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Dr Niall Ó Dochartaigh Conflict , Rights and Security Research Cluster National University of Ireland Galway. Topic: BES 12 – 2014: Enhancing the civilian conflict prevention and peace building capabilities of the EU Role: partner.
DrNiall Ó DochartaighConflict, Rights and Security Research ClusterNational University of Ireland Galway Topic: BES 12 – 2014: Enhancing the civilian conflict prevention and peace building capabilities of the EU Role: partner
Proposed contribution: Technologies of mediation and human rights • Assessing current use of new technologies to support mediation and human rights protection in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuildingmissions • Assessing the need for additional innovative technologies • Setting out a medium–term agenda for research on new technologies for conflict prevention
Conflict Rights and Security Research Cluster Profile • Nine academic staff from Political Science, Law, Human Rights, Sociology, Geography, Psychology, Anthropology • A Cluster of the Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change
More information • niallodoc@gmail.com or • niall.odochartaigh@nuigalway.ie • www.nuigalway.ie/cisc/Clusters/clustercrs.html • niallodoc.wordpress.com