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Unit Outline Information Security Risk Assessment

Unit Outline Information Security Risk Assessment. Module 1: Introduction to Risk Module 2: Definitions and Nomenclature  Module 3: Security Risk Assessment Module 4-5: Methodology and Objectives Module 6: Case Study Module 7: Summary. Module 3 Security Risk Assessment.

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Unit Outline Information Security Risk Assessment

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  1. Unit OutlineInformation Security Risk Assessment Module 1: Introduction to Risk Module 2: Definitions and Nomenclature  Module 3: Security Risk Assessment Module 4-5: Methodology and Objectives Module 6: Case Study Module 7: Summary

  2. Module 3Security Risk Assessment

  3. Security Risk AssessmentLearning Objectives • Students should be able to: • Define security risk assessment • Understand and choose between assessment types • Types of risk reduction • Metrics of effective security • Understand limitations to security risk assessment

  4. Security Risk AssessmentOverview • Definition • Security risk assessment identifies existing IT vulnerabilities and recommends countermeasures for mitigating potential risks • Goal • Make the infrastructure more secure • Identify risks and reduce them • Consequences of Failure • Loss of services • Financial loss • Loss of reputation • Legal consequences

  5. Security Risk AssessmentTypes • Intrusive • Vulnerability Scan • Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking) • Non-Intrusive • Security Audit • Vulnerability Assessment • Risk Analysis • All have the goal of identifying vulnerabilities and improving security • Differ in rules of engagement and limited purpose of the specific engagement (what is allowed, legal liability, purpose of analysis, etc.).

  6. Security Risk Assessment: Non-Intrusive 1. Security Audit • Security Audit - Independent review and examination of system records & activities to determine adequacy of system controls, ensure compliance of security policy & operational procedures, detect breaches in security, and recommend changes in these processes.1 • Features • Formal Process • Paper Oriented (Review Policies for Compliance and Best Practices) • Review System Configurations (Questionnaire, or Console based) • Automated Scanning • Checklists 1 http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_security_audit.html

  7. Security Risk Assessment: Non-Intrusive 2. Vulnerability Assessment • Vulnerability Assessment is: • determination of state of risk associated with a system based upon thorough analysis • includes recommendations to support subsequent security controls/decisions. • takes into account business, as well as legal constraints. • Involves more testing than traditional paper audit • Primarily required to identify weaknesses in the information system • Steps • Identify security holes in the infrastructure • Look but not intrude into the systems • Focus on best practices (company policy is secondary)

  8. Security Risk Assessment: Non-Intrusive 3. Risk Analysis • Risk Analysis – identification or study of: • an organization’s assets • threats to these assets • system’svulnerability to the threats • Risk Analysis is done in order to determine exposure of the assets and potential loss. • Computationally intensive & requires data to: • Compute probabilities of attack • Valuation of assets • Efficacy of the controls • More cumbersome than audit or • assessment and usually requires an • analytically trained person

  9. Security Risk AssessmentVarious Types

  10. Security Risk AssessmentHow to Choose • Security audit, vulnerability assessment and risk analysis have similar goals. • The method is selected based on • Organizational Objectives • Available Resources • Time Horizon • Process • Capability Matrix • Resource Matrix • Cost/Asset Analysis • In general the cost of the analysis should not be more that the perceived benefits

  11. Security Risk AssessmentHow to Choose: Capability Matrix • Capability matrix matches the methods to their capabilities • Expand the matrix to include all the requirements of the organization • Match the capabilities to the requirement

  12. Security Risk AssessmentHow to Choose: Resource Matrix • Resource matrix matches the resources available to resources required • Data, Manpower • Organizations differ in the resources required (and available) based on its specific needs

  13. Security Risk Assessment: Intrusive1. Vulnerability Scan • Definition • Scan the network using automated tools to identify security holes in the network • Usually a highly automated process • Fast and cheap • Limitations • False findings • System disruptions (due to improperly run tools) • Differences in regular scans can often identify new vulnerabilities

  14. Security Risk Assessment: Intrusive2. Penetration Testing • Definition (Ethical Hacking) • Simulated attacks on computer networks to identify weaknesses in the network. • Steps • Find a vulnerability • Exploit the vulnerability to get deeper access • Explore the potential damage that the hacker can cause • Example • Scan web server: Exploit buffer overflow to get account • Scan database (from web server) • Find weakness in database: Retrieve password • Use password to compromise firewall

  15. Security Risk AssessmentRisk Reduction Three strategies for risk reduction: • Avoiding the risk • by changing requirements for security or other system characteristics • Transferring the risk • by allocating risk to other systems, people, organizations assets or by buying insurance • Assuming the risk • by accepting and controlling it with available resources

  16. Security Risk AssessmentEffective Security • Effective security relies on several factors • Security Risk Assessments • Policies & Procedures • Education (of IT staff, users, & managers) • Configuration Standards/Guidelines • OS Hardening • Network Design • Firewall Configuration • Router Configuration • Web Server Configuration • Secure Coding Practices

  17. Security Risk AssessmentLimitations • Often locates previously known issues • Provides false sense of security • Just the first step • Needs due diligence in applying the recommendation of the assessment • Becomes obsolete rapidly • Needs to be repeated periodically

  18. What is Security Risk Assessment?Case • Consider the three cases that are provided to you and determine the type of security analysis approach you would choose. • A worksheet is provided with the matrices that you can fill out. • An example solution is in the following slides.

  19. Solution

  20. Security Risk AssessmentSmall Business Case • The Natural Soap case has been given the following assessment in the capability and resource matrices:

  21. Security Risk AssessmentLarge Corporation Case • The GE Energy case has been given the following assessment in the capability and resource matrices:

  22. Security Risk AssessmentGovernment Agency Case • The State Agency case has been given the following assessment in the capability and resource matrices:

  23. Security Risk AssessmentSummary • Security risk assessment is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in order to determine controls and can be intrusive or non-intrusive. • Intrusive methods involve actual testing of the system (e.g. vulnerability scanning and penetration testing). • Non-intrusive methods are security audit, risk analysis, and vulnerability assessment. • To determine when to use a particular non-intrusive method, it is important to consider the goals of the assessment as well as the resources necessary.

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