12%) Russian DVD US Retail DVD Cams US Retail DVD Russian DVD Cams Estimated Loss to Piracy (unrealized revenue to Top 10 Mature Markets) Estimated Russia 52 Wk HE Revenue: $1.05M Estimated Net Result: Loss of $5.85M R5 Differential = R5 Impact Total ALL Piracy: $38.9M (incl R5) Piracy without R5: $32.0M R5 Only: $6.9M Lower-Quality Cam, Better cam, US Retail Compromise wk 10 of Theatrical Piracy impacts calculated to TOP 10 Mature Markets using the “Disney-developed Piracy Impact Model”, which has been freely shared with other studios.

  15. Have the right people at the table.

  16. Cheaper Higher Quality More Secure + Revolutionary Security Models + Revolutionary Business Models

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