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The seminar begins with a discussion of relevant regulatory requirements, as motivation for calculating "confidence/reliability". Then, some vocabulary and basic concepts are discussed.
ContactUs:416-915-4458 Webinar On Webinar On Process Capability Analysis using Confidence/Reliability Calculations Presented By John N. Zorich Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 13:00 Hrs Hosting By Compliance Trainings Please visit us at https://compliancetrainings.com
ContactUs:416-915-4458 WeEmpower,YouComply! Process Capability Analysis using Confidence/Reliability Calculations Product Id MD1277 Category Medical Devices Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 13:00 Hrs Scheduled On Duration 90 Minutes Speaker John N. Zorich Login at https://compliancetrainings.com/siteengine/Login.aspx WebinarDescription: All manufacturing and development companies perform testing and/or inspections that involve concluding whether or not a product or lot is acceptable vs. design or QC specifications. Such test/inspections may occur during design verification/validation or during incoming or final QC. The most informative method for analyzing the data that results from such activities is the calculation of the product's or lot's "reliability" at a chosen "confidence" level (where "reliability" means "in-specification"). Such a method produces information that is more valuable than simply that the given product or lot "passed" (as is the case when "AQL Attribute Sampling Plans" are used) or a % in-specification statement without any corresponding confidence statement (as is the case with AQL Variables Sampling Plans and with Process Capability calculations). The output of a "Confidence/Reliability" calculation is a definitive statement that the given product or lot has a specific % in-specification, which conclusion we can state with a specific level of confidence (e.g., 95% confidence of 99% reliability, or 90% confident of 93% reliability").
Areas Covered in the Session : • The seminar begins with a discussion of relevant regulatory requirements, as motivation for calculating "confidence/reliability". Then, some vocabulary and basic concepts are discussed. • Next, detailed descriptions are given for how to calculate confidence/reliability for data that is either pass/fail (i.e., "attribute" data), normally-distributed measurement data, non-normally distributed measurement data that can be transformed into normality, or non-normally distributed measurement data that cannot be transformed into normality. Spreadsheets are shown as examples of how to implement the methods described in the seminar. A final discussion is provided on how to introduce the methods into a company. • All the above is captured in these bullet points: • Regulatory Requirements • Vocabulary and Concepts • Attribute Data • Normal Data • Normal Probability Plotting • Non-Normal Data that can be normalized • Reliability Plotting (for data that cannot be normalized) • Implementation Recommendations Who will Benefit • A must attend webinar for all • QA / QC Supervisors • Process Engineers • Manufacturing Enginee • QA / QC Technicians • Manufacturing Technicians • R&D Engineers
Speaker Profile: John Zorich has spent 35 years in the medical device manufacturing industry; the first 20 years were as a "regular" employee in the areas of R&D, Manufacturing, QA/QC, and Regulatory; the last 15 years were as consultant in the areas of QA/QC and Statistics. His consulting clients in the area of statistics have included numerous start-ups as well as large corporations such as Boston Scientific, Novellus, and Siemens Medical. His experience as an instructor in statistics includes having given 3-day workshop/seminars for the past several years at Ohlone College (San Jose CA), 1-day training workshops in SPC for Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute (San Jose CA) for several years, several 3-day courses for ASQ Biomedical, numerous seminars at ASQ meetings and conferences, and half-day seminars for numerous private clients. He creates and sells formally-validated statistical application spreadsheets that have been purchased by more than 75 companies, world-wide.
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