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A vision to see:. Students and Faculty t r a n s f o r m e d campuses renewed world changers developed. [ VISION ]. [ NEED ]. [ MISSION ]. [ VIEW LAST SLIDE ]. assumes God is irrelevant…. produces tremendous social pressure…. discourages spiritual development….

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  1. A vision to see: • Students and Faculty • t r a n s f o r m e d • campuses • renewed • world changers • developed [ VISION] [ NEED] [ MISSION] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  2. assumes God is irrelevant… produces tremendous social pressure… discourages spiritual development… results in student abandoning their faith. L o s tL i v e s The potential of 17 million college students is enormous. But the campus environment: [ VISION] [ NEED] [ MISSION] [ + ] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  3. Our M i s s i o n: We build diverse witnessing communities on campus that call faculty and students to Christ and develop them as spiritual leaders. [ NEED] [ MISSION] [ VALUES] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  4. God God’s Word God’s People of every ethnicity and culture God’s Purposes in the World G r o w i n g in Love for [ MISSION] [ VALUES] [ PROGRAM] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  5. Building Communities by: Spiritual Formation Bible Study Leadership Training Evangelism Mission Projects Multiethnic Ministry [ VALUES] [ PROGRAM] [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  6. More than sixty years of seeing lives transformed. ENDORSEMENTS CHANGED LIVES Marva Dawn Dallas Willard Miroslav Volf Harold Dean Trulear Vinoth Ramachandra [ PROGRAM] [ IMPACT] [ FUTURE] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  7. Two year GOALS: Build new evangelistic relationships with campus groups Start new small group Bible studies until there is a small group in every dorm Have 30 freshmen involved in discipling relationships with upperclassmen Sponsor four large group outreach meetings a year with 100 students Send 25% of our students on a summer mission trips [ IMPACT] [ FUTURE] [ BUDGET] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  8. Bringing hopes to reality Ministry Budget Campus Evangelism $8,000 One-on-One Student Discipleship $8,000 Leadership Training $8,000 Bible Study Strategy $6,000 Large Group Worship and Teaching $5,000 Fall and Spring Training Conferences $3,000 Mission Programs/Urban Projects $3,000 Annual Total $41,000 [ FUTURE] [ BUDGET] [ GIFT PLAN] [ P ] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  9. Investing in young lives Leadership Gifts 1 Gift of $10,000/year 1 Gift of $5,000/year 1 Gift of $3,000/year Major Gifts 2 Gifts of $200/month 2 Gifts of $150/month 3 Gifts of $100/month 4 Gifts of $75/month Sustaining Gifts 7 Gifts of $50/month 5 Gifts of $35/month 4 Gifts of $25 /month [ BUDGET] [ GIFT PLAN] [ APPENDIX] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  10. Appendix: Ministry Plan NEED Doctrine ECFA MISSION Purpose Urbana Core Commitments LINK/IFES VALUES Campuses PROGRAM Freshman Facts IVP IMPACT Trustees GFM FUTURE Statistics Camps BUDGET National Budget Special Ministries History GIFT PLAN Favorite [ APPENDIX] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  11. Growing in Love for God

