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GCSE 2009- Delivering the new specification in September 2009 Unit 11. Religious Studies. Aim of Event. During the course of this inset delegates will: understand the assessment implications of the new specification be taken through the impact of the changes to the new specification
GCSE 2009- Delivering the new specification in September 2009Unit 11 Religious Studies
Aim of Event During the course of this inset delegates will: • understand the assessment implications of the new specification • be taken through the impact of the changes to the new specification • have the opportunity to think about delivery strategies applicable to the new specification • learn about the total package and how it will help you achieve better results
First some general information about the way the exam paper works. • How it is laid out • Which skills/objectives the different questions assess
Unit 11New specification • No coursework – all topics are now examined • Assessed by one examination of 1 hour 30mins. • Content • Mosque and Sufism become part of section 2 • Influence of Muslims sects in British mosques in section 2 • AND • Emphasis on how religious beliefs affect the lives of believers.
The assessment implications of the new specificationThe specification which can be examined for the first time in 2010 has new assessment objectives. GCSE RS now has to assess 50% of AO1 and 50% of AO2.This means:AO1 = Describe, explain and analyse using knowledge and understandingAO2 = Use evidence and reasoned argument to express and evaluate personal responses, informed insights and differing viewpoints
Which questions are aimed at the different assessment objectives? • AO1 – Will be assessed in the a) and c) questions • AO2 – Will be assessed in the b and d) questions
Changes to the ways marks are awarded a) Questions (these have not changed from the old specification) e.g. What is creativity? These questions are based on the Keywords Glossary which is Appendix 4 in the specification The keywords themselves have changed make sure you are teaching the new words
Usually they take one of two forms Either asking for a definition of the word OR asking for an example of the word 2 marks are available. 1 mark is awarded for a partially correct answer 2 for a fully correct answer
The keyword definition is: The action of creating the universe by Allah A similar answer which would gain two marks would be: Allah making the world A partially correct answer which would gain 1 mark would be: Making the world.
Things to think about • Have you any questions about the (a) questions? • Have you thought about the best way to teach these?
b) Questions (changed from the old specification) These questions now assess AO2 not AO1 so they are asking for evaluation of issues, beliefs and teachings Candidates must ensure that they indicate that their personal view and to gain maximum marks they must develop two reasons for holding this view
The b questions ask candidates to provide 2 reasons for their own point of view. e.g. ‘Do you think mosques are important for the Muslim community?’ Give two reasons for your opinion. This view can be: two reasons agreeing with the statement two reasons disagreeing with the statement or if the candidate states they are unsure they can give two opposing reasons.
b) Marking 1 mark awarded for a personal response with a brief reason 2 marks awarded for EITHER a personal response with two brief reasons OR a personal response with one developed reason 3 marks awarded for a personal response with two reasons one of which is developed 4 marks awarded for personal response with two developed reasons
1 mark would be awarded for: a personal response with a brief reason I think they are as they are a centre for prayer
2 marks would be awarded for: EITHER a personal response with two brief reasons I think they are as they are where Muslims can meet to learn about Islam as well as a centre for prayer OR a personal response with one developed reason I think they as they are a centre for prayer where all Muslims can unite as brothers and sisters to worship Allah which strengthens the ummah.
3 marks awarded for : a personal response with two reasons one of which is developed I think they are as they are a centre for prayer where all Muslims can unite as brothers and sisters and mosques are also a centre for the teaching of Islam
4 marks awarded for a personal response with two developed reasons I think they are as they are a centre for prayer where all Muslims can unite as brothers and sisters which strengthens the ummah and Mosques are also a centre for the teaching of Islam where all Muslims can go to learn Arabic and read the Qur’an
Have you any questions about the (b) questions? • Were you aware that if candidates did not give a personal indication of response they would get no marks? • Have you thought about the best way to teach these?
