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William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth. 1770-1850. Born in Cumberland, England Mother died 1778, he was 8, father died when he was 13 Had affair with Annette Vallon and an illegitimate daughter. Losses and Triumphs. Married Mary Hutchinson Five children Lived with sister Dorothy

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William Wordsworth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. William Wordsworth 1770-1850 • Born in Cumberland, England • Mother died 1778, he was 8, father died when he was 13 • Had affair with Annette Vallon and an illegitimate daughter

  2. Losses and Triumphs • Married Mary Hutchinson • Five children • Lived with sister Dorothy • Lost friendship with Coleridge • Two children died • Granted honorary Doctor of Civil Law degrees

  3. Wordsworth in Despair • Named Poet Laureate • Death of third child, Dora • Stopped writing poetry • Romantic beliefs, became conservative • Died in 1850 at Rydal Mount

  4. Wordsworth’s Works • Lyrical Ballads “Tintern Abbey” • Wordsworth used “real language of men” • Definition of poetry: “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings from emotions recollected in tranquility” • An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches

  5. Works and Themes • Recurring themes in Wordsworth’s poetry: death, endurance, separation, and abandonment • The Prelude • Poems in Two Volumes • The Lake Poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey

  6. Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822 • Born near Horsham in Sussex, England • Tutored at home • Had a typical childhood • Educated at Eton College and University College at Oxford

  7. Shelley’s Exploits • Published The Necessity of Atheism (got him expelled) • Eloped with 16-year-old Harriet Westbrook • Often left wife and child • Met Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin single click speaker to hear audio clip >>>>

  8. Shelley’s Complicated Life • Left pregnant wife for 16-year-old Mary • Harriet committed suicide • Traveled to Switzerland and became friends with Byron • Claire, Mary’s stepsister pregnant with Byron’s child • Mary Shelley began working on Frankenstein

  9. Losses and Views • Son and daughter died • Wrote Adonaisupon Keats’ death • Wrote essay on radical political views • Essay on vegetarianism • Believed in rights of all living things

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