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HOURS & MAP CONTACT US VISIT US BOOK APPT Y L A Y M A N C A D I L L A BOBBYLAYMAN Make G M C - Y O U CADILLA B O B B C Any Make Model Any Model Type Any Type Year Any Year 310Vehicles SE A R C H Disclosure Disclosure Disclosure Disclosure S H O P P I N G T O O L S SHOPBYBUDGET/PRICERAN We make finding your new Cadillac or GMC in Columbus easy. Instead of trying to make a specific vehicle fit your budget, decide what you want your payment to be and shop by your price range. $ 1 5 K O R L ES$S15K TO $ 25$K2 5K AN D AUTOFINANCINGINCOLUMB Whether you're looking to lease or finance, or not sure which is best for you, we have the answers to your auto financing questions. We offer a large range of automotive financing solutions for new and used vehicles, for any creditsituation. H AS S LE FR EE F I N A N C I N G INCARROLL AUTO SERVICE You'll find the best automotive diagnostic and repair services in Carroll are at Bobby Layman Cadillac GMC. We bring the same level of expertise we have for Cadillac and GMC vehicles to cars and trucks from any manufacturer. Contact us for all your automotive maintenance, service, and repair needs inCarroll. LMEOARREN SCHEDULESEORRVDIECRE P A R T S
B C OBBYLAYMAN A D I L L A C G M C CADI D E A L LLACGM E R SDTECRSHIVTEEDU LE PeoplecomefromallovertheColumbusareatoBobbyLaymaninCarrollbecausetheyknowthey'llfindthevehicletheywantatapricethat's right. Find your perfect vehicle at Bobby Layman CadillacGMC. LEARNMOREABOUTUS NEWMODELS Make AnyMake AP PLY L IN K CADILLAC GMC SERVICE AND PARTS B A T E SPECIA $100TIRERE $100Mail-inRebate*on asetoffourtiresfromBFGoodrich, Dunlop,andGeneral Coupon Code:306 Expires 04-30-2019 when purchased with a GM or BuyPower Card®** OR $50 Mail-in Rebate* with any other form ofpayment. OfferDisclosure E M AI L PRI NT $ 2 0 0 T I R E R E B A T E $200Mail-inRebate*on a setoffourtireswhenpurchasedwith a GMorBuyPowerCard®** Coupon Code:301 Expires 04-30-2019 OR $100 Mail-In Rebate* with any other form of payment. Eligible tire brands: Bridgestone, Continental, Goodyear, Hankook, andPirelli. OfferDisclosure E M A I L P R I N T
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OfferDisclosure EM A IL PRI NT $80TIREREBATE $80Mail-inRebate*ona setoffourtiresfromUniroyal Coupon Code:312 Expires 04-30-2019 when purchased with a GM or BuyPower Card®** OR $40 Mail-in Rebate* with any other form ofpayment. OfferDisclosure E M A I L P R I N T 8 - Q U A R T O I L C H A N G E ACDelco dexos1® Full Synthetic Oil Change, Tire Rotation & Multi-Point VehicleInspection PACKA Coupon Code:212 $59.95* Expires 05-31-2019 OfferDisclosure E M AI L PRIN T M U L T I - P O I N T I N S P E C T I O N Coupon Code:19 FREE Includes inspect fluid levels; check steering, suspension, wiper blades, exhaust, undercarriage, belts and hoses. Plus tax, if applicable. Coupon valid at vehiclecheck-in. OfferDisclosure A I L P R I N PERFORMANCE EM T A C Coupon Code:8 $39.95 Expires CHECK 05-26-2019 Performance test system. Inspect system for leaks. Check drive belt condition and tension. Check hoses. Plus tax, if applicable. Not valid with other offers. Coupon valid at vehiclecheck-in. OfferDisclosure E M AIL PR INT C O O L I N G S Y S T E M R E F R E S H Coupon Code:11 10 %OFF Check for proper operation of radiator and pump. Inspect hoses, clamps and belts. Plus tax, if applicable. Not valid with other offers. Present offer at time of service. OfferDisclosure
EM A IL P R I N T T P M S R E B A T E $10 Mail-in Rebate* on a GM OE or ACDelco Professional Tire Pressure Monitoring Systemsensor Coupon Code:313 Expires 04-30-2019 Purchase and installationincluded. OfferDisclosure I N T SERVICE EMA IL P R TRAN Coupon Code:15 $20.00OFF Expires SMISSION 05-26-2019 Drain and refill the transmission/transaxle with approved fluid. Adjust linkage if necessary. Install filter and gasket. Check transmission/transaxle operation. Plus tax, if applicable. Not valid with other offers. Coupon valid at vehiclecheck-in. OfferDisclosure E MA IL P R I N T PROFESSIONAL Most ACDelco Professional Silver BatteriesInstalled SILVER BATT Coupon Code:207 $169.90* Expires 05-31-2019 OfferDisclosure E M A I L P R I N T 4-TIRE Coupon Code:242 $16.95* Expires ROTATION 05-31-2019 OfferDisclosure E M A I L P R I N T F R O N T - E N D A L I G N M E N T Coupon Code:41 $49.95 Check steering, suspension and shocks. Set toe-in, camber and caster (where applicable). Check tie-rods and ball joints. Check tire pressure and inspect tires for cuts, damage, and uneven wear. Plus tax, if applicable. Coupon valid at vehiclecheck-in. OfferDisclosure
E MAI L P RINT $250POWERTRAINREBATE $250 mail-in rebate* on an eligibleGM Genuine Parts Engine, Transmission or Transfer Case Coupon Code:317 Expires 12-31-2019 with the purchase of $300 worth of GM Genuine or ACDelco parts. Purchase and installationincluded. OfferDisclosure E M A I L P R I N T 6 - Q U A R T O I L C H A N G E ACDelco dexos1® Full Synthetic Oil Change, Tire Rotation & Multi-Point VehicleInspection PACKA Coupon Code:202 $49.95* Expires 05-31-2019 OfferDisclosure E MA IL PR I NT B A T T E R Y T E S T A N D I N S P E C T Coupon Code:9 FREE Inspect point or terminals for leaking or corrosion. Inspect cables for damage or corrosion. Inspect battery case for damage (cracks or holes in bottom). Ensure battery condition for proper mounting with hold-down assembly. Plus tax, if applicable. Present offer at time ofservice. OfferDisclosure E MA IL P RI NT ACDELCOPROFESSIONAL Most ACDelco Professional Front Brake Pads Installed, including rotorinspection. BRA Coupon Code:203 $139.95* Expires 05-31-2019 OfferDisclosure E MA IL PR IN T $140TIREREBATE $140Mail-inRebate*on a setoffourtiresfromFirestoneandMichelin Coupon Code:307 Expires 04-30-2019 when purchased with a GM or BuyPower Card®** OR $70 Mail-in Rebate* with any other form ofpayment.