c) Questions - mostly unchanged from the old specification The format of these questions as far as students are concerned is, on the whole, unchanged, however the way that marks are awarded has changed. Marks will be awarded singly i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (rather than in pairs 2,4,6,8)
In this sub-question marks will be awarded for Quality of Written Communication (QWC) This means students must try to answer the c) questions in clear English: spelling words correctly, using sentences and paragraphs making use of specialist vocabulary
In c sub-questions the level will be awarded according to the Religious Studies content, the mark within the level will then be decided by the QWC The levels are essentially Level 1 – Little understanding of the issue Level 2 - Basic understanding of the issue Level 3 – A more developed understanding of the issue Level 4 – A clear understanding of the issue c) Levels and marking
e.g. Explain why the ummah is important for Muslims Level 1 – little understanding of the issue shown Umah is good its about being togeter This would get Level 1 because it is one brief reason and because the spelling is not good it would get 1 out the 2 available marks
Level 2 – basic understanding of the issue shown Umah is good its about being togeter its good because makes muslims feel safe and close to each other This would get Level 2 because it is one developed reason which means it can be given either 3 or 4 marks because the spelling and punctuation is not good it would get 3 rather than 4 marks
Level 3 – A more developed understanding of the issue The ummah is important because it includes people from all races and cultures It reminds Muslims of the needs of other Muslims so they can help them. The ummah reflects the idea of the oneness and unity of Allah which is important in Islam This would get Level 3 because it is three brief reasons which means it can be given either 5 or 6 marks. The spelling and punctuation is good so it would get 6 rather than 5 marks
Level 4 – A clear understanding of the issue The ummah is one of the most important ideas in Islam because it reflects the oneness of Allah. The ummah is the worldwide brotherhood of Islam and is made up of all races and cultures. It reminds Muslims of the needs of other Muslims so they can help them because Muhammad said the ummah is like a building all joined together and supporting each other This would get Level 4 because it is three reasons with one explained which means it can be given either 7 or 8 marks. Spelling and punctuation is good so 8 rather than 7 marks
Have you any questions about the (c) questions? Were you aware that quality of written communication would be marked in this question? Have you thought about the best way to teach these?
d) Questions some minor changes These sub-questions start with a stimulus quote which is intended to be controversial and elicit arguments in favour and against the point of view stated in the quote, it does not matter which view the candidate holds about The quote. The sub-questions are now out of 6 marks, rather then 4 as in the old specification This reflects the increased weighting on AO2
The d) sub-question is now divided into two parts to help candidates focus on the stimulus. AND to ensure that the candidates are guided so that they fully answer the question. After each stimulus candidates are asked i) Do you agree give reasons for your answer ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. These are answered separately and have their own space in the answer booklet
d) Marking In d questions each sub-question will be marked completely separately. Each part (i and ii) will have 3 marks and will be marked 1 mark = a simple reason 2 marks = a developed reason OR two simple reasons 3 marks = a fully developed reason OR two developed reasons OR three simple reasons
e.g. The visit to Arafat is the most important part of hajj In your answer you should refer to Islam • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion • Explain why some people may disagree with you
Answer It is the time when Allah forgives 1 mark - a simple reason
It reminds Muslims of the Day of Judgement and is when Muslims pray for forgiveness 2 marks – 2 reasons
It is when Muslims confess their sins to Allah and believe that Allah forgives them of all their sins 2 marks = This answer takes a basic reason and develops it into a developed reason which gets 2 marks
I think standing at Arafat is most important because Muslims confess their sins and are forgiven by Allah, Muslims can go home feeling spiritually clean Muslims are then prepared for the Day of Judgement 3 marks = This answer clearly gives three simple reasons so is awarded 3 marks
In ii) Candidates must give an alternative view to the one argued in i) In the example given the i) half of the answer did not include a religious view the opposite view must include at least one religious reason or the whole answer will be limited to a maximum of 3 out of 6 marks. In the d parts it is not possible for candidates to give a ‘not sure’ response they must give alternative reasons
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