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Impact of Universal Vaccination of Children on Community Influenza a Mathematical Model. Ira M. Longini, Jr. M. Elizabeth Halloran Azhar Nizam Department of Biostatistics Emory University Support: NIAID, NIGMS (MIDAS), CDC. This Talk. Universal vaccination of children School children
Impact of Universal Vaccination of Children on Community Influenza a Mathematical Model Ira M. Longini, Jr. M. Elizabeth Halloran Azhar Nizam Department of Biostatistics Emory University Support: NIAID, NIGMS (MIDAS), CDC
This Talk Universal vaccination of children • School children • Preschool children • High risk • Optimal distribution for limited vaccine stocks
Vaccine Efficacy Used in the Model: Live and Killed Vaccines • Vaccination before outbreaks Vaccine efficacy • VES = 0.70 – 0.90 (age < 65) • VES = 0.50 (age ≥ 65) • VEI = 0.80
Current Model • Basic subpopulations of 2,000 people • All 281 million people in US • Census track level • On average 4,000 people per census track • Influenza natural history
Social Structure* • Hierarchy of clusters • Households • Clusters of Households • Preschool playgroups • Schools • Workplaces • Social Setting • Long range travel *Longini, et al. Science, 309, 1083-1087 (2005).
Estimation and Calibration • Illness attack rates estimated using data from published literature • Preschool age: 20 – 30% • Elementary school students: 25 – 35% • Middle school students: 25 – 35% • High school students: 25 – 35% • Young and middle aged adults: 5 – 15% • Older adults: 5 – 10% • Overall: 10 – 20%
Current Vaccination Coverage in US • Coverage with mostly killed vaccine • Age 1-18 years: 5.0% • Age 19-64 years: 22.9% • Age ³65 years: 68.1%
Average Number of Cases Over Time: Baseline Epidemic in 2000 Person Subpopulation
Expected annual influenza illness attack rates in the US, by vaccine coverage levels among young and older children
Expected annual number of cases of influenza illness in the US, by vaccine coverage levels among young and older children
Expected annual influenza illness attack rates in the US, by vaccine coverage levels among pre-school and school children
Simulation Model Comparison to Texas Trial • Simulations run with vaccine coverage similar to past years in Temple • Assume that 41% of MAARI cases actually are infected with influenza* • Indirect effectiveness in adults • VEMAARI • VEadj *Halloran, et al., Am J Epidemiol, 158, 305-311 (2003)
Vaccine indirect effectiveness in adultsby vaccine coverage levels among children *1999-2000 and 2000-2001 seasons *20004-2005 season
Strategy to reduce influenza-related deaths in the elderly Deaths per 100,000, 65yrs + Current Vaccination Coverage
Strategy to reduce influenza-related deaths Deaths per 100,000, 65yrs + Current 20% 5-18yrs Vaccination Coverage
Strategy to reduce influenza-related deaths Deaths per 100,000, 65yrs + Current 20% 5-18yrs 50% 5-18yrs Vaccination Coverage
Strategy to reduce influenza-related deaths Deaths per 100,000, 65yrs + Current 20% 5-18yrs 50% 5-18yrs 70% 5-18yrs Vaccination Coverage
Strategy to reduce influenza-related deaths Deaths per 100,000, 65yrs + Current 20% 5-18yrs 50% 5-18yrs 70% 5-18yrs 90% 65yrs + Vaccination Coverage
Optimal Distribution of Vaccine* • Given a limited quantity of vaccine, how should it be distributed among age groups? • Given • The quantity available • The control objective (morbidity, mortality) • Optimization theory • Despite optimal strategy, always give to high risk first *Source: Patel, R., Longini, I.M., Halloran, M.E: Journal of Theoretical Biology (2005).
Weights • (presch, sch, ya, ma, oa) • Objective • Morbidity • (1,1,1,1,1) • Mortality per 10,000 illness • (0.263, 0.210, 2.942, 2.942, 199.8)
Conclusions and Recommendations • Mass vaccination of school children in concert with vaccination of high risk population • Vaccination of school children is more effective than the vaccination of pre-school children • Pandemic influenza • Determine high transmitting age groups from early epidemiological data • Conduct a nation-wide vaccine trial for mass vaccination of school children: state, regional or city level – Betz Halloran’s idea • Virologic sampling for infection confirmation important • Texas trial is answering this question, but a larger trial would be useful
Critical Information Gaps • What is the effect of mass vaccination of school children on a large scale? • Nation wide vaccine trial for mass vaccination of children could augment the Texas trial and help fill in this gap • How does live attenuated vaccine protect compared to killed vaccine? • Non-specific immunity and/or interference • Cross-protective immune responses • How well does influenza vaccine directly reduce transmission to others? • Well designed family and small group trials
Intervention Population* Control Population Overall Vac f Nonvac 1-f Nonvac Direct Indirect Total *Halloran and Struchiner (1991)
Multiple Pairs ······· m 1 2
Expected annual influenza illness attack rates and overall vaccine effectiveness, by vaccine coverage levels among children VE: 54% (4%, 97%) VEa: 22% (1%, 40%) VE: 63% (15%, 97%) VEa: 26% (6%, 40%) VE: 83% (53%, 98%) VEa: 34% (22%, 40%)
Mathematical Formulation • nk – number of people in age group k • ark – illness attack rate in age group k • wk – weight of an illness in age group k • fk – fraction of age group k vaccinated • V – total quantity of vaccine available • (ar1,ar2 , ….. , arK) is a function of (f1,f2 , ….. , fK)