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Creeati fisierul s.jsp care contine: Va saluta <I><%= request.getParameter("nume") %></I> Depuneti-l in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/s.jsp?nume=Boian+Florian Porniti Tomcat si lansati: http://localhost:8080/s.jsp . Efectul:. Ce este JSP? Un prim exemplu: s.jsp.
Creeati fisierul s.jsp care contine: Va saluta <I><%= request.getParameter("nume") %></I> Depuneti-l in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/s.jsp?nume=Boian+Florian Porniti Tomcat si lansati: http://localhost:8080/s.jsp . Efectul: Ce este JSP? Un prim exemplu: s.jsp In:$CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/_/org/apache/jsp/s_jsp.java Este textul sursa al unui servlet, care are partea esentiala: out.write("Va saluta <I>"); out.print( request.getParameter("nume") );out.write("</I>"); F. Boian, JSP
Exemplul 2: 5numere.jsp <html><head><title>Cinci numere aleatoare</title></head> <body><h3>Cinci numere aleatoare, mereu altele:</h3> <ol> <% java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { %> <li><%=r.nextInt()%> <% } %> </ol> </body></html> F. Boian, JSP
Efect 5numere.jsp F. Boian, JSP
Exemplul 3: alfabetCircular.jsp <html> <head> <title>Alfabetul cu JSP</title> </head> <body> <!-- Fixarea informaţiilor globale din pagina --> <%@ page language = "java" %> <!-- Declara o variabila caracter --> <%! char c = 0; %> <!—Scriptulet cu cod Java --> <% for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) { // Expune o litera mare a alfabetului c = (char) (0x41+(26-i+j)%26); %> <!—Scoate c.toString() in pagina HTML --> <%= c %> <% } %> <br> <% } %> </body> </html> F. Boian, JSP
Efect alfabetCircular.jsp F. Boian, JSP
Principalele taguri si obiecte JSP • <%= expression %> • <% excerptCode %> • <%! declaration %> • <%@ page atrib=“val” %> • <%@ include file=“url” %> • <jsp:include page=“...” /> • <jsp:forward page=“...” /> • <jsp:useBean atrib=“val”/> • <jsp:setProperty .../> • <jsp:getProperty .../> • <%@ taglib uri=“tagName” ... %> • <%-- ... --%> • request • response • out • session • application • page • config • pageContext • exception Detalii in JSP20Card.pdf F. Boian, JSP
Expresii Evaluată în faza de execuţie, în momentul cererii paginii. După evaluare rezultatul este convertit la String şi depus în ieşire. Exemple: Timpul curent la server este: <%= new java.util.Date() %> Clientul este: <%= request.getRemoteHost() %> F. Boian, JSP
JSP: <% if (Math.random() < 0.5) { %> Ai dat un zar <b>slab!</b> <% } else { %> Ai dat un zar <b>bun</b>(sau destul de bun). <% } %> Fragmente de cod Cod java in servletul generat: if (Math.random() < 0.5) { out.println(“Ai dat un zar <b>slab!</b>“); } else { out.println(“Ai dat un zar <b>bun</b>(sau destul de bun)”); } F. Boian, JSP
Max.html si max.jsp <html><head><title>Maximul a doua numere</title></head><body> <form method="post" action="max.jsp"> <p>Primul numar:<input type="text" name="unu"> <p>Al doilea:<input type="text" name="doi"> <p><input type=submit value= "Maxim"> </form></body></html> <html><head><title>Maximul a doua numere</title></head><body> <% int n1 = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("unu")); int n2 = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("doi")); %> <CENTER><H1>Maxim(<%=n1%>,<%=n2%>)= <%=(n1>n2)?n1:n2%></H1></CENTER> </body></html> F. Boian, JSP
<html><head><title>Maximul a doua numere</title></head><body> <form method="post" action="maxim.jsp"> <p>Primul numar:<input type="text" name="unu"> <p>Al doilea:<input type="text" name="doi"> <p><input type=submit value= "Maxim"> </form> <% String s1 = request.getParameter("unu"); String s2 = request.getParameter("doi"); if ((s1!=null)&&(s2!=null)) { int n1 = Integer.parseInt(s1); int n2 = Integer.parseInt(s2); %> <CENTER><H1>Maxim(<%=n1%>,<%=n2%>)= <%=(n1>n2)?n1:n2%></H1></CENTER> <%}%> </body></html> maxim.jsp – dublu rol F. Boian, JSP
Directiva page • import="package.class" sau import="package.class1,...,package.classn“ <%@ page import="java.util.*,java.sql.*" %> • contentType="mimeType" sau contentType="mimeType; charset=characterSet" <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %> • isThreadSafe="true|false" • session="true|false" • buffer="sizekb|none"<%@ page buffer="8kb" %> • autoFlush="true|false" • extends="package.class" • info="mesaj“Se defineşte mesajul ce va fi returnat prin intermediul getServletInfo(). • errorPage="urlFisier" • isErrorPage="true|false" • language="java" F. Boian, JSP
principal.jsp : <html><head><title>Test include</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"><font color="blue"> Data si ora curenta este: <%@ include file="data.jsp" %> </font></body></html> data.jsp : <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%= (new Date()).toLocaleString() %> include F. Boian, JSP
principal.jsp : <html><head><title>Test include</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"><font color="blue"> Data si ora curenta este: <jsp:forward page="data.jsp" /> </font></body></html> data.jsp : <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%= (new Date()).toLocaleString() %> forward F. Boian, JSP
