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Background: Three rounds of surveys sent out; 25% of the Lab polled each time

Safety Culture Survey Results (Feb 2013) –Info. Background: Three rounds of surveys sent out; 25% of the Lab polled each time Agree / Strongly Agree responses are consistent, however: Supervisor questions went up favorably in Feb 2013.

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Background: Three rounds of surveys sent out; 25% of the Lab polled each time

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  1. Safety Culture Survey Results (Feb 2013) –Info • Background: • Three rounds of surveys sent out; 25% of the Lab polled each time • Agree / Strongly Agree responses are consistent, however: • Supervisor questions went up favorably in Feb 2013

  2. Safety Culture Survey Combined Results (Aug/Nov 2012, Feb 2013) Agree / Strongly Agree Combined Results

  3. Comments • 5. The Lab adapts quickly and learns from errors • Note response #2- lessons lose their teeth • ES&H agrees; new goal is to communicate events & initial LL’s in 2 days • Safe work procedures are fairly and consistently enforced • - Note response #2- this is consistent with previous comments

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