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Pitagorjev izrek

Pitagorjev izrek. c. a. b. Consumption funkcija. Regression Analysis attempts to ascertain the nature of the statistical relationship, if any, between variables. Simple Linear Regression For a Population:. Simple Linear Regression For a Population:. Simple Linear Regression

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Pitagorjev izrek

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  1. Pitagorjev izrek c a b

  2. Consumption funkcija

  3. Regression Analysis attempts to ascertain the nature of the statistical relationship, if any, between variables.

  4. Simple Linear Regression For a Population:

  5. Simple Linear Regression For a Population:

  6. Simple Linear Regression For a Sample:

  7. Simple Linear RegressionPractical Exercise An Army psychological research lab is testing retentive memory. Eleven soldiers are chosen randomly from a battalion roster. Each soldier, in isolation, studies a map for a set time ranging from one to eleven minutes. Fifteen minutes later, the soldier answers 25 questions about the map. The soldier’s score is the number of questions answered correctly. The results are shown in the table below.

  8. Study Time Test Score (X) (Y) 1 1 2 5 3 4 4 7 5 10 6 8 7 9 8 13 9 14 10 13 11 18

  9. Scatter Plot Questions Answered Correctly Study Time in Minutes

  10. Error in Regression } Error Questions Answered Correctly Study Time in Minutes

  11. Least Squares Method

  12. Regression Equation Questions Answered Correctly Study Time in Minutes

  13. This Test Statistic will follow the t-distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom.

  14. Data into Minitab Time Score 1 1 2 5 3 4 4 7 5 10 6 8 7 9 8 13 9 14 10 13 11 18 Study.MTW

  15. Regression Analysis The regression equation is Score = 0.655 + 1.44 Time Predictor Coef StDev T p Constant 0.6545 0.9933 0.66 0.526 Time 1.4364 0.1465 9.81 0.000 S = 1.536 R-Sq = 91.4% R-Sq(adj) = 90.5%

  16. Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F p Regression 1 226.95 226.95 96.18 0.000 ERROR 9 21.24 2.36 TOTAL 10 248.18 Minitab output (Study.MTW)

  17. A (1-a)% Confidence Interval on b1

  18. slope = 1.77 slope = 1.44 slope = 1.11

  19. The equation may be used to predict: 1. the mean response E{Yh} or 2. a new observation Yh(new)

  20. A (1-a)% Confidence Interval for E{Yh}

  21. A (1-a)% Prediction Interval for Yh(new)

  22. Predicted Values Fit StDev. Fit 10.709 0.486 95% CI 95% PI (9.610, 11.808) (7.064, 14.354)

  23. Predicted Values Fit StDev. Fit 15.018 0.747 95% CI 95% PI (13.329,16.708) (11.154,18.882)

  24. Regression Y=13 Questions Answered Correctly Study Time in Minutes

  25. Regression Y=13 Questions Answered Correctly Total deviation = Study Time in Minutes

  26. Regression Questions Answered Correctly Regression = Study Time in Minutes

  27. Regression Y=13 Error = Questions Answered Correctly Study Time in Minutes

  28. Total = Regression + Error

  29. SST = SSR + SSE

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