<jsp:useBean id="numeInstanta" scope="page|request|session|application" class="package1.class1" type="package2.class2" /> Folosire bean-uri <jsp:getProperty name="numeInstantaBean" property="numeProprietate" /> <jsp:setProperty name="numeInstantaBean" { property="numeProprietate" value="string" | property="numeProprietate" value="<%= expresie %>" | property="*" | property="numeProprietate" | property="numeProprietate" param="numeParametru" | } /> F. Boian, JSP
<html><head><title>Test usebean</title></head><body> <jsp:useBean id="st" class="stud.Student" /> <jsp:setProperty name="st" property=“code" value=“AB5" /> <%st.setStipend(900000); %> Stipend, solution 1: <%=st.getStipend()%>. Stipend, solution 2: <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="stipend" />. Code: <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="code" />. </body></html> Exemplu de bean package stud; public class Student { private String code = ""; private int stipend= 0; public Student() {} public String getCode() {return code;} public int getStipend() {return stipend;} public void setCode(String code) {this.code = code;} public void setStipend(int stipend) { this.stipend = stipend;}} $CATALINA_HOME/$CONTEXT/test.jsp $CATALINA_HOME/$CONTEXT/classes/ stud.Student.class F. Boian, JSP
Acces la baze de date:citirea notelor de catre un student F. Boian, JSP
NoteStudent.jsp (1) <html><head><title>Student</title></head><body> <%! String resMaterii="", resNote="", resStudent="", resParola="", student, parola; %> <jsp:useBean id="adb" class="db.NoteAccessDB" /> <% if (request.getParameter("buton") != null) {// Cererea vine de la acest fisier jsp student = request.getParameter("student"); parola = request.getParameter("parola"); if (!db.AuthFTP.isFTPUser("localhost", student, parola)) { resStudent = "ERR: student,parola"; }// Eroare de autentificare else { // Citire materii-note student = adb.getMaterieNota(request.getParameter("student")); resMaterii = student.substring(0, student.indexOf("\t")); resNote = student.substring(student.indexOf("\t")+1); resStudent = "OK citire"; resParola = ""; }// Terminat citire materii-note }//Terminat cererea din prezentul jsp %> F. Boian, JSP
<form method="post" action="NoteStudent.jsp"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><center>Materie</center></td> <td><center>Nota</center></td> </tr><tr> <td><textarea name="materii" rows="10" cols="10"><%=resMaterii%></textarea></td> <td><textarea name="note" rows="10" cols="10"><%=resNote%></textarea></td> </tr><tr> <td align="right">Student:</td> <td><input type="text" name="student" size="13" value="<%=resStudent%>"></td> </tr><tr> <td align="right">Parola:</td> <td><input type="password" name="parola" size="13" value="<%=resParola%>"></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type="submit" name="buton" value="Citeste"></td> <td></td> </tr> </table></form></body></html> NoteStudent.jsp (2) F. Boian, JSP
package db; - - - public class NoteAccessDB { - - - public NoteAccessDB() throws - - - { - - - } public boolean isMaterieProfesor(String materie, String profesor) throws - - - { - - - } public String getMaterieNota(String student) throws - - - { - - } public String getStudentNota(String materie) throws - - - { - - - } public void setStudentNota(String studentnota) throws - - - { - - - } } NoteAccessDB.java F. Boian, JSP
JSP: Expression Language Declarare variabile: <%@ variable name-given=“nume” variabile-class=“java.lang.Stri|altaClasa”%> Evaluare: ${nume} Evitarea evaluarii: \${nume} • Variante getProperty: • <jsp:getProperty name=“numeInstanta” property=“numeProprietate” /> • <% - - - numeInstanta.getNumeProprietate() - - -%> • <jsp: - - - numeInstanta.getNumeProprietate() - - • ${numeInstanta.numeProprietate} • Expresii de constante si variabile: • Aritmetice: + - * / div % mod ?: ( ) Exemplu: ${10 % 4} afiseaza 2 • Comparatii < lt > gt <= le >= ge == eq != ne) Exemplu: ${4 le 3} afiseaza false F. Boian, JSP
JSP Expression Language obiecte implicite • pageContext • Obiecte java.util.Map (nume,obiect): • pageScope • requestScope • sessionScope • applicationScope • param – parametrii cererii • Header – antetul cererii • initParam - parametrii de initializare • cookie F. Boian, JSP
<html><head><titleEL</title></head><body> <form action="elObjects.jsp" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="ceva" > <input type="submit"></form><table> <thead><td><b>ELexpression</b></td><td><b>Result</b></td></thead> <tr><td>\${param.ceva}</td><td>${param.ceva}</td></tr> <tr><td>\${param["ceva"]}</td><td>${param["ceva"]}</td></tr> <tr><td>\${header["host"]}</td><td>${header["host"]}</td></tr> <tr><td>\${header["accept"]}</td><td>${header["accept"]}</td></tr> </table> </body> </html> JSP EL exemple F. Boian, JSP
<html> <title> Plugin example </title> <body bgcolor="white"> <h3> Current time is : </h3> <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="Clock2.class" codebase="applet" width="160" height="150" > <jsp:fallback> Plugin tag OBJECT or EMBED not supported by browser. </jsp:fallback> </jsp:plugin> <p><h4> <font color=red> The above applet is loaded using the Java Plugin from a jsp page using the plugin tag. </font></h4> </body> </html> Utilizare plugin pentru applet F. Boian, JSP
Efectul plugin (Internet Explorer) F. Boian, JSP