  12. Growing in Love for God’s Word

  13. Growing in Love for God’s People

  14. Growing in Love for God’s Purposes in the World

  15. Alec Hill, President of InterVarsity




  19. CHANGED LIVES … Priscilla Mercado, alumna [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]



  22. CHANGED LIVES … Ron Mitchell, alumnus [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]


  24. CHANGED LIVES … Joan Marshall, alumna [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]




  28. Dr. Marva Dawn, Teaching Fellow at Regent College [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  29. Dr. Dallas Willard, Professor of Philosophy at USC [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  30. Dr. Miroslav Volf, Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  31. Dr. Harold Dean Trulear, Pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  32. Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students [ IMPACT] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  33. DOCTRINAL STATEMENT We believe in: The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things, existing eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—full of love and glory. The unique divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness and authority of the Bible. The value and dignity of all people: created in God's image to live in love and holiness, but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt, and justly subject to God’s wrath. Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine, who lived as a perfect example, who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place, and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord. Justification by God's grace to all who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit, who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service. The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ, manifest in worshipping and witnessing churches making disciples throughout the world. The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ, who will judge all people with justice and mercy, giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation but receiving the redeemed into eternal life. To God be glory forever. [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  34. College and University: We are called to be a redeeming influence among its people, ideas, and structures. Scripture: We encounter the living God through Scripture and are transformed by the Holy Spirit as we read, study, teach and obey His Word. Prayer: We express our faith, love, and dependence on God through lives of prayer and worship. Spiritual Formation: We cultivate intimacy with God and growth in Christ-like character through personal and corporate spiritual disciplines, empowered by the Spirit. Community: We promote authentic relationships and redemptive communities marked by God’s grace and truth. Discipleship of the Mind: We engage in learning and thoughtful biblical reflection in every area of life. Leadership Development: We develop women and men to serve as leaders at every level of InterVarsity and ultimately for the Kingdom of God, honoring God’s gifts and calling in them. Evangelism: We proclaim and live out the gospel with love and boldness, calling people to repentance, faith and new life in Jesus Christ. CORE COMMITMENTS [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  35. Whole Life Stewardship: We proclaim Jesus as Lord over all creation and culture, striving to integrate faith, life, and vocation in serving Him. Ethnic Reconciliation and Justice: We pursue ethnic reconciliation by practicing mutual empowerment, grace, and truth and by promoting personal and systemic justice. Church: We partner with churches in campus ministry and equip students, faculty, and staff to be lifelong active members in local congregations. Missions: We serve God and partner with His people to extend His kingdom cross-culturally on campus and around the world. CORE COMMITMENTS [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  36. In response to God's love, grace and truth: The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: Growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture, God's purposes in the world PURPOSE STATEMENT [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  37. 65.9% are concerned about having enough money to pay for college 46.8% expect to work in college to help pay bills 6.4% plan to work fulltime (4 year, fulltime students) 32.9% consider following politics a "very important" or "essential" goal (60.3% said that in 1966) 57.9% support the right of gay couples to legally marry 26.7% said they intended to participate in a study-abroad programduring college 52.4% said they have a good chance of being satisfied with college FRESHMAN STUDENTS 2006… [ NEED] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  38. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2007 Ken Nielsen, Chair Danbury, CT Rudy Hernandez, Vice Chair San Antonio, TX Alexander Hill, President Madison, WI Alice S. Chou Raleigh, NC David Clark Burnsville, MN Crystal D. Crawford Los Angeles, CA Kenneth G. Elzinga Charlottesville, VA William C. Gates South Bend, IN Lynn Kolowsky Niantic, CT David R. Laube Golden, CO Larry Langdon Palo Alto, CA Karen Longman Greenville, IL Allen W. Mathis, III Childersburg, AL Dennis O’Neal College Station, TX Ken Perez Menlo Park, CA Bob Sparks Castro Valley, CA Virginia G. Viola Boston, MA Judy Kennedy* Arden, Ont. *Associate Trustee [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  39. Undergraduate Ministry 573 campuses 843 chapters 32,239 undergraduate students involved 58% women/42% men 37,000 participating in evangelistic events 2,030 new believers 8,619 “not-yet” Christians in chapters 3,200 students in cross-cultural missions 6,107 students in camps Ethnic & Focus Ministries (# of students) 4,113 Asian American 2,176 Black/African American 913 Hispanic/Latino 72 Native