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EEM332. Design of Experiments. Agenda. ANOVA with Excel and Minitab exercises. Example 3-1page62. Graphical examination of the data using scatter plots In Excel choose XY scatter plot In Minitab , choose >Graph>Plot>Specify X and Y variable.

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  1. EEM332 Design of Experiments EEM332 Lecture Slides

  2. Agenda ANOVA with Excel and Minitab exercises EEM332 Lecture Slides

  3. Example 3-1page62 • Graphical examination of the data using scatter plots • In Excel choose XY scatter plot • In Minitab , choose >Graph>Plot>Specify X and Y variable The scatter diagram indicates increasing etch rate with power EEM332 Lecture Slides

  4. Example 3-1page62 • Graphical examination of the data using boxplots • In Minitab , choose >Graph>Boxplots The boxplot indicates increasing etch rate with power EEM332 Lecture Slides

  5. Example 3-1page62 • Graphical examination of the data using Regression Model (page 86) • useful to see the response at intermediate factor levels • Linear Model • In Excel >Insert>Chart>XYScatter and add trendline and show equations EEM332 Lecture Slides

  6. Example 3-1page62 • Graphical examination of the data using Regression Model useful to see the • Response and intermediate factors • Quadratic Model – choose Polynomial order 2 EEM332 Lecture Slides

  7. Example 3-1page62 • Graphical examination of the data using Regression Model • In Minitab , choose >Stat>Regression Regression Analysis: Etch Rate versus RF Power The regression equation is Etch Rate = 138 + 2.53 RF Power Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 137.62 41.21 3.34 0.004 RF Power 2.5270 0.2154 11.73 0.000 S = 21.54 R-Sq = 88.4% R-Sq(adj) = 87.8% The boxplot indicates increasing etch rate with power EEM332 Lecture Slides

  8. Example 3-1page62 • ANOVA • In Minitab , choose >Stat>ANOVA>One-way • Can also tick Boxplot and Boxplot to select One-way ANOVA: Etch Rate versus RF Power Analysis of Variance for Etch Rat Source DF SS MS F P RF Power 3 66871 22290 66.80 0.000 Error 16 5339 334 Total 19 72210 • > Between treatment mean square >> within-treatment(error) mean square • F-value 66.8 > F 0.05,3,16 (3.24) • P-value is very small EEM332 Lecture Slides

  9. Analysis of variance – Exercises using Minitab Question 1 The tensile strength of portland cement is being studied. Four different mixing techniques can be used economically. A completely randomised experiment was conducted and the following data collected. Perform ANOVA using Minitab to test the hypotheses that mixing techniques affect the tensile strength EEM332 Lecture Slides

  10. Analysis of variance - Exercise Q 2 A manufacturer of television sets is interested in the effect of tube conductivity of four different types of coating for color picture tubes. The following conductivity data are obtained. Perform ANOVA using Minitab to test the hypotheses that coating types affect the conductivity. EEM332 Lecture Slides

  11. Analysis of variance - Exercises Q 3 Four different designs for a digital circuits are being studied in order to compare the amount of noise present. The following data have been obtained. Perform ANOVA using Minitab to test the hypotheses whether the noise are the same for all the four designs or not. EEM332 Lecture Slides

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