OfferDisclosure E MA I L PRI N T TIREPRICEMATCH Provide uswitha betterpriceatthetimeofpurchaseandwe'llmatchit. GUARANT Coupon Code:201 Expires 12-31-2019 Findabetterpricewithin30daysofthepurchase,andwe'llrefundthedifference.*EligibleTireBrands:BFGoodrich,Bridgestone,Continental,Dunlop, Firestone, General, Goodyear, Hankook, Kelly, Michelin, Pirelli, andUniroyal. OfferDisclosure P R I N T MER(8R8REEVVIIEEWWSS) EM A I L CUSTO 4.8 5 VIEWI N NRTEOAR F E S S I O V E DY M O R E R E VI E W S V ERYPRO NAL, VEHICLE W 03/25/2019 5 Very professional, Vehicle was completed sooner than expected. GreatService!!! Charles W. SUGARGROVE ReadMore E VERYONE WAS HELPFUL AND EFF 03/15/2019 5 Everyone was helpful and efficient. Thankyou. Karrie H.NELSONVILLE ReadMore P ROMPTS ERVICE 03/11/2019 5 Promptservice Tom S. CANALWINCHESTER ReadMore A LWAYSO UTSTANDING SERVICE 03/08/2019 Always outstandingservice Preston C.MILLERSPORT Read More N I C E WORK
03/06/2019 5 Nicework Michael H.BALTIMORE ReadMore S ERVICES WERE PERFORMED AS P 03/05/2019 5 Services were performed as promised and timely and the staff was veryfriendly. Steven C. CANALWINCHESTER ReadMore G REATSE RVICE AND TOOK LESS 02/25/2019 5 great service and took less than onehour Roger H.CORNING ReadMore S TEVEIS A GENTLEMAN AND A S 02/22/2019 4 Steve is a gentleman and ascholar. Gerald C.LANCASTER ReadMore G OOD 02/20/2019 5 good Dan G.BALTIMORE ReadMore C OULDN'T ASK FOR BETTER SERV 02/19/2019 Couldn't ask for better service. They were courteous, on time, and did a goodjob. Paul T.LANCASTER Read More BOBBYLAY C O L U M B U S M A N C A D I L L A C CADILLACGMC Located in Carroll, just minutes from Circleville and Grove City, Bobby Layman is your source for Cadillac and GMC cars, trucks, SUVs. While visiting our site explore our inventory, research financingoptions, calculate payments, and request a quick quotefor that new Cadillac ATS Coupeor a low mileage Certified pre-ownedGMC Terrain. Our friendly, professional staff is ready to show you why we are Grove City’s complete auto dealership. Sitting in Carroll, OH, Bobby Layman Cadillac GMC is ready to serveyou. B O B B Y L A Y M A N C A D I L L A C G M
3733 Claypool St NW Carroll OH 43112US Sales: (740)654-9590 GE T D I R E C T I O N S HO URSOFOPERATION L E S SA MONDAY 9:00 AM -7:00 PM TUESDAY 9:00 AM -7:00 PM WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM -7:00 PM THURSDAY 9:00 AM -7:00 PM FRIDAY 9:00 AM -7:00 PM SATURDAY 9:00 AM -5:00 PM SUNDAY CLOSED SE MONDAY RVICE 7:30 AM -6:00 PM TUESDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM WEDNESDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM THURSDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM FRIDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM -1:00 PM SUNDAY CLOSED PARTS MONDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM
TUESDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM WEDNESDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM THURSDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM FRIDAY 7:30 AM -6:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM -1:00 PM SUNDAY CLOSED TFWAICTTEEBR Backto Top BOB BYLAYMANCADIL 3733 Claypool St NW Carroll OH43112 SALES DIRECTIONS INVENTORY Shop New ShopPre-Owned Showroom F I Pre-Qualify NANCE Quick Quote ABOUT Meet OurStaff US Hours &Directions PrivacyPolicy CHAT TEXT PrivacyPolicy|AdChoices