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Welcome!! Aligning Current Practices with Predictors of Post-School Success: Helping Teachers Plan for Action With Project Skills Presented By: Melissa Flor & Dan Rounds. Project Skills A Project of the South Dakota Department of Human Services Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Welcome!!Aligning Current Practices with Predictors of Post-School Success:Helping Teachers Plan for ActionWithProject SkillsPresented By:Melissa Flor & Dan Rounds
Project SkillsA Project of the South DakotaDepartment of Human ServicesDivision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Transition Services Liaison ProjectIn Collaboration with:SD Department of Human Services/Division of Rehabilitation Services and theDepartment of Education/Special Education Programs
Research Indicates:Students who participated in the Youth Transition Program with 2 or more paid jobs during high school were more likely to be engaged in post-school employment or education (Benz et al., 2000). Students who had worked for pay during high school were more likely to be living independently (Bullis et al., 1995).
Research Indicates:Students with two or more jobs during their last two years of high school were more likely to be engaged in post-school employment (Doren & Benz, 1998). Students who had a job at the time of high school exit were over 5 times more likely to be engaged in post-school employment (Rabren et al., 2002).
WHAT IS PROJECT SKILLS? Project Skills is unique to South Dakota. It is a paid work experience program for high school students with disabilities. The program is a cooperative arrangement between the state vocational rehabilitation agency and the local school districts.
PURPOSE OF PROJECT SKILLS Project Skills provides students the opportunity to learn different skills in a variety of job placements, with the assistance of a job coach.
PURPOSE OF PROJECT SKILLS • Build the student's work history, • Develop employment references, • Helps the student to move into different and better jobs as they mature and are ready to take on new challenges, • Helps them to identify Career Choices, • A tool to help assess work-place supports.
WHY PROJECT SKILLS IS NEEDED Often, students with disabilities don’t get an opportunity to gain paid work experience while in high school. Most employers can’t afford the training and supports students need on their first job.
WHY PROJECT SKILLS IS NEEDED Student Assessment • Self-Realization – Employment Goal • Environmental/Cultural aspects of the Workplace • Job Task Attainment (what works) • Workplace Supports Identified • Natural Supports • Non Work Related Supports Identified
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE The student must be: • 16 years or older • Be enrolled in a certified high school program and meeting academic and attendance standards (IEP Team) • Have an employment experience as part of an IEP • Apply for and be eligible for VR services
THE PROCESS • Student’s interests are identified (MPSG) • The school representative contacts employers for potential work site openings • The student, employer, VR counselor and school representative sign a Work Experience Agreement • Work Agreement identifies job duties and • What the student will learn on the job
THE PROCESS The School District has Options! • Provide the Services with School Staff • Utilize Cooperative Services (Coops) • Contract the Service with an Adult Service Agency or a Private Provider With all Options, Communication is a Must!
JOB COACHING Job coaching services are provided to support and train the student in the employment setting. This training usually starts with intensive services and gradually fades out as the student becomes more independent on the job. The amount and length of services depends upon the student’s needs.
FUNDING - Project Skills Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) funds wages, workers compensation, FICA and other costs directly related to the job. The school district is responsible for the matching funds for the wages paid to the student. This is done through job development, job coaching, and monitoring services on the work site.
MATCHING FUNDS For every $10.00 VR provides in paid work experience for the student, The school will provide about $3.50 for services such as, job development, job coaching and monitoring the student while on the work site.
THE RESULTS • Paid Work Experience • Workplace Culture Assessment • Work Skills Development/Assessment • Self Confidence and Self-Advocacy • Responsibility • Independence • Community Inclusion • Enhances Post-School Employment Outcomes
Predictor Implementation What Predictors of Post-School success are you implementing in your school? How can you implement more of the Predictors?
Project Skills and Predictor Implementation Looking at the Definitions for the Predictors, which of the 17 Predictors can be implemented when Districts offer the Project Skills program?
2013 INDICATOR 14 DATA Of the 91 students who were contacted and participated in Project Skills: • 12: Higher Education • 41: Competitively Employed • 6: Other Post-Secondary Education or Training • 10: Other Employment • 76% Engaged (69 students) • 22 were not engaged, however 10 participated, but did not meet the measurement criteria
INDICATOR 14 AND PROJECT SKILLS Preliminary data analysis of students who participated in Project Skills and surveyed one year after exiting, indicate: • 10% more likely to be competitively employed. • 20% more likely to be in post-secondary school. Based on Odds Ratio method • Preliminary regression data analysis are also indicating positive results.
South Dakota Indicator 14 Data Contact: Melissa Flor 605-773-8195 Melissa.Flor@state.sd.us
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A video and further details are available at: http://dhs.sd.gov/drs/projectskills/default.aspx Dan Rounds BHSSC Transition Services Liaison Project 605-224-5336 Ext. 218 drounds@tie.net