American 841 multi-racial 4,112 Grad/Faculty Ministries 3,466 International Student Ministries 1,763 Nurses Christian Fellowship 2,182 Greek Ministry STATISTICS(taken from the 2006 annual reports) Staff 1,561 total staff (employees and volunteers) 868 field staff 80.8% White 11.8% Asian 4.1% Black 2.8% Hispanic .4% Native American 135 National Service Center 83 InterVarsity Press 129 staff attending new staff orientation Financial $54,964,000 donations $13,462,000 book & media sales $ 4,676,000 conference fees $ 514,000 investment income $73,606,000 total revenue [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  40. NATIONAL BUDGET Administration 8% Cost of Sales 7% Operating 74% Donations 64% Communication& Fundraising 6% Other 2% Other 5% Conference Fees 14% Book & Media Sales 20% [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  41. Our movement began with students at the University of Cambridge, England, in 1877. In spite of the disapproval of some University officials, a group of Christian students began to meet together to pray, to study the Bible, and to witness to fellow students. Soon, similar groups sprung up on other campuses. Eventually, they formed the British Inter-Varsity (hence our name, inter - meaning between, varsity - the British term for college level students). From the very beginning they had a strong concern to take the gospel to those all over the world who had never heard it - a concern that continues in InterVarsity today. In response to a plea for help, British InterVarsity sent Howard Guinness, a medical school graduate and vice-chairman of the British movement, to Canada in1928. Students helped raise the money to provide one-way passage to Canada. Between bouts of seasickness, Guinness led his cabin mate to Christ during the crossing. As God supplied the funds, he slowly worked his way across Canada, starting up and assisting evangelical student groups. [ + ] [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  42. By 1937, the Canadians began to hear requests for help from students in the United States as independent evangelical student groups began springing up. In 1938, Stacey Woods, the Canadian InterVarsity director, met with students on the University of Michigan campus. As an immediate result of that visit, students formed the first InterVarsity chapter in the United States. • In 1939, InterVarsity Canada appointed three staff members to work in the States. Then, in May 1941, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA officially began. Students actively seeking to represent Christ on their campuses were joined by itinerant staff members who aided them in evangelism. • By 1950, there were 35 staff serving students in 499 InterVarsity chapters across the country. InterVarsity Press had been started to supply quality literature suitable for the campus. And the Urbana Student Missions Convention had begun the tradition of calling every student generation to consider global missions. By the early seventies there were more than 200 staff. [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  43. Financial Accountability InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The continued use of the ECFA seal is an indication of InterVarsity compliance with the highest standards of financial management. On an annual basis InterVarsity is audited by a professional outside firm. Financial statement and audit summaries are available from the national office upon request. The ECFA standards can be accessed at www.ecfa.org. [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  44. The Urbana Student Mission Convention has challenged more than 220,000 people with world missions since 1946. It is sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of Canada. Urbana 06 was held in St. Louis, Missouri. [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  45. IFES New Zealand Portugal Senegal Haiti Zambia Greece Liberia Chad Mexico Sweden InterVarsity is a part of the larger movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), a network of indigenous, autonomous student movements in 140 countries. Through this partnership, InterVarsity participates in a worldwide fellowship and contributes to the spread of student ministry. InterVarsity Link is the ministry of IVCF that provides opportunities for student ministry around the world through the IFES. Link recruits, trains, sends, and cares for recent graduates and InterVarsity staff who work in an IFES setting overseas. Barbados Albania Hong Kong Angola Armenia Benin Canada Argentina Lebanon Australia Spain Nigeria Indonesia Botswana Russia Burkina Faso Bolivia Chile India Nepal France Kenya Congo El Salvador Pakistan Italy Liberia Bangladesh Peru Norway [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]


  47. InterVarsity Press (IVP) isInterVarsity Christian Fellowship's publishing arm. IVP publishes books and resources that equip and encourage people to follow Jesus as Savior and Lord. Many of these books and publications have been translated into more than 50 languages. INTERVARSITY PRESS [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  48. GFM Graduate and Faculty Ministries (GFM) encourages students and faculty to think, pray, serve, and live as scholars and disciples within the academic world. They provide student and faculty leadership, discipline-specific fellowships and discussion groups, national networks, faculty newsletters, summer seminars, summer mission projects, national and regional conferences, individual discipleship, and leadership development. [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

  49. Many chapter and regional training events are held at InterVarsity's four camp facilities — Campus by the Sea on California's Catalina Island; Bear Trap Ranch in the Rocky Mountains; Cedar Campus on Michigan's Upper Peninsula; and Toah Nipi near Rindge, New Hampshire. CAMPING [ VIEW LAST SLIDE]

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