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P lanning for Children & Birth Control

P lanning for Children & Birth Control. Elisa H. McNeill, M.S. Lecturer Dept. Health Education Texas A&M University. Chapter Highlights. Questions to consider when deciding whether to have children. Determining how when and how many children to have. Methods of prevention Birth control

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P lanning for Children & Birth Control

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  1. Planning for Children & Birth Control Elisa H. McNeill, M.S. Lecturer Dept. Health Education Texas A&M University

  2. Chapter Highlights • Questions to consider when deciding whether to have children. • Determining how when and how many children to have. • Methods of prevention • Birth control • Sterilization • Contraceptive choice

  3. Calvin & Hobbs

  4. TO HAVE Experience/pleasure Heritage Status Competence Personal responsibility Moral worth NOT TO HAVE Time Freedom Other children Difficulty Fear of Failure/Danger Irrevocable decision Strain on resources Financial Environmental Overpopulation To Have or Not to Have Children?

  5. How might parenting at a particular time in one’s life effect: partners relationship? educational goals? future goals? When to have children?

  6. How many children to have?

  7. Methods of Pregnancy Prevention • Methods of pregnancy prevention are divided into six key areas • Continuous Abstinence • Hormonal • Barriers • Natural Family Planning • Sterilization • Emergency contraception

  8. The “Pill” “Mini-pill” NuvaRing Ortho Erva (trans-dermal patch Injections Depo-Provera Lunnelle Implants Norplant Jadelle Hormonal Methods

  9. Hormonal Methods • This site allows you to feel the flexibility of the NuvaRing™ • http://www.nuvaring.com/Consumer/index.asp?SetSession=Yes&strGUID={19F63EF8-9991-4EDF-BFDB-33B49A6140EE}&SID=335394047

  10. Barrier Methods Male condom Female condom Cervical cap

  11. Sterilization Methods • Non-surgical Sterilization • Essure™-permanent birth control system • Female Sterilizaton • Tubal Ligation • Male Sterilization • Vasectomy

  12. Natural Family Planning • Basal Body Temperature Method • Cervical Mucus Method • Calendar Method • Post Ovulation Method • Combined Sumpto-Thermal Method

  13. Emergency Contraception • Morning After Pill • Copper T IUD

  14. Non-methods of pregnancy prevention • Coitus interruptus (withdrawl) • Douching

  15. Which contraceptive method is right for your and your partner? • I like sexual spontaneity and do not want to be bothered with contraception at the time of sexual intercourse? • I need a contraceptive immediately. • It is very important that I do not become pregnant now. • I want a contraceptive method that will protect me and my partner against sexually transmitted infections. • I prefer a contraceptive method that requires the cooperation and involvement of both partners. • I have sexual intercourse frequently. • I have sexual intercourse infrequently. I am forgetful or have a variable daily routine.

  16. Which contraceptive method is right for your and your partner? • I am forgetful or have a variable daily routine. • I .have more than one sexual partner. • I have heavy periods with cramps. • I prefer a method that requires little or no action or bother on my part. • I am a nursing mother • I want the option of conceiving immediately after discontinuing contraception. • I want a contraceptive method with few or no side effects.

  17. Which contraceptive method is right for your and your partner? 1,3,6,10,11……………....Oral Contraceptives 1,3,6,8,10,11…………….Jadelle 1,3,6,8,10,11,12…………Deop-Provera™, Lunnelle™ orNuvaRing™ 1,3,6,8,11,12,13…………IUD or IUS 2,4,5,7,8,9,12,13,14……...Condoms (♀& ♂) 5,7,12,13,14……………..Diaphragm or Spermicide 5,7,12,13,14……………..Cervical Cap 2,5,7,8,12,13,14…………Vaginal Spermicides or Sponge(when available) 5,7,13,14………………...Natural Family Planning

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