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EU and urban mobility

The European Commission addresses urban mobility issues like congestion, emissions, and accidents in passenger cars. Explore the EU's policies, funding programs, and plans for sustainable urban transportation. Learn about initiatives, directives, and funding sources supporting clean urban mobility and infrastructure for alternative fuels. Discover how EU funding programs support cities in developing sustainable urban mobility plans for the future. Stay informed about the latest funding opportunities and guidelines for implementing urban transport projects.

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EU and urban mobility

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  1. EU and urban mobility Isabelle Maës European Commission

  2. 1. The starting point … Passenger cars running on fossil fuels … • Congestion • CO2 emissions (23% from transport) • Poor air quality (NOx, PM emissions) • Accidents and fatalities (approx. 11,000 per year)

  3. 2. What the EU does • Transport a shared responsibility – subsidiarity principle • But local authorities should not be left alone • A long tradition of EU support: 2.1 Policy framework 2.2 Funding for implementation 2.3 Funding for research and innovation 2.4 Facilitating the exchange of experience and best practice 2.5 Awareness-raising

  4. 2.1 Policy framework 2.1.1 Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2009) – implemented 2.1.2. Transport White Paper (2011) – being reviewed • Halve the use of conventional (fossil fuel) vehicles in urban areas by 2030, phase them out by 2050 • Achieve CO2-free city logistics in major urbancenters by 2030 2.1.3. Urban Mobility Package (Dec 2013) – published Based on: • Review of Action Plan • Public consultation & Stakeholders consultations • Impact Assessment • Eurobarometerstudy

  5. 2.1.4 Clean Power for Transport Package 2.1 Policy framework Jan 2013 - strategy for the long term substitution of oil in all transport modes  sustainability & competitiveness Directive 2014/94 on the deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels, with common standards and consumer information – adopted Oct 2014 Now time for implementation! • MS preparingNational Policy Frameworks by Nov 2016 • Commission will support implementation • TEN-T urban nodes are areas of predilection to start deployment

  6. 2.1 Policy framework 2.1.5 Clean Public Procurement • Directive 2009/33 mandates procurers to takeintoaccountlifetime impacts such as energy consumption, CO2 emissions and pollutant emissions (NOx, NMHC, PM) when procuring road transport vehicles. This can be done as technical specifications or as award criteria, including an option to use a harmonized methodology for the monetization of these impacts • This legislationiscurrentlyunderevaluation. Stakeholders are invited to activelytake part in thisprocess and participate in the stakeholder workshop on 17 April in Brussels

  7. 2.1.3 The Urban Mobility Packageec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/ump_en.htm Calls for action from the Member States Reinforced EU support Exchange of experience and best practice Funding for implementation Funding for research & innovation (Horizon 2020) Further help for cities to develop SUMPs Recommendations for coordinated action in: Urban logistics, Urban access regulations, ITS deployment in urban areas, Urban road safety

  8. 2.2 Funding for implementation • European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund) • 7,9 billion Euros for urban mobility over 2007-2013 • 11,2 billion Euros planned for urban mobility over 2014-2020 (+40%) • Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funds for TEN-T projects (Trans-European Transport Network) • Specific provisions for "urban nodes" i.e. cities on the network • €26 billion in total for 2014-20 vs. €8 billion for 2007-13 • Call 2014 is closing; call 2015 to be published in May

  9. 2.2 Funding for implementation • European Investment Bank • Direct loans for large-scale projects (> 25 million Euros) • Intermediated loans for small and medium-scale projects, via national and regional intermediary banks • ELENA programme: grants for energy efficiency and sustainable urban mobility projects • JASPERS programme: assistance to prepare projects in the new Member States • European Energy Efficiency Fund: • investment fund focusing on energy efficiency, small-scale renewable energy, and clean urban transport projects • targeting municipal, local and regional authorities and public and private entities acting on behalf of those authorities

  10. 2.2 Funding for implementation • INTERREG programme, for regional sustainable development projects • One of four themes is low-carbon economy • URBACT III programme, for exchanges and learnings • First call to be published in 2015 • Initiative "Innovative actions in sustainable urban development", for demonstration projects • First call will be published in 2015 • LIFE programme, for environmental projects • 2014-2017 work programme includes a Thematic priority on "Air quality and emissions, including the urban environment"

  11. 2.2 Funding for implementation - For more information: • ESI Funds: • http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index_en.cfm • http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/manage/authority/authority_en.cfm • CEF funds for TEN-T projects: • http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/ • http://inea.ec.europa.eu/en/cef/cef.htm • http://inea.ec.europa.eu/en/cef/cef_transport/apply_for_funding/cef_transport_call_for_proposals_2014.htm • EIB: • http://http://www.eib.org/index.htm • http://www.eib.org/infocentre/publications/all/eib-transport-lending-policy.htm • http://www.eib.org/products/elena/index.htm • http://www.eib.org/products/jaspers/ • http://www.eeef.eu/home.html • INTERREG: http://www.interreg4c.eu/interreg-europe • URBACT III: http://www.urbact.eu • LIFE: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/about/

  12. 2.3 Funding for research and innovation • Horizon 2020: • Mobility for Growth - Urban (= CIVITAS 2020): 100 M€ for 2014/2015 • Mobility for Growth – Infrastructure: 35 M€ for 2014/2015 • Green Vehicles: 160 M€ for 2014/2015 • Calls for 2015 are published • Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

  13. CIVITAS initiative • Up until now: city-led demonstration activities • Some 60 cities have benefited from EU co-funding for testing some 700 urban mobility measures

  14. CIVITAS initiative – How to get involved? • Submit a proposal under Horizon 2020 • Join the Civitas Forum network of cities (free) • Over 220 member cities • Join a thematic group (free) • In 10 specific areas (e.g. clean fuels, mobility management etc.) • Apply to the activity fund • Supports take-up activities (3rd call coming up in March 2015) • Join a regional network 'CIVINET' • Spain+Portugal, French-speaking, Italy, UK+Ireland, Netherlands+Flanders, Slovenia+Croatia, German-speaking, Hungary, Czech Republic+Slovakia, Poland

  15. Horizon 2020 - Mobility for GrowthMG5 Urban – 2015 Topics MG 5.4 Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities • SUMPs, business models • Deadlines: 23/04/2015 stage 1 – 15/10/2015 stage 2 MG 5.5a Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility • City-led consortia • Projects similar to the current CIVITAS 2MOVE2 and DYNAMO projects, including work on SUMPs in the involved cities, with in addition some cooperation with China • Deadlines: 23/04/2015 stage 1 – 15/10/2015 stage 2 MG 5.5b Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility • Support to the demonstration project and the overall initiative. • Project similar to the current CIVITAS WIKI and CAPITAL projects • Deadline: 15/10/2015

  16. 2.3 Funding for research and innovation – For more information: • Horizon 2020 programme: http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020 • Call 5.4: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2702-mg-5.4-2015.html • Call 5.5a: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2703-mg-5.5a-2015.html#tab1 • Call 5.5b: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2649-mg-5.5b-2015.html • Submitting a question about a call: http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=enquiries • Horizon 2020 participant portal: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html • View the rules for participation • find potential partners • CIVITAS website: http://www.civitas.eu • Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking: http://www.fch-ju.eu

  17. 2.4 Exchange of experience and best practice • Urban Mobility Portal Eltis: http://www.eltis.org • Facilitates exchange of information, knowledge and experiences • Aimed at individuals working in transport and related disciplines • With a dedicated section about SUMPs

  18. 2.4 Exchange of experience and best practice • Clean Vehicles Portal: http://www.cleanvehicle.eu/ • Detailed and comparable data on vehicles available on the market and life-cycle costs • Aims at supporting public institutions procuring vehicles • Based on the Clean Vehicle Directive which, for public procurement

  19. 2.4 Exchange of experience and best practice • Member States Expert Group on Urban Mobility: • Each Member State apointed a representative, often a member of its Ministry of Transport • Met for the first time in Oct 2014; meets twice per year • Objective: help and incentivise Member States to give more and more effective support to their local authorities in making their mobility more sustainable • List of members, agendas and minutes: http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regexpert/index.cfm?do=groupDetail.groupDetail&groupID=3165

  20. 2.5 Awareness-raising • European Mobility Week in September • http://www.mobilityweek.eu/ • Some 2000 local partnerships registered every year, many more cities active • Specific advertising campaign in some EU countries to promote multi-modality • EU-award schemes with press communication • Civitas Award • Mobility Week Award • SUMP Award

  21. EU support to transport in the Baltic States Isabelle Maës European Commission

  22. European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) • The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) aims at reinforcing cooperation within this large region in order to face several challenges by working together • => see http://www.balticsea-region-strategy.eu/ • The EU Baltic Sea region counts 85 million inhabitants (17 percent of EU population) and eight countries (Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) • The Strategy was approved by the European Council in 2009 following a Communication from the European Commission • It provides an integrated framework for improving the environmental condition of the sea, transport bottlenecks and energy interconnections as well as facilitating the development of competitive markets across borders and common networks for research and innovation

  23. European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) • The Strategy aims at bringing together initiatives in different sectors (growth, sustainable development etc.) as well as promoting cooperation between stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region • The Strategy is divided into three objectives which represent the three key challenges of the Strategy: saving the sea, connecting the region and increasing prosperity. Each objective relates to a wide range of policies and has an impact on the other objectives • The Strategy also includes Horizontal Actions which function in parallel with the three objectives

  24. European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) • In the Baltic Sea region, transport is particularly important as the distances – internally, to the rest of Europe and to the wider world – are great and the conditions for traffic are often difficult (forests, lakes, snow and ice in the winter, etc.). • As the region is made up of many relatively small countries, national actions are not enough, and even bi-lateral cooperation does not provide the necessary solutions. Wider regional cooperation is needed to overcome the transport bottlenecks • Moreover, the Baltic Sea is a sensitive ecosystem, and this makes environmental issues important when developing transport infrastructures. • The main challenge regarding transport development in the Baltic Sea region is to reduce its remoteness by improving links within the region and to the rest of the EU

  25. The INTERREG programme • The INTERREG programme, financed by the European regional Development Fund, supports a number of projects in the Baltic States • Ex 1: "Investing and testing biogas buses", 2007-2013: use of biogas for city buses. The project partners did pre-investment analysis, defined specifications and requirements and invested in hybrid biogas and electric buses and a biogas upgrading facility see www.balticbiogasbus.eu • Ex 2: "BSR TransGovernance", 2007-2013: demonstration of multi-governance models, tools and approaches for a better alignment of transport policies in the region • Ex 3: "Baltic sea cooperation for reducing ship and port emissions", 2007-2013: minimize ship-based air pollution while optimizing the competitiveness of the maritime industry

  26. The INTERREG programme • Ex 4: "The Rail Baltic Growth Corridor project": • The RBGC project tried to link the public transport system databases of the project partners by using the EU standard "EU-Spirit Network". See www.rbgc.eu • The RBGC project also built an informaiton tool to support public transport-based tourism. A Mobility Guide provides information about arrival to the Baltic States but also public transport within main cities and on an interregional basis. See http://www.iu-info.de/fileadmin/user_upload/07_Download/RBGC/Mguide.html

  27. Thank you for your attention!Contact:Isabelle MaësEuropean Commission - DG MOVE.C.1Isabelle.Maes@ec.europa.